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Everything posted by KristiB50

  1. Every time I make eggs I hear Gail ranting in my head.
  2. Yes season 1 had more talent than season 2. I think the season 3 chefs are higher profile though. I did feel bad that Clays dad committed suicide but I don't think that's a good reason to follow in his footsteps. Especially when he doesn't have a knack for it. I think he needs therapy. The Top Chef-testants could wipe the floor with the Hells Kitchen chef-testants. I think I'm really going to like this season of Top Chef, although, the previews showed bikinis and booze so there will be some reality show drama. I just hope they don't have dumb challenges like cooking from vending machines and convenience food. I don't mind a little product placement but last season it was like watching one huge commercial, cooking with Kraft in the Kenmore kitchen and storing everything in Glad.
  3. As I was watching the quickfire I was wondering if Bourdain was going to be a guest judge and whoot-there he was! I wish they'd replace Gail with Tony. My two picks are Tre and Hung but there could be a dark horse in there I knew Howie wasn't going home when he quoted Anthony about Ecuadorean cooks. Good save!
  4. Well if Ilan can't cook Spanish he can't cook! This shows he never should have won. I'm so glad Gail wasn't there for the egg quickfire. We would have heard all about how she likes her eggs again. I do not like Gail. I complained about Stephen while watching S-1 but now I realize I miss him and there will never be another. Same goes for Tiffani. Marcel is still a gnat.
  5. Don't forget! Tonight is the Season 1 vs Season 2 challenge! I'm rooting for Season 1.
  6. Why wasn't Ms Wafflehouse put on eggs immediately? She's a short order cook! She can cook eggs in her sleep! I'm glad she wasn't eliminated. I felt bad for her. And the Asian cowboy nursing home chef? He wasn't even getting yelled at and he was blubbering. Nursing homes have chefs? Maybe they've changed since the days I went to visit my great grandmother but I remember hospital-type food.
  7. Interesting interview about Chinese cuisine HERE Tour schedule including one with an authentic Chinese banquet HERE I wish I could go to the banquet but I will go to the signing here. I want to ask her if the "healing chicken" dish she describes is real. The chef prepares it for the main character when he senses her grief and the description seems impossible.
  8. I'm enjoying this book and now I need to go to China and eat! It's about a recently widowed American food writer who travels to China to settle a paternity suit against her late husband and profile a Chinese/American chef living in China. The chef, Sam, is a decendent of a famous Chinese chef and is translating his book and trying to open a restaurant in Bejing. He struggles because he cooks the old fashioned way while the popular chefs in Bejing are moving forward with fusion and innovation. The descriptions of food make my mouth water, and the exerpts from Liang Wei's book, The Last Chinese Chef, are fascinating. The author lived in China for 18 years and captures the meaning of food and the culinary arts there. I've only had Chinese/American food and now I'm feeling deprived
  9. Here's another link http://eater.com/archives/2007/05/top_chef_3_new.php My only request is that they ditch Gail
  10. http://www.foodcandy.com/AccountFeedItemView.aspx?id=72222# Something tells me I'll be sucked in again. I have no shame...
  11. Is anone still watching??
  12. I really don't like the mixologist idea. Nothing against mixologists(is that a new term for bartender?) but it just didn't seem to add anything. Except alchohol. However if they decide to have a show called Iron Mixologist I''ll volunteer to be a judge
  13. Edens Grill on Tatum and Thunderbird isn't too far. Tiny place in a strip mall with fantastic Middle Eastern Food. Details HERE I've had excellent meals at Mary Elaines but I've never been to the others.
  14. It'll be Spanish! I hope to never see Top Douchef Ilan again. And yes I'll tune in to the trainwreck next season.
  15. I PM'd the winner and the Food and Wine article to you. Enjoy!
  16. Food and Wine posted an interview with the winner on their website today!!! It's now gone but I can't believe they made such an idiotic mistake!
  17. Maybe it's wrong. I read one on Eater. From the wording of the spoiler it could still go either way.
  18. I was watching this while cooking dinner. Best diet tool ever!
  19. I predict Marcel will win. There will be foam and possibly gelee.
  20. I don't think anyone is calling Marcel a great chef. They're just stating he doesn't deserve the vitriol hurled his way. I think the editors tried to portray him as another Stephen but the actions of the other asshat contestants made him a sympathetic character. This show is no longer about food. I haven't been impressed with any dish I've seen. but I'll probrably tune in again next season just like I do for the trainwreck that is Hells Kitchen.
  21. Also Marcel gave an interview: -Cliff followed him after the assault and was throwing things(like chocolate bars) at him and THEN he went into the bathroom to hide. Ilan was holding the camera. -Marcel was at a nightclub after filming in Vegas and some girl came up to him and said, "are you Marcel from Top Chef?' and when he said yes he was hit in the face with a bottle-30 stitches!!! -The reason he said that stuff after the catering thing(when Sam won) was because he had worked very hard and they had all congratulated themselves and thanked eachother(Sam, Ilan, Betty) and had completely ignored him. He was upset by not getting any recognition from any ot them and that is why he spoke up..he was just pissed that he was not recognized at all. link to interview: http://www.lasvegasweekly.com/2007/01/18/feature2.html
  22. Wouldn't suprise me... They've already had Kraft. In the Kenmore Kitchen with the Calphalon cookware sealed in Gladware all ready for a ride in the Toyota RAV-4 hybrid.
  23. I was so disappointed in Cliff even though he seemed to regret his actions. It looked more aggressive than a "prank" and Marcel felt threatened enough to spend the night in the bathroom without blankets. I think Sam was kind of egging him on too. Sending Cliff home was the right thing to do. Chocolate and Chicken Liver Truffles. And Elia and her whining... she 's not much of a competitor if she wants to pack her own knives and leave because things aren't going her way.
  24. What a bunch of immature brats! I was disturbed by Sams, "nobody likes you" rant in the store. He showed a real lack of class. Although Marcel may irritate he doesn't deserve all that venom. They keep harping on Marcels selfishness but then the film shows him going out of his way to help others or at least offering. He even offered to help color blind Cliff choose purple food. I can't believe Ilan made that comment about the cherries to the guests. I'm glad the judges called him on it. I was happy to see Michael succeed. I was happy to see Betty leave. That heap of green looked disgusting and I think she's an instigator when it comes to Marcel-hate. Cliff was under the radar. I can't remember what he made. But at least he kept is trap shut.
  25. At least it isn't Sandra Lee...
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