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Posts posted by LindsayAnn

  1. Ok E-Gulleters - when it comes to making the infamous sandwhich, wrap, hoggie, submarine, cold cut platter, etc...what is your favorite type of lunch meat? Any weird preferences of necessities for the thicknesses/uniformity regarding your protein of choice... or any other weird corks that you admit to having regarding this topic of handheld...uh....what do you call it? I can't call it sandwhiches because we are talking about MORE than just the sandwhich with sliced bread!

    Note: you may have different favorites for different types of usages....meaning:

    Sandwhiches - I love roast beef on sandwhiches....

    Submarines - I happen to prefer roast beef OR salami on submarines....

    Wraps - My selection of choice for wraps tends to be shredded chicken.....

    Cold cuts - without a doubt prosciutto, salami and salami relatives (per-say)

    Hoggies - not sure actually!

    I have a weird cork I will admit to, a few actually.

    1.) I like more meat/cheese in the middle of my sandwich then on the outside. I guess this is because of my second cork...which is:

    2.) I like to eat the outside first, and the middle last...this holds true for sandwiches, subs, wraps, etc.... I also like to eat the outside of oreas first and the cream fileld center last. I tend to save the 'best' for last...hehe

    3.) I often re-assemble my sandwiches when they are made by someone other than ME! Its never done right...haha...I get looks when I do this in my grad classes with my subway subs....it all comes off and goes back on. Of course with larger portions of the best stuff in the middle ( which in the case of Subway is the salami, cheese, black olives, pickles...hehe)

    If you wanna get really outta control, how about answering "Do you have a favorite type of cheese for each of these varieties (sandwich, subs, hoggie, wrap, etc...)...or do you like the same?


  2. So, who has heard of or tried tofu-shiritake noodles?

    What are your thoughts of them? I have seen then packaged at whole foods and a few other select grocery stores, packaged in water actually....in a bad in water.

    The entire package has two servings, at like 20 cals a serving...I think. THAT IS AMAZINGLY low....but why?

    Any health risks of these? I have heard that they make digestion hard for some people...and I have even heard stories of a few people have vomited because of eating them (and as the story goes - the noodles were practically whole when they came up - sorry for the detail...even though they were chewed when they went down). What is going on here? Why these reactions...if they are true that is. This has been hear say - i haven't experimented with them myself...yet. So - should I?

    If your a fan...why? What do they taste like? What dishes do they work well with, and on the other hand, what do they NOT work well with?

    Anyone out there tried these who has not liked these also - for that matter?

    Just curious, I have seemed to see and hear a lot of hype about them recently. I need some of the famous e-gulleters advice on this though - without that I cannot trust what I have already heard :)

    Thanks - hope some of you foodies know something about these!

  3. Have yet to hear (until now, thank you very much :0) ) about this!

    I am particularly interested in your thoughts (or the thoughts/opinions from other tasters) on the Pepsi summer mix flavor. Please let me know.

    Does this come in diet? Or just regular?

    I haven't seen these in Chicago yet...dammit!

  4. Here are the choc. choc chip muffins.  From Dorie Greenspan's Baking From My Home to Yours.


    I couldnt resist trying one.  They were very good, not to sweet and a nice hit of chocolate.  I used 2 oz of Perugina and 4oz of Trader Joe's pound plus belgium chocolate( i chopped up a bit more than was called for)

    I went to the grocery store and bought the rest of the items I need for Wednesday's Senior Meal.  I dropped them off at the Arena.  I've never cooked there before so I might have to bring a lot of my own equipment.  I dont think they have a hand mixer of muffin tins.  I'll probably bring my own Salad spinner too.  One of the ladies who will be helping me was there.  She asked me what we were having and I said " Chicken, onion, mushroom pie".  She said " That's different".  LOL.  I've heard this crowd is very picky.

    MMMM -YUM!

    Loving following your blog. I haven't said anything yet (until now, that is) but I am checking in daily - reading each and every post and all of the replies/comments too :) I am learning a lot from you - and I love this glimpse into your world.

    I used to volunteer at multiple retirement homes, in the Chicago suburbs (St. Charles) while I was in highschool (which was about 10 years ago...wow) and during college at the University of Iowa. I loved it. They loved me too and made me feel so good - which I was also making them feel. Reciprocal....we were 'helping eachother'....in a sense. And I learned so much about them, life in general and myself while doing so....I really need to get back involved in that....my time now is filled with volunteer work at elementary schools (currently pursuing my masters in education, almost done! YAY!)

    Wow - sorry for all that blabbing.

    Basically - awesome blog - thanks a billion :)


  5. Huh....don't ask me what I did wrong!

    Intrigued by all of your successes - I just got up from my computer (literally as I was reading this) and tried this.

    I decided on a mug...maybe this is where i went wrong?? thoughts?????

    I placed a lil water in the mug, cracked the egg, in she went....placed in the trusted Microwave for 1 min and i kept my eye on it. Stopped it after about 35 secs to check on it...it needed a lil more cause one side of the white was not cooked...still opaque...

    Back in, and out at about the one minute beep. I drained it...It looked WAY over-done...so what did I do???

    I poked it, and it bursted with a LOUD "POP", all over my face - pieces in my hair, on my neck and shirt, etc - you get the picture. Quite funny now. Woulda been MUCH funnier if someone was here to have seen it. Greg - the fiance - woulda LOVED it :)

    What in the heck did I do wrong? I obviously tossed it. I only like my yokls runny....extremely runny....grrr....

    You all have no issues with this? I must be a total JOKE! HAHA

    I have no problems poaching in a lil pot of water on the stove - it's just not as easy as this microwave process that you all described....help!

  6. Ok, i'm not so much a chicago pizza fan, but this weekend I went to the Chicago Pizza and Oven Grinder company.  Boy was I impressed.  They're pizza is more of a pot pie, and it has a good balance of sause and cheese.  Their salads a great too, with two different dressings. 


    check out the site, they have great photos!

    Any other fav. chicago pizza joints out there?

    yeah chicago pizza and oven grinders is a 1.5 blocks away from out place...hehe. Love it! So has everyone that we have brought there...

    So good, salad rocks, the flat bread appetizer you HAVE to get ( covered in olive oil and awesome blends of spices) you rip it apart with those you are dining with...rip eat, rip eat, etc....its paper thin and really big around :) Mmmm carbs with oily goodness :)

    The pizza pot pies rock. I saw them featured on rachel rays travel food show in foor network. Saw EXACTLY how they're made....

    Place toppings in a lil bowl (only choices are sausage or mushrooms (they use WHOLE button shrooms), ladle on sauce, place 3 slices of mozz or provolone cheese (cant remember which is was), on top goes the uncooked dough, pinch around bowl edges, in the oven it goes. That was it! Took em' like all of 13 seconds. Out it comes oh so yummy. All you choose is:

    1.) sauce type :meat or marinara

    2.) mushrooms, sausage, both, or neither

    3.) white or wheat crust (yes you can choose wheat! And I have tried it - its good...yet the white of course is superior...come on peeps we are talking pizza here!

    Mmmm... go with a companion or friends....share the salad appetizer and flat bread appetizer (both are HUGE musts, and both come family style - theyre meant to share)..........everyone get your own pizza pot pie (although I have been told by others that the grinders hold their own and they rock too).

    Mmm....GO THERE.

    Hell - I will meet you!

  7. Anyone? Seaweed? Regarding the digestability (sp!?) and nutritional stats of seawwed

    (Or, for me and my inquiring mind, particularly seaweed salads digestability and nutritional stats?)...

    Please chime in if you know (or think you know)....I am really curious about this now that it has been brought up and I keep checking back hoping people have chimmed in but I see nothing :(....booo I am sad!

  8. Lived in the burbs for 16 years, city for the past 3. I have lived in streeterville (right downtown one block from navy pier), wrigley, and now on the border of lincoln park and old town

    Fiance and I have tried a diff. pizza place every week or so this past year in search of the best. We give all places a fair shot and do not discriminate between thin, regular and deep dish. All locations, all options are fair game.

    I have always been a bigger fan of the anything but deep dish variety. As of 2 months ago the best that we found (both the fiance and I were in agreement, and he tends to prefer deep dish) was Cafe Luigi on Clark a little north of Fullerton. Type? New York style...thin, huge, floppy pieces. The crust was all bubled up with air bubbles, so good.

    HOWEVER, we did not end our search there (although yes we tended to order there every week since we love it so)....

    Edwardos pizza on Halsted (I think) is the BEST ever, deep dish, so divine.

    Me, the "non deep dish pizza lover", I now found a deep dish that I prefer (most of the time, depending on mood) over any other type of pizza, crust, restaurant, whatever....Edwardos kicks serious butt. Try it - please....

    I get a small with black olives, mushrooms and spinich (spinich sometimes, sometimes not), fiance gets his own small with peperoni and sausage...

