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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. I am a writer I'll bite. The company supplying tables/chairs/tablecloths did arrive.However several of the cloths were damaged. Why I now despise the color pink. My Mexican helper lady (from Jalisco - wife of my dad's super employee) helped me find a pink bobbin for the sewing machine and we stitched them together as I ran back and forth testing the sauce, the potato salad and figuring out how to manage the bread bakes. (no white dress on my bod at this point) Then the breeze came up and all the little tables vases fell over so we ran round gathering small stones to put in them to hold down. The valet guys alerted me that lot of peeps were here. OK maybe put that dress on. At this point only diet coke had been consumed last 24 or more hours... Beef started to smell "done" so had them carve and tent outer layer. Ultimately only compliments esp the BBQ sauce. I think I secretly like the rush of deadline and chaos! Photos are apparently in a deeply buried place somewhere...
  2. Agreed - that self help idea = disaster. There is much food science by the producers. I think sourcing is the issue. Next time I buy it I will do a better side view . Some producers are trying to mimic the "shred/flake" of real crab. What I get has a real "chew:. Onward
  3. Oh hell we did homemade BBQ sauce for the spit roasted beef and lamb (Croatian guys came with their rig outside), all the other salads and starches by myself and the older grammy types who had come from across country and Canada. . I did order the cake - different flavor in each layer and only flower petals (organic) from my florist friend. (yes the chocolate layer ended up smashed on my dress) Certainly took my mind off of things before walked down the "aisle" back lawn when a small plane buzzed us and nobody could hear the judge (I'd been his flower girl when he married). Guitarist was best friend's brother (an aerospace engineer) and the singer and band were from high school doing covers from that era. There were many other hilarious moments. I ate nothing and almost passed out after the one glass of champagne the neighbor handed me.
  4. I just called my big fish market - $14.99/lb - from Northern California.
  5. Applaud your efforts and sorry about the challenges. I have always done huge gatherings with buffet style/come as you wish over many hours. Heck I catered my 200+ guest wedding... At some point I embraced paper plates, aluminum disposable pans and concentrated on good food and company. No last minute prep. My take. Oh currently so windy the house is practically shuddering...
  6. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    Snap - I thought it was smoking break/snacktime. They like their word play
  7. All the Asian markets have them. More around the Christmas/New Year holidays. Particularly in Torrance/Gardena which is heavily Japanese/Hawaiian Hawaiian Host pretty local https://www.hawaiianhost.com/our-legacy/ Same city as Nissin (ramen)
  8. Hhmm - never had the milk chocolate ones. The place is littered with them cuz of our local ties with Hawaii. Will keep an eye out. Honestly though I find macadamias not as interesting as say roasted almonds when combined with chocolate. Beautiful nuts though. Used to jeep a bowlful of unshelled as a coffee table conversation piece. I think you either have to run them over under the car tire or have a cockatoo crack them for you No prominent seam.
  9. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Ha! I assumed beer + chips & dip (Lipton onion preferably)
  10. I think it is a reaching for new, different, attention grabbing. Like the 3 bazillion Pocky and chip flavors. Shudders were induced by viewing the oysters!
  11. @edsel Thanks - looks like a happy bunch of diners
  12. Well that was embarassing...... I CAN laugh at myself.
  13. heidih

    RIP member joiei

    It is sometimes astonishing the impact people make that they are unaware of. Like that stone skimming the water - the unexpected ripples.
  14. Ah the urban legend of pasta. I've always thought women just figured it out in parallel across the continents.Did not need those explorer guys
  15. That is amusing. Great shot composition. Imagine the sun on the dark car really heats up the drying process. My friends used to laugh and ask why there was a tofu container on my back lawn- Taiwanese neighbor would put a treat in it and shove under hole in back fence for piggy labrador. I've done the drying of stuff like that in the front - neighbors just shake their heads and walk on.
  16. I am in Southern California - a hot bed of veggie burgers from way back. Veggie Grill https://www.veggiegrill.com/ is a big chain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veggie_Grill They partnered with the Beyond Meat folks. But I am not seeing huge buzz on the burger end. Too many other tasty options - perhaps we are spoiled with decent choices.
  17. Neither has the US but we certainly ran with it ') When we started getting the ones with multiple flavor packets - the salty bit, the oil with allium of some sort, and dry hot spice - my son was quite happy. He always augmented from pantry but this was all inclusive in the overly cheap packet. The rice noddle ones always seemed a bit too mushy for me.
  18. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    I grew up with Adelle Davis on the bookshelf so I kinda scream "oh gosh" when I see nutritional yeast. More recently it has become an umami golden child particularly in vegan cuisine. I need to re-acquaint myself.
  19. Perhaps some of the response difference is that we taste bitter differently - there are genetic variables. Bitter to me for instance is just normal part of the taste profile while some friends will have a startling reaction. Certainly broader input is good - but just a thought.
  20. I used my OG (old guy) for broccoli soup today and noticed the caution "household type" implying a "Braunier" version. The other 2 I found in the garage. Not my personal ones. I like the blend container in the boxed one - does not seem to have been used.
  21. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    @Margaret Pilgrim I do find that mustard pairs so well with cruciferous veggies like the b-sprouts. Looks really appealing.
  22. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    In my local experience in Bò 7 món the leaf is la lot. We have a huge Viet population - no idea if what they use is typical but never had it fibrous or stringy. https://www.vietworldkitchen.com/blog/2016/06/beef-wild-betel-leaf-recipe-la-lot.html One of our favorite communal meals.
  23. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Does daikon crisp well?
  24. What are you blending? Our 2 Brauns are 30+ years old. Not as much used as yours but steady beasts. Maybe lay in some lightly used older ones when they were better made. Probably cheap.
  25. Nissin started just down the road. The bachelor and uni student's inexpensive friend. They sell it round here in case lots. https://nissinfoods.com/ often the first thing hungry teen boys "learn" to cook. History is interesting https://nissinfoods.com/our-story
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