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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Lunch 2023

    What a beautiul fish. Looks like it flakes nicely. So an open face sandwichAnyy saauce or spread on the bread
  2. forgot to say I like a touch Dijon mustard stirred in near end. Always good with greens As to the swett potatoes, rolls like this might be a nice accompaniment...https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/sweet-potato-rolls-recipe
  3. I agree no sweet potatoes cuz of mush facttor. I don't think you need mire than the beans and greens, plus lots o black pepper. With the great smoked turkey I also think bacon is overkill. Its a simple hearty peasant soup - comfort. Too much stuff can muddle flavors.
  4. heidih

    Dinner 2023

    My trick with that salty stuff is to dice some potato, simmer till tender and mix into the StoveTop as it cooks.
  5. We discussed the pink pineapples when they were announced https://forums.egullet.org/topic/161558-del-monte-announces-pink-fleshed-pineapple/ Guess price dropped a tad....
  6. Wow thanks for sharing that story. To give those kids their first Thanksgiving meal and it sounds like it was joyful which is key.Not about perfection, but rather people.
  7. heidih

    Garlic Confit

    I find them much less pungent but like the convenience
  8. You jest - a week ! What magician workers and city inspectors do you have in pocket
  9. Your "why" would help
  10. heidih

    Garlic Confit

    And I end up with a garlic oil hand cream treatment
  11. heidih

    Garlic Confit

    I do what @blue_dolphin does. The posted recipe seems unnecessarily fiddly and oil ratio high/. I use my adorable mini LeCreuset knock-off My hands don't peel garrlic well but Korean market sells bags of peeled super cheap.
  12. You might want to research that bacteria assumption.
  13. I used to go to a Food4Less. Large, nonmembership, warehouse style. Customers bagged own groceries. Chain now Kroger owned. Many big chains employ special needs people as baggers. I've watched the trainers. Very impressive.
  14. heidih

    Dinner 2023

    Veal, pork, or chicken? Thickness looks like chicken breast?
  15. The larb I've had in Thai places or made at home is a light dish. Sometimes served with lettuce leaves to wrap. The soy + liquid aminos and especially sesame oil seems like it would dull sprightly taste. Like way too much going on.
  16. I decided to make a small batch of cranberry sauce yesterday. Halved recipe on bag and added dollop of orange marmalade + reduced sugar a bit. I'd not made any since Pandemic started. I forgot how enjoyable that bright sweet tart is. Just enough to fill a Bonne Maman jam jar.
  17. The novelty, the color.
  18. No not exactly a singleton item. I did buy a young rhea once thinking I'd get huge eggs - white though. But Ethel turned out to be an Ed...
  19. I think we discussed emu eggs before. I've seen cooks poke holes on either end and blow out. Thus getting you the egg innards and preserving the shell for decorative purposes. I've lived near train lines and the sound can be almost soothing like a creek BUT the crossing whistle blowing can jar you awake.
  20. Poor Ed. I thought I'd mention something about lasagna noodles - apparrently the instant ones you do not pre-boil can contain egg -
  21. As gross as it sounds many adore it. I put it in the category of ambrosia - that canned mandarin, pineapple, minimarshmallow and coconut thing with sour cream
  22. What are you trying to achieve in terms of future use? I toast walnut halves all the time for my dad. Toss with bit olive oil and garlic salt. Two minutes in the wimpy MW, stir, and anothe two. Pecans and walnuts are similar
  23. We have an old Cranberry Sauce topic https://forums.egullet.org/topic/31835-cranberry-sauce/ I usually do the back of bag with less sugar and some orange peel/juice, maybe ginger, or just a hint warm spice. However, my last grocery order presented me with a 2 pound bag - very plump. Tossed in freezer. Any new thoughts this year? I'll continue to play as I love the tart/sweet as a side to curries, and should lamb shank be the main - yes.
  24. Food processor
  25. My hands do not work well anymore. My trick is to cut stem end off and slice thickly, then crosswise. I don't need even pieces.The papery peel and next tough layer I just pop off after the thick slices. Personally I find they get an unpleasnt smell within day or so. freezing would soften them but seems ok for your use. I'd caution that aggressiveness of FP releases something chemically unpleasant to me unless used right away
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