    WE LOVE IT...although cafe luigi is still damn good.... try that too :)

  9. I am in chicago! All I know is I am obsessed with seaweed salad...I haven't made it as I fear I would screw it up. I get it from sushi/chinesse restaurants. The seaweed is mixed with viniger, soy sauce (some times), seseame seeds, oil, amoung other things too...it all depends on the place you go....

    I love it. Its served cold. The best place I have found seaweed salad at is Chens in Wrigley (on Clark, just a few step south of addison - right by the cubs stadium). I LOVE CHENS seaweed salad. Holy moly.....mmmmm

    So - like Djyee100, I am wonder how digestable is it. I have eaten it a lot in the past 3 weeks...is this bad on my digestive system? Hmm/....if you know PLEASE speak up!

    Also - what are the nutrition stats? Is this healthy (And I already know seaweed salad is LOADED with sodium! Not the seaweed, but the other stuff its mixed with in the 'seaweed salad'.

  10. For all we know, food was her number 6 concern, but since we're in a food discussion forum it's the only one relevant here . . .

    Fat guy - that is what I assumed as well. I am pretty damn sure that EmilyG has many more "validated by some" concerns at the top of her list...but why would she bother listing those here? She wouldn't!

    I suppose EmilyG would sign on to a website that discusses 'Efforts in Keeping Patients Alive' and follow the links to the "God I hope I don't kill one of my helpless patients" forum and post those types of concerns there....


    Back to the TOPIC of THIS post...

    Emily, let's see...healthyish compact foods that are easy to prepare/unwrap:

    Fiberone bars...they are the size of a granola bar but even better...no joke. 9 Grams of fiber will help keep you full and energized. They are about 150 cals a pop with 4 fat grams or so I believe. They come in three flavors I believe (peanutbutter something, chocolate chip, and oatmeal raison something-an-other. Not bad at all.

    I eat baby carrots or normal carrots (peeled and cut up) with laughing cow light cheese wedges - delish when I want to eat my veggies which I usually don't like to take the time to prepare...so these are a huge help for me.

    Everyone else already mentioned my other ideas :)

    Hard boiled eggs? No nevermind...in a locker those could really create a smelly issue, and I am sure you wouldnt be the first to make any new friends that way either :)

  11. I've been pretty lazy of late & just buying my tried and true favourites, but we were having people in for dinner so I decided to do something a bit different.

    Just two cheeses that looked a lot the same, but were very different. As you'll see it didn't quite work out that way.

    The first was a Poirou. A cows milk cheese made locally.


    White, reasonably firm and mild tasting.

    The second was a St Felicien. Before I unwrapped it, it looked much like the Poirou. When I "decanted" it, it looked like this


    Very nice & ripe. What we lost on looks we gained on flavour. A wonderful cheese this one.

    So, I didn't succeed on the looks front, but did on the tasting side. Both good & very different. The St Felicien goes on the 'A' list.


    Holy moly...they look soooo delish...especially the St. Felicien. I am eyeing that - yeah think I can find it here in chicago. I love love love gooey, soft, ripe, liquidy cheese. But then again I love all cheeses. But, more often than not (although at times I will chose hard) I would prefer a soft soft soft cheese if forced to chose.

    And - I would HAPPILY chose THAT one. I am way jealous of you...not fair. Not fair at all.....humph....

  12. Babysitting a lil dude named Nate (4 months old, cute as a button...errr....if you consider those cute! lol). He is already asleep - after some difficulties and numerous rounds between rocking him, and placing him in the crib, rocking, crib, etc.....

    Ah the peace.

    As for food, eating some saltines (yea I know its the only crackers this family has...although I kinda like saltines :)) - I was told to help myself to whatever food drink - so I am not being rude...at least I hope its not rude to grab a lil of there food! I am here from 4PM-1AM...so I kinda have to!

    Ok back to my snack, sorry about this blabbing I don't know what is wrong with me/....

    Saltines with peanut butter on some (smooth) and cheese on others....a lil lunch meat turkey breast (boars head...yes yes the good stuff from the deli, love boars head brand meats) on the side to put on the crackers and cheese (when I feel like it, sometimes I eat the crackers and cheese as is).

    A glass of milk too...skim...its all they have. I can make due :)

  13. I had such a good time :) A new Korean restaurant opened close by and we decided to eat there for a change. We ordered this set (1 chicken, 1 pork and soup) and it arrived with about 20 banchans  :biggrin: We usually only get ...5-10?

