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Posts posted by Porthos

  1. On 12/28/2022 at 9:44 PM, Smithy said:

    Our aforementioned cases of Covid-19 seem to be mild. I'm pretty much over it, and my darling is a few days behind me but generally okay (except for being grumpy as a peacock caught showing when the sprinklers turned on). We're counting our blessings -- I, more than he, so far -- for getting off lightly, but neither of us has been terribly interested in cooking or eating.

    COVID-19 absolutely flatened me. Forget eating. So weak I had to use a walker to get the 10 feet to the bathroom.  I'm grateful that you are weathering it so much better.


    • Sad 8
  2. 1 hour ago, heidih said:

    DESK - sorry major hand issue

    Nope, our liquor cabinet.  The other 3 bedrooms are designated as the office,  the guest bedroom, and my Sweetie's sewing room. 





    Here's the aforementioned cat, Sassy. 




    • Like 10
  3. On 12/12/2022 at 1:59 PM, Anna N said:

    I never ever understood saltines. I guess I’m missing that gene.

    For me a stack, as in an entire stack,  of saltines and a glass of milk is a sublime treat.  I had to give it up when I found out what it did to my triglycerides(?). Now Wheat Thins and hummus serves that purpose.

    • Like 5
  4. If you should change your mind and want to get another RevereWare pan, don't buy new. When mfg went off-shore the quality disappeared. They warp quickly.  Because I'm a thrift shopping nut I always check for RevereWare that shows that they're old and made in the U.S.  I have several pieces in my pots and pans that came from thrift stores.  I can certainly afford other new pans, but RevereWare holds a special place in my heart. When my mother emptied out her kitchen to move into assisted living I claimed the 3 qt that I grew up with. I won't say I'm old but I was born during Eisenhower's 1st administration. 

    • Like 7
  5. Oysters. Tried they as a teenager in San Francisco, didn't care for them. Tried them once more as an adult while in Houston at a restaurant known for seafood, still didn't care for them. Some day in the future my best friend is going to make his fried oysters and I give them another try then.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Katie Meadow said:

    In high school my daughter developed a fixation with boba tea. She was at Berkeley High and downtown Berkeley was lousy with brand new shops to get the stuff. Not that I had high expectations, but one time she convinced me to try it and it was worse than I ever imagined. I had a similar experience with McDonald's fries. Believe it or not, until about four years ago I had never been inside a McDonalds. We were driving down from the Bay Area to my niece's graduation in southern CA. It was rainy and cold and I got this idea in my head that I wanted some nice hot fries. Despite my spotless record of avoiding McD's for seventy or so years their fries do have reputation. They were terrible.

    One person's trash is another person's treasure. By far my favorite fries. The rest of the menu - meh.

  7. 7 hours ago, Darienne said:

    Nutella.  We had read so much about it and then one time while in our home away from home (Moab, UT) we bought a jar and tried it.  Thought it was sickeningly sweet and not much else.  Gave it to the motel cleaning ladies. 

    My Sweetie decided to buy some several years ago. It was much sweeter than she thought it would be, which means she didn't care for it. I can't remember if I tried. The jar sat around for a while. Not sure if we gave it away or tossed it.

    • Like 2
  8. I'm not a fan of traditional scrambled eggs, fluffy and a bit separated, and not as dry as I like my eggs to be.  I'm also a tad lazy when making something for breakfast just for me. I do like omelets but generally don't want to break out a bigger pan and a bowl to beat the eggs in. My solution is my "scromelet." I break the eggs into the pan, break them up with a spatula, maybe add some cheese, stir it around for a few seconds then bring it together in one mass. I flip it to get both sides "set" to my preference and it's done.




    What do my friends here do to adapt simple foods to your preferences?

    • Like 4
  9. 23 hours ago, Nancy in Pátzcuaro said:

    For instance, Longmont, Colorado, where my sister and brother-in-law live, has a robust recycling program. Households have 3 trash containers for different items: a small one for normal (non-recyclable) household trash, a bigger one for organic waste (grass clippings, food scraps including meat and bones), and a third large one for glass, plastic and cardboard

    We've had the 3-barrel system for many years in our part of southern California. It's all collected once a week. The newest wrinkle for us is that food waste doesn't go into the landfill barrel anymore. I gets bagged up and added to the green waste barrel. And, yes, it's a pain in the backside. We purchased a step-on trashcan that is in the garage. I add food waste to a bag for several days, each time twisting the top and holding it closed with a binder clip. When it's full enough for me, it gets tied off and put into the green barrel.


    ETA: I am particular about brands of plastic kitchen storage. At this point I only buy Ziploc containers because they resist the oily build-up.

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  10. 18 hours ago, Smithy said:


    That's three of us. I still have one of the smaller pans, but the others are long gone.

    I'll make the fourth. I don't know what happened to it all over the years. I don't remember any of it still being in her kitchen when we helped her clean things out prior to her moving from California to North Carolina when she turned ninety. I claimed the Revereware 3 qt sauce pan that pre-dated my birth. I used that pan growing up; I started cooking the family dinner when I was 13 and that was my "vegetables" pan.

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