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Posts posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. this thread convinced me ..I am going to gather bags from around the house and just put them in my trunk ..then take them in the store when I shop and actually start using them again

    there is not a single reason on the planet I can not do this and why I got so complacent about it is beyond me

    thanks for the reminder

  2. Is there anyone here who can explain how to make grilled lime juice?  its an ingredient in the $51 margarita the Vault and i`m curious about how to make it..not The vault but the grilled lime juice! and from that maybe a grilled lime syrup could be made..

    while I can not even imagine ever paying that much for a drink and do love a good tequila neat

    that is not really what you asked so I can answer your question about the lime juice ...

    slice a lime in half grill until there are grill marks on each side and use a lime press to get the juice out ..this is a very good juice and should not be underestimated!

    lots of juice comes form a good lime when you grill it so a few limes go a long way

    I have only used it in a fantastic version of mojito myself ..or for marinades, sauces ..not for a margarita ...

    hope this helps

  3. if you go to a Mexican market they sell the exact wafers you are looking for ..with out any filling ..unless you feel compelled to make it they are a perfect substitute for what you are trying to do

    they are big wafer discs ..they are used to sandwich dulce de leche or cajeta ... really cheap and then make your own filling and frosting

    good luck

  4. I wish grocers charged per bag is all I can say ...I know stores in Canada do and it takes a min for you to think when they ask "how many bags do you need?"

    We do large grocery shopping on the millitary bases near by where the baggers work for tips only, no wages. It is great exercise and the money is good ..during the week it is a lot of retired folks doing the bagging and most of them realize the bigger tips go to the good packers (like no coconut on top of the eggs) ...not the number of the bags but the way they are packed...they are happy to pack your bring along bags as well ..on the weekend however ..bless their hearts it is all really young kids who think that the number of bags increase the tips ...so they will put single items in bags and use an insane number if you don't stop them!

    I have actually thought about being a bagger when I retire from nursing :smile:

    I used cloth bags for years but got complacent ..we do recycle all our bags after reusing them and feel guilty for not using the cloth ones ..so I guess to ease my guilt I should gather them all up from all over the house and toss them in the trunk again

    on the same note we never even take bags for single items when we shop ..there is a box in the back of my car that I just toss odds and ends of my wandering shopping into and then when I get home take the box in the house ...also I dont bag produce that does not "need" a bag ..I will bag habaneros ..string beans ..mushrooms ..but never bag things like jicama, bananas, anything I buy just a few of

  5. thanks you guys I bet I not only over baked it but put it in the wrong oven ...that is why my enchiladas took so long ..duh!

    it will be a while before I make another cheesecake but all the things note are taken so the next time I will be more careful

    that was about the ugliest thing I have ever made ..even fixed it looked awful on the plate and then to slice it and find the mouse holes..argh ..but not a crumb left

  6. how is your garden growing?

    I put in potatoes this weekend between the rain, snow, hail, sun, rain, snow, hail sun..repeat repeat repeat...and then realized I had planted red, white and blue potatoes! I did not think about it before hand

    but how patriotic my frist potato salad will be! :smile:

    I also thinned moved and gave away a lot of herb starts ...

    fruit trees are all ready to burst into flowers any second now!

    the quince is just loaded with buds

    lots of chives and parsley all over the yard ..

    flowers coming up everywere

    hummingbirds buzzing my head every time I walk out the door

    spring is here ..between the rain, snow and hail :raz:

  7. it did not taste over baked ...but that could have been it as well ..over mixed overbaked...

    seem to both be the problem ...I just have not ever had this happen before!!! I wonder now if my two oven temps got confused as well ..I baked enchiladas in one oven and the cake in the other maybe the hot oven was the cake?

    oh well too late to fret about that now! ...

    dinner was great and people left content and smiling ..

    the cake barely hit the table and it was gone folks loved it cracks and all ..they thought it was hysterical

    success :smile:

    thanks for the help and comments

  8. gallery_51681_4569_27951.jpgTexas Chainsaw Cheesecake!!!

    with the mousse below ..it does look better at least I am not mortified! I just have to slide it (carefully) onto a nice plate (not on the floor) and sprinkle some toasted almonds on top ...(thanks so much Sugarseattle my sweet neighbor up north..it will be fine my friends are not that judgmental( ..we can eat dessert by the fire in the dark and no one will notice maybe?


    If only my food looked as good as it tastes!!!..the visual appeal is just not there!

  9. your cheesecake may have been overbeaten, because the cracks are the eggs rising and falling...or you may have overbaked slightly.

    you can easily mask this with a cream cheese mousse...using the paddle, whip a bit of cream cheese with some sugar, then gradually add some whipping cream until the mixture is homogeneous, then switch to the whisk and whip to stiff peaks...you can use the mousse to spackle the cracked top of your cheesecake (but not the sides). it will be whiter than the filling (so it will show when you cut it), but it will at least make the top look nice.

    then, since you're dulce de leche, if you have any caramel substance, you can drizzle this over the cheesecake.

    i do this all the time because it makes a nice white backdrop say for lemon curd or whatever you want on top.

    a good ratio is 6oz cream cheese, 2 oz sugar, and 12 oz cream with about 1T vanilla added after beating.

    you are so awesome thank you!!!! OOO

    XXX I am going to do this!!!