    Whoops, first I'll show you one of the dishes my mum made tonight. Mangosteens with sambal belacan  :wub: My dad was so happy!


    Korean BBQ



    Chicken (the pork was better in my opinion)




    More banchan


    Kimchi Soup (so addictive. I love kimchi.)


    We each had a slice of watermelon and this strange drink as part of the set. The drink was sort of milky yellow. It probably had almonds or gingko in it and it was very sweet and thick. I didn't like it much, the sweet nuttiness just didn't work for me.  (no pictures- I forgot)

    It was still early so my friend and I decided to drink something. Coffee at night means no sleep until tomorrow morning for me so we walked over to a tong sui (Chinese dessert soup) shop.

    I ordered Strawberry Lo and my friend had  Fruit Lo


    Aren't they pretty? :)

    Tomorrow, I'll show you pictures of another market plus some of my garden's produce. Tomorrow's dinner will be a typical Nyonya Peranakan fare. I also have a surprise for Chufi(Thank you ,Chufi for helping me out with ImageGullet) and Markemorse should be able to use his buah keras (candlenuts) one of these days  :smile:

    What is strawberry or Fruit Lo? fruity ice stuff??? I am intriuged....I love love love shaved ice and italian ice...is this similar?

  14. "Hello and welcome to my foodblog!

    I am back home into the loving,cosy- sometimes suffocating- arms of Malaysia. I only had about 30 hours between actually buying the ticket and leaving The Netherlands (it was a bit of an emergency which is over now) so apologies to Kim Shook and Lindsay Ann for not sending the stroopwaffles (in exchange for Girl Scout Cookies) yet!"

    No worries Yunnermeier...I completely understand.

    Plus - now I still get to look forward to receiving your package of goodies....you are still sending something arent you? Haha!!!

    Your blog is awesome so far, I too (as many have said) have ZERO knowledge of these types of foods....stuff sureeee looks yummy though!

    Blog on and keep up with the pictures - loving em'!

    P.S How did you like the cookies I sent to you? Did you have a favorite? Did you like them all? Did they meet your expectations? Let me know!

  15. They are both pretty good...the vendors vary a bit, Wednesday is a bit more "chefy"; Saturday is a bit more "consumery".  but both have vendors, food booths, music, chef demos in the morning, seating and such.  There is validated parking next door.  If you make it, look for the Seedling Booth and come say hi to a fellow e-gulleter Peter (me!)...have a good trip.

    Heck you work there? I didnt know that! I am there EVERY wednesday, and many saturdays! IS your booth there on Wednesdays? If so i will introduce myself on week # 1...and you will likely see me every week thereafter! What produce/products do you sell?

    Are you then farmiliar with Capriola Farms Goat cheeses, and Judy? I LOVE their cheeses!

  16. I am a cheese lover - I eat it every day (the good stuff too, not just cheddar or whatever from the grocery store, although yes yes that is great too and has its place and time)

    I love love epoisse - love neils yard stilton blue but have eaten that one daily for about 3 months so I seem to be on a lil break as of now but gimme a week more and I will be back on that bandwagon

    I love capriola farms goats cheeses (all of them are great - check our their website jsut google capriola farm goats cheese) - they come to my farmers market (only like once a month cause its a 5 hour drive plus each way for them) when the market is open (May 16th - november...it starts SOON!!!)

    I love cows, sheeps and goats cheeses and have also had some great elks and ewes milk varieties too - I love the stinky, funky, runny stuff and I love the hard, subtle crumbly kinds too - I go through faze's often but I really really love all cheese (even your run of the mill string cheese although the fresh ones are so much better, but I still like the pre-packaged mass produced stuff too).

    What can I say I am not biased....I also cannot pick three!

  17. I often cook out of James Macnair's Breakfast and yesterday I made his Lemon Souffle Pancakes. I love using up the cottage cheese I buy and intend to eat - the batter is made in the blender with cottage cheese or ricotta, then fold in egg whites. With super crispy bacon and gobs of butter. I make a little pancake for the top of the stack so I can eat that before I add syrup. Enjoyed with a pot of Guatemalan French press coffee with foam.


    Edited to clarify use of cottage cheese.

    Looks great! Is the batter only egg whites and cottage cheese or ricotta? Or - is there a base of some sort (wheat, pancake mix, something?)???

