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Everything posted by johnmc

  1. The 2 metal ones are Falafel molders.
  2. And me please
  3. Yes, it really does. I used to do 5 kg of limes per week for 8 years. The depth of the strip is adjustable so you just adjust till it´s right. The blade holder is spring loaded but because the skins of lemons and limes are a bit harder than apples I found it best to gently add a little extra pressure with my finger. You quickly get really good at it You also need a small round file or sharpening stone to keep the blade sharp. Let us know how you go.
  4. Back when I used to make Thai curry pastes commercially peeling limes was the worst job. Until I discovered one of these Apple peelers .
  5. Soak it in White vinegar and rinse until no taste/smell remains. Is used regularly in coffee machines and is gentler than citric.
  6. I owned,used and abused a Robot Coupe 40 qt for 10 years and loved it but they are not the right type of machine to do what you need. I think you would be better with an Ankarsrum Assistent. Plus the nut grater. They are a machine which is famous for their longevity and their various attachments for working properly. They really are great to use. Also mainly known for their superiority to the Kitchenaid in breadmaking. John
  7. Got mine today. It arrived in Australia with an outside Amazon box which was so bent out of shape that it wasn't sealed any longer. Thinking the worst, I opened it to find everything in perfect condition
  8. Checking the bread forums recently, I've come to the conclusion that, aside from commercial machines, the only home machines worth using for heavy bread doughs are the Bosch mum 662 ( Ebay ?) or Assistent Original - now being imported into Australia by Blackwood Lane - Call Angela on 03 9563 3255 ( they are friends of mine but you will find Angela great to deal with ).
  9. johnmc


    Mine is Fish Fragrant Aubergines from Fuchsia Dunlop's Sichuan Cookery ( Land of Plenty )
  10. I am still using at home a Magimix 5000 which is one of 2 I bought 20 years ago for a previous food business. The other machine is, to my knowledge, still in use. They were used for grinding Thai curry pastes in the early days which meant that they had to handle very full loads of onions, lemon grass, spices etc, almost continuously for 4 to 6 hours a day. When they inevitably became overheated we would put motor/ base units into the freezer until the thermal overload switches reset.Then back into service until the next overheat. Except for the overheat thing they never missed a beat. The main thing to watch for is a fully loaded bowl is fairly heavy and if a person wasn't careful ( i.e. use two hands )when replacing it it was possible to crack the bottom of the bowl by hitting the drive spindle. Magimix always said that the sky would fall in if you tried to sharpen the blades but we always did so with no problems. They were only replaced ( but still used for small batches )by a 40 quart Robot Coupe when they weren't big enough for the volume we were doing. Highly recommended. John
  11. Chris, Melbourne water is fine for coffee making. An aeropress would be perfect for what you want. $55 and it makes a beautiful long black. See Aeropress As has been said above freshly roasted beans are essential (maximum age from roasting 2-3 weeks, also don't buy beans which have no roasting date on them or beans from a supermarket) Coffee starts to stale the instant it is ground. So to get good coffee in the cup the beans must be ground immediately before brewing. The link above ( no connection to me ) has the Aeropress packaged with a Hario hand grinder for $110. This combination will make you really good coffee ( not espresso ). There are plenty of other retailers who sell the Aeropress. If you don't want the exercise of hand grinding in the morning, the least expensive electric grinder I can recommend is the Breville Smart Grinder. Breville Grinder They are sold in the big stores so with astute haggling are a bargain considering the quality of grind they give. I'm in Melbourne and restore old coffee machines for a living. If you need any extra advice you can get me on 0416 107 253. John http://www.coffeerenos.com.au/
  12. Peel as soon as it is cool enough, roll in salt and powdered cummin. Eat. Heaven
  13. johnmc

    Modernist Goulash

    I'm in Australia and shipping of the book to me from Amazon.com only cost $10. John
  14. Small skewers of leg marinated in Charmain Solomon's "Lamb Kebabs" Marinade
  15. johnmc

    Sorrel substitute

    Chris, Stephanie Alexander has a recipe here The Age from the age in 2004 so it must be available here. John
  16. All I can say is.... Pacific House, Victoria St, Richmond - Crispy skin pork Cheap, and I can't make better at home. John
  17. In Australia the major supermarkets have been forced into a " Voluntary industry code of conduct " From the ACCC website. " For instance, most of the major supermarkets in Australia have signed up to the Scanning Code of Practice, a voluntary code designed to protect you from errors in checkout systems. Signatories are required to ensure their checkout systems are price accurate. If a product incorrectly scans at a higher price, you may be entitled to receive that item free. Where multiple identical items are purchased, you may be entitled to receive the first item free of charge and the remaining items at the lower price. " A mistake by one of the majors can make my day. John
  18. Hi, You need Plasdene Glass-Pack 52 Albert St Preston, Ph 9480-3222 Or Cospack 121 Lewis Rd Wantirna, Ph 9814-4400 John
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