    ...I will take a picture maybe :raz:

  10. I made a dulce de leche cheesecake and used a water bath ....how stupid ..I never had more than a tiny crack in the top of my cakes and who cares but a perfectionist anyway? ..but i wanted it to be perfect today ..so I thought what the heck and tried putting a pan of hot water in the oven under the cake...

    well it is CAVERNOUS ..there are huge valleys and mountains and caves ...it is horrible I have no idea what the Hell happened? this recipe is basic cheesecake I have made it a million times...

    I can not toss it out it is too late to make another dessert for dinner today ..what can I do to make it look better???

    should I just top it with whipping cream? ..serve it cavernous and pretend it was supposed to be like that? ...or ..is there another spackle I could use to cover this that would not take over the cake? give me something please because my brain just exploded and I have no cells left to work with here

    I am so upset ...this cake looks really bad ..

  11. I have made them in a crock pot and used powdered sugar to get the glaze ..once they were done they stayed dry and crispy for a few days it depends on how often the bag is opened I think as well as to how long they will stay fresh....you can google crockpot sugar glazed nuts or whatever.....try one of the recipes and see what you think

    I think roasting nuts in the crockpot is ideal and the glazed ones were good I made them sweet hot and salty

    or you will really have to just make a candy glaze and add the nuts like a brittle/toffee recipe but the nuts stay appart?

    I dont know just tossing ideas

  12. I think I have Nettles in my side yard. how do I know for sure?

    stick your bare hand in.....:)

    YUP :smile: you learn that they are what they are when you do that!!!

    you can also dry nettles and make a very good for you tea!

  13. Thanks Tsquare I am going to put the potatoes in today ..no matter how the weather turns out ..I am going to put three kinds in the bed and see what happens ...

    my peas are popping up ..the rhubarb has small leaves on it and is going to take up a huge part of the yard in many places this year that is for sure!!! but it is so pretty and tastes so good..who cares... I can not wait to see if the new raised beds have any sprouts today ...the snow may have caused a little delay in that ...

    all my bulbs are up now they look so pretty ...a few of the sedums are blooming as well ...

    my goal is to have a perpetual flower and vegetable garden ..very possible here ....

  14. thank you so much for sharing this with us ..I am going to start a huge kitchen "model" it is not a "re" because this room has never been finished to begin with but it is the "model" part and we are doing all the work oursleves ...so I watch with a great deal of interest when someone like you is kind enough to share your adventure

    so thank you! and I am glad you found your Champagne PHEW!!!!

  15. I have yet to find a FTV program I can say I like ...honeslty they all get on my nerves...for all my life I have watched pbs cooking shows and learned so much ..when I lived in Panama I watched cooking shows and learned Spanish and how to improve my cooking skills at the same time...I wish there was something on FTV that would draw me in but every time I turn it on there she is Rachel or Paula ..and all I want to do is Kack!... it is like nails scraping on a chalkboard listening and watching them ..I dont care for the line up and have tried to make it through many of the shows but can't ...the channel ...well since it has the line up I dont care for ...I dont care for it either!

    PBS cooking shows sadly have not had any great draw for me either anymore

    I am old school I guess ...

    and old school is not popular evidently has no commercial value either

    I think I fall in to the catagory of folks who want to learn something new when I watch a cooking show..not just be entertained badly...

    I hate when folks say did you see "blah blah's show" and I say "I dont watch FTV" and they say "I thought you loved to cook you really should watch it"

    blech ....call me a "hater" but really I could care less it exists or is even on tv ...I just don't watch it

  16. aboslute must for spring is cream of nettle soup

    saute the nettles in butter ...add some chicken stock and puree ...add cream salt and pepper

    nothing else


  17. none of the dough but here you go the ones I just ate are these :smile:


    I used some saffron cardamom and golden raisins in the dough and topped it with an orange rosewater glaze..really light on all the flavors ..these are really good

    I like this dough ...a lot!!!

  18. today I used just about 3 1/2 cups of KA all purpose and the texture was perfect again ...( I have been using the printed recipe instead of how he says to do it) but am slapping it just like he says...the recipe he is using appears doubled from the printed one

    I will take pics when the buns are done I did not think about taking the dough shots ..but it looks like his!

  19. really soon for us in the PNW of the US...Chufi!!! really soon!!! look at my babies just waiting ...soon I will have MONSTER plants filling a hill and all up under that bamboo


    It is a war between the bamboo and the rhubarb now

    I want to say my first spring pleasure from the garden is the very first stalk of rhubarb...yanked up ..washed and eaten like celery ..gives me shivers ..the good kind

    then I love to make all kinds of things ...

    I have yet to make a jelly and will have to try that!

    purist here as well ..such a beautiful pie with all those leaves...no mixing! at least not until you have your absolute fill of all the 100% rhubarb goodness

    nothing else tastes like this plant!

    I do like to make at least one batch of syrup early on out of it ..for drinks!!!

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