  18. Marie Calender's Pot Pie (Creamy Mushroom Chicken with Real Portabello Mushrooms):

    Words cannot explain the sensual experience of this....I love you Marie Calendar...all 35 g of fat and 17 g of protein of you....fluffy savory crust, SUPER creamy gravy loaded with mushrooms with vegetables and CRAZY good chicken...filled to the brim....ARGHH!!! There is no way in hell this is frozen food...it actually LOOKS like the cover! The ingredients even list Sherry wine...unreal.

    I am so with you on this one.

    Yeah, but one of those pot pies is supposed to be 2 servings. I can't justify eating 1700 calories for one item.

    Ahh come on , yeah yeah you can..once in a while at least Perhaps after a long, hard, stressful day? As a reward? Or even, just cause your jonesing (sp?) for one?

    Permission granted - enjoy one (or two or three), we wont tell a soul!

    Well, actually, I'm diabetic, so I can't eat that many carbs. I'd be in a food coma if I did. I could eat one serving, but is 1 cup really going to fill me up? It might, but it would be hard to leave the other half( Plus, I doubt it would reheat well).

    The ironic thing is that yesterday I was grocery shopping in Michigan( they dont sell Marie Calenders in Canada btw) and I actually picked one of these up and looked at the nutritional information( They were on sale for 2 bucks), but I had to pass it up based soley on what I read about the carbs and fat.

    Ah I see - you hadn't mentioned that tid bit...so you can't have it! I am sorry, boo! But I bet you feel better not having it than suffering the consequences of having it! I am sure there are plenty of yummy rewards that you CAN have that work better with you anyhow!

  19. I LOVE the Green City Market...I walk there every wednesday and as many saturdays as I can (when I am not outta town, weddings are crazy at my age, 25 yrs old, and my fiance, who is 27).

    I live on the 2000 block of Lincoln Ave, which is one block west of Clark...so I am very very close, about 4 blocks, or half a mile. I go twice a week when I can becuase there are certain vendors who only come on wednesdays or saturdays...and sometimes certain wendors choose one day to go and they often pick their day randomly *sometimes wed sometimes sat*. Man I love the market, espeically the fact that capriola farms *(goats cheese) is there every third week or so...sometimes every other week...I wish they came weekly but they have quite a bit of a drive (about 5 hours each way!)

  20. After all the pics of Marlboro Man's favorite sandwich, I succumbed and made it for dinner tonight... You should have heard the man noises hubby made when he was eating it.  :raz:


    Domestic Goddess - looks great! I have visited Marlboro Man many times and love the pictures and blog! However - your sandwhichs look sooo different!?!? Not as saucey perhaps and a diff type of meat it appears (cut and preparation). Did you tweak some of the details in the ingredients and or cooking method?

    Just curious if your recipe for this is a lil different than the original. Thanks!

  21. I get cravings (shhh) for stoffers mac and cheese...the BIGGER BOx size (front says in bold letters, now larger size)....2.5 servings all to me!Gobbled up in and 5 mins flat....joyous!

    I dont do this often, but when I do it sure feels good! Like I said not often though, only once every other day! Kidding!!!

  22. Marie Calender's Pot Pie (Creamy Mushroom Chicken with Real Portabello Mushrooms):

    Words cannot explain the sensual experience of this....I love you Marie Calendar...all 35 g of fat and 17 g of protein of you....fluffy savory crust, SUPER creamy gravy loaded with mushrooms with vegetables and CRAZY good chicken...filled to the brim....ARGHH!!! There is no way in hell this is frozen food...it actually LOOKS like the cover! The ingredients even list Sherry wine...unreal.

    I am so with you on this one.

    Yeah, but one of those pot pies is supposed to be 2 servings. I can't justify eating 1700 calories for one item.

    Ahh come on , yeah yeah you can..once in a while at least Perhaps after a long, hard, stressful day? As a reward? Or even, just cause your jonesing (sp?) for one?

    Permission granted - enjoy one (or two or three), we wont tell a soul!

  23. One veggie I love (notice I say, ONE, haha) that I think is so satisfying is the wonderful artichoke...

    I love em plain just steamed whole or even with a lil dippin sauce, especially the not to healthful hollandais scauce....mmmmm

    When I want to make them quick last minute type mode I just cut off the stem, place in a microwavable container with a lil water in the bottom (only about 1/3 inch, jsut covering the bottom of the choke) and cover with saran-wrap - microwave for about 10-16 mins - depends on the size of the artichoke....take out, remove saran wrap (carefully, steam burns like a b*^%h, and dump out water....salt and eat - YUMMY and theres lots of good for you fiber and vitamins :)

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