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Posts posted by gfweb

  1. I'm not going to go back and forth with you over food safety.

    But I will point out that the bad strains of E coli you note are not the only bad bacteria in the world. Normal gi bacteria can cause mischief too as can staph aureus from the skin if it gets to grow in food.

    Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

  2. Y To catch E-Coli from someone else means that this person needs to first drink sewage, or by some other miracle find an apple that fell into a pile of horsecrap and eat it... This whole "food-poisoning" mania that has been going on for so long is truly irksome.

    It really isn't easy to catch one of these germs, and if you do, it sure as hell isn't from someone else, unless they are a part of that 0.0001% who are salmonella carriers with no symptoms. Germination periods and somesuch aside, you can also only catch E-Coli if the person who has it, 1. Came to work with explosive diarrhea. 2. Went to void, and wiped without paper (yes, you need some actual poo on your hands to carry the bacteria), 3. Did not wash their hands after AND did not dry them. Drying is as important as washing, because bacteria grow on wet hands exponentially faster. And number 2 applies to carriers also. It is much more likely to catch a stomach bug from unprocessed products straight, since the bacteria might be there to begin with, but then again that guy with the money in the other and your cheese in the other hand was just out of luck...

    P.S. I have eaten at some really shady places, I ate riverclams off a streetvendor in South Africa, they had been standing in the sun for an hour, but they smelled really delicious. Oh and they were raw... Never had a stomachbug. In a way I agree with what was said earlier, since autoimmune diseases are pretty much nonexistent in 3rd world countries, there when a baby drops their pacifier they don't boil it for 3 hours. Antibodies are natures way of keeping you healthy, if you never develop any, then the common flu will kill you...

    This is complete nonsense and you are wrong about any number of areas.

    Every single one of us has E. coli in our intestine. Some of us may have bad strains that we tolerate, but others won't..esp those who are already impaired like the elderly and the very young.

    You have no real knowledge about this topic. Your own experience, which has been blessed by good luck if not good judgment, is no substitute for tested facts.

  3. some fries with gravy (stop laughing and rolling on the floor, already),.

    You Canadian?

    No... is this a Canadian comfort food? Potatoes and gravy are two things I love, and when I was in my most broke student days, this was a still-affordable treat. :smile:

    add cheese curds and its poutine

  4. Uggh. To me, McD's is the lowest common denominator in fast food and wants to be that way. The worst burgers of the big chains. Wretched meat. My daughter boasts that she's never had one. Occasionally something is good, like the original filet-o-fish, but it gets changed with time and becomes junky. Their breakfast burrito isn't poisonous and the fries remain fine. McMuffins are OK

    So many chains are better. All of them are better.

  5. It is discouraging that Subway seems to do so well in the land of the hoagie.

    I've thought a lot about this. Why would anyone in Philly buy subway dreck, when even Wawa makes a better product???

    You can ask the same question about Domino's pizza or Papa John's. OK for the midwest perhaps; but in NY or Philly????

    I think its because Subway has great locations that are convenient; and for many convenience trumps quality.

    It's also about advertising dollars, which sway the uncritical.

    Its also about the glop they put on their inferior meat and cheese. It hides a lot under spice and grease. Boar's Head has ads that address this trick.

  6. I hate to jump in an shatter peoples impressions here but as someone who accidentally stumbled into a taping of this show, Adam is not a nice friendly guy in real life. There were three of us who came in through a rear entrance and were surprised to see the dining room packed with tv lights and a general crowd. When Adam came out of the seclusion of his trailer he had his headphones on and walked through the crowd ignoring everyone with his head down. Someone tried to take a cell phone photo with him which really send him over the edge and a producer had to intervene. During the taping the audience was told that if they do not look happy enough and do not keep up the cheering then they will be removed from the restaurant. Finally when the taping was over Adam replaced his headphones and ignored the crowd while he retreated to his trailer. By this point we were seated in the dining room eating our dinner when when of the crew went table to table informing us, "if you leak the results in the internet we will track you down and f#&*ing sue you!" Nice and classy way to interrupt someone who is eating.

    He probably had an upset stomach.

    Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

  7. For what its worth, the number of germs transferred by his hand to your food is small and really really unlikely to cause a food borne disease in you unless he has cholera or salmonella and assuming you are going to eat it right away. (Transfer of nasal viruses and hepatitis is different, but that's not what we are talking about exactly). The real risk is that those dirty hands handle the cold cuts and tuna salad, transfer bacteria to them, where the small numbers can grow into a problem with a little time if they aren't kept cold or hot appropriately.

    Above all this is a management failure; which is how I'd address it.

  8. Somebody,Steingarten perhaps, had a friend who grew his own eggs in England. Guy raved about how great they were. Steingarten,if it was him, arranged a surprise taste test and found no difference.

    Similarly, Kenji Alt studied the issue and found that egg color biased the perception of flavor. When he dyed scrambled eggs green their was no advantage to the artisinal egg.

  9. I'll second that. The bigger and faster the 'fuge the more potential for problems. A home built rig would require a skilled machinist to do it right. Balance is everything. A little off and the thing would walk across the floor or off the counter...if it didn't shake itself apart.

    Small blood centrifuges can be had at reasonable price (used on ebay) and could handle about 80 cc divided among several tubes. Probably a better bet. They are fast enough to spin down bacteria, so they ought to handle most kitchen tasks.

  10. I can just see the consultants swarming around KFC with advice to dispense. I see this all the time in my field, outsiders who basically know squat about the industry coming in with expensive and stupid and naive suggestions. The worst situation is when the outsiders come upon a leader who was brought in from outside the industry himself. He knows little about the history of past mistakes and successes and therefore swallows the crap they are dispensing.

  11. What about par-boiling or pre-cooking the potatoes? My Dad used to mince the potato into teensy perfect dice, smaller than 1/4 inch, and I don't recall him par-boiling, but the only time I ever tried making hash I partially cooked Yukon Golds. So if you use raw, when do you add them? When the onions just start to get golden?

    I microwave the potatoes after dicing at about 1/4". This way they cook up as fast as the meat. Onions first in the pan, microwaved pots and corned beef after about 45sec. Flip a few times till lots of browning, then the tbsp ketchup.

  12. I've been making a quick hash for the past couple weekends. Diced onion, pre-microwaved diced yukon golds, diced corned beef in 1:2:2 ratio. Salt, pepper. Sauteed in 1 pat butter till all are browned, then tossed with 1-2 tbsp ketchup (Hunt's) depending on how much I'm making and sauteed another 30 sec. Takes about 10 min all together.

    Not quite legit corned beef hash, the crust is deficient, but real tasty and quick.

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