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Posts posted by LindsayAnn

  1. Just bought some mroe yummy yummy cheese!

    Montemebro (goats cheese, smaller production, creamy and wonderful but a bit pricey)

    Camellia...I love this goats cheese when its super ripe (real soft)...which this one is! It was the only one this ripe out of the whole bunch....its oozy! You eat the rind with this one...when its not ripe its not nearly as good and the flavor is mild....not deap and intense as this ripe sucker is!

    Bucheron Aged Goats Milk, french....really good....a creamy outer rim (by the rind) and a crumbly yet smooth center.....

    Yes, I obviously love goats milk cheese!

    Got another Niels Yard Stilton blue too...the sheep blue I bought yesterday I ended up disapointed with the more of it I ate... So I jsut threw it out *which is hard, but why eat something that is not nearly as good as another variety at my disposal*....I am once again content to have my fav blue!

  2. I made a grilled cheese sandwich using butter cheese and gruyere--an equal (almost) amount of each cheese.  I did use a little butter in the pan, but very little compared to how much I usually use (I only used about 1 tsp in total)!  I used it because my bread (the no-knead bread from the NYT, with about 25% whole wheat) was a bit dense and I thought the ooze from the cheese wouldn't penetrate it as much as I like. 

    Pics are a bit blurry.  I forgot my camera at work, so I had to use my cell phone. 

    It was perfect, by the way!  I think it's my new favourite grilled cheese combo!



    OMG prasantrin - that looks wonderful - kudos to you!!!

    See - Buttercheese and gruyere....gret combo!

  3. Sandy - glad to see your post. Was beginning to think that nobody was eating cheese any more.

    Post Holiday guilt?

    Somebody's out there discovering new and/or better cheeses; let's hear from you!

    HAAHA yeah right like any "post holiday guilt" could be strong enough to keep me restrained from cheese....yeah right!

    I got a sheeps blue with heavy viening today (cant remember name, will look and tell you later). Its good, not nearly anything as good as my neil's yard stiltons blue!

    I also picked up a raw milk gyuere (sp...I am drawing a blank - what is going on with me here!) and a goats brie.....mmmmm

    still enjoying my cheese, like always!

  4. Foodman -

    Oh my those pizzas...a thing of beauty that's for sure!

    I especially love the Homemade Italian sausage, mozzarella and mild cheddar...similar to your son's! I just wish I could sink my teeth into it like your son gets to! I am so jealous!!!

    Everyone else - your dishes all look wonferful...as always. I look at this thread daily...don't post so much but LOVE reading/seeing all of your creations! MMMMM

  5. Yay I am happy to hear you will soon be using it for grilled cheese (my recommendation!!!).

    Again - I would recommend you use with another cheese, such as butter cheese and swiss, or butter cheese and a strong cheddar or Gruyere).

    Please report back, I would love to hear how your grilled turned out! What kind of bread are you using too? I love sourdough or french with my grilled cheese creations! Seriously...sour dough gives it a great kick! Any chance we will see pictures? PLEASSSEEE? * folds hands and get on knees as she begs* tee-hee

  6. Agreed, completely. I get headaches from MSG...although MSG lovers (yes, there are a lot out there) will say that there is no link....I can tell you there is. MSG consumption for me equals migraine...I try so hard to stay away from MSG, I read labels when I can...but often times its in foods that I eat without labels.

    Boo to MSG

  7. And milk chocolate dipped in salt...yes you ehard right...salt with my chocolate too. Dont look at me with that weird expression...its the hormones....not anything related to free will. I am a prisoner in this PMSing body!!!

    No one would make fun of you for that (unless you're using table salt :laugh: )--chocolate and salt is a popular pairing.

    I've been craving creamy, fatty things that don't require much chewing...the Fage Total greek yogurt, peanut butter, tonkotsu broth....

    That is just the thing...it IS table salt *shrinks due to embarrasment*, that or sea salt! either will do, the later is preferred

  8. Best cheese ever (as mentioned much earlier on this thread...as well as the 'cheese' thread, which is now in the food culture area...i believe) is Caprialo Farms cheese. Judy, the owner, makes such wonderful goats cheeses. TRUST ME, I am a cheese aficiando, a self proclaimed cheese snob, persay....I love the stuff...eat way too much of it. Capriola is all goats cheeses....mmmmm

    I also love stinky cheeses - and living in the heart of the city is great for this. We have wonderful cheese shops, I am a regular at about 6! Their sole focus is....nothing other than....CHEESE. mmmmm cheese

  9. Y'know, any dish with beets in it is a little challenging to photograph, as the whole thing has turned this more-or-less uniform bright purplish red ...


    This was a beet/cabbage stew--kind of a borscht with relatively little water in it--and it does taste heavenly, even if it does look a little ... odd. I don't quite know why it reflected the flash like that... :laugh:

    I betcha it was yummy anyway Mizducky! By the way, are you still working on your 'eating healthy' habit? I read about this a lil' while ago, maybe a few weeks...although I cannot remember if it was a recent forum of yours or one from a long time ago that I just stumbled on. Either way - way to go with all of your efforts and achievements...eating clean (healthy, lower sodiums/fat/cal) can be sooo hard!

  10. We are offering some artisinal British cheeses - Lord of the Hundreds, Sharpham Rustic w/chive & garlic, Cornish Blue, as well as aged raw milk manchego, La Tur, Valdeon, and Buche des Causses.  Serving w/fresh apple slices, hazelnuts in honey that I bought in Budapest farmer's market, and date cake from Spain.

    Also got a block of foie gras that I will scatter pomagranate seeds over and serve w/mini toasts.

    And some good champagne.  Who needs dinner after that?

    Life is good - Merry Christmas where appropriate.

    Thanks, everyone, for the great photos.  I plan on breaking down and getting a dig camera this year, so can contribute too.

    Do it do it....break down already and get a digital! Why would I care? Well duh - I am dying to SEE all of your heavenly cheeses. I already enjoy reading about your experiences and uncovering your advice...pictures would be an additional benefit of having you're contributions! I've gotta say...you and Dave sure do know your cheeses~!

  11. Lindsay, great photos.  I love the crate of Wabash Cannonballs - looks so good.

    Shar - I LOVE the Mt. St. Francis - let us know what you think.  It is a wash rind and very delicious and unique.  The fig cake sounds weird - is it from Spain?

    Dave - according to her old sales brochure, Fromage a Trois is a torta that layers chevre, basil pesto, and sun dried tomatos.  It started out as a joint creation between Judy and Mary Keehn of Cypress Grove.  (American cheesemakers are a very friendly group.)

    I actually do love roquefort - I know what you mean about the saltiness, but the tangy sheepiness is just so good.  I think I do know the blue wensleydale you mean - is it from Hawe's Dairy in North Yorkshire?  It is very unique - I have a hard enough time over here trying to sell folks on real authentic plain wensleydale.  Maybe I should consider the blue - but it is pretty expensive by the time it gets here.

    Actually, Americans should expect to see rising prices on all imported cheeses just after the holidays.  The tanking dollar means that anything bought in euros or pounds will be going up.  More good reason to enjoy a nice cheese plate over the holidays!

    100% correct you are on the description of Fromage a Trois. Its good, I didnt purchase it as it is not my favorite, but many people swear by it (so it seems by its popularity at the market at least).

  12. My chalenge to you for this blog is to consume more food than I did in mine.  I wish you luck in this endeavour.  And if you get around to making some of the unagi we were talking about please take pictures.

    As an aside, we need to start a global eG Facebook group.  There's me, you, Shal, s_sevilla, tupac (but I haven't seen him around), chianti_glace, Rocklobster.  Anyone else?  Where are the ladies?

    It's not just students on Facebook anymore. Several members of the administrative staff at Widener University have Facebook profiles.

    --Sandy ("Sandy"), who falls into this category

    Laides on facebook? ME ME ME ME ME!!!

    Althogh I graduated (from U of Iowa, Iowa City), 3 years ago, I am still on Facebook!

    I worked for 2 years, and now am back in graduate school, getting my masters in Elem. Education (I want to teach), my undergrad was in Business!

    Facebook EG group? Include me!

  13. I am sure they do not stand up to the famous NY bagels, but here in Chicago the best I can get are at Einstein Bagel (and since I am stuck in the midwest, these taste good to me)....I were to taste a NY bagel I am sure I would start to dislike my normal Einstein bagels, but I am safe with them for now.

    I enjoy sweet and savery bagels. When sweet I go with either a wild blueberry with plain cream cheese, or a cinnamon raison with plain CC. Einstein has GREAT creamcheese,much better than philledelphia.

    I also like asiago cheese with plain CC, or everything with plain CC, or salt with plain CC/

    I love Einstein's blueberry Cream Cheese, eaten plain outta the tub (HEHE) or with a plain bagel.

    I too like a GENEROUS amount of cream cheese on my bagels, generous as in like half the tub!

    If in the mood, a warm taosted bagel is great with creamy peanut butter, the peanut butter gets all oozy melty....

    plain butter (lots), on a bagel is rather good too.

  14. Sorry I wasnt done when that somehow posted early on me!?!?!?

    Anyway, I took some pretty apple pictures too. I didnt take any other vendors pictures, as I was kinda in a hurry and took a lot of the capriel farm cheeses....

    I think I got em' all....I forgot one cheese actually (I bought it, just didnt take its picture).

    I ended up spending over 40$!!!!

    I bought the pyramid (dusted in paprika), a fresh goat round, the little ball dusted in ash (with the mold), a wedge of the semisoft goat that has a rind with herbs all over it (this is the one I forgot to get a picture of, its one of my favorites and marcy's market located inside of Sams Wine Depot has it almost always), and the stinky goat wedge (this one is great and I have never tried it until now, I think its new). YUM@!

  15. Found the Humboldt Fog and it was delicious.

    Today my order arrives from Capriole Cheese.  Couldn't wait until after Christmas to order!

    Shar so happy to hear you ordered from capriola....what did you order again?

    Humboldt fog is great, I agree...

    I will see the owners of capriola today at the market...and I am taking pictures!

  16. LAST farmers market for for the year (and until May actually!) tomorrow. I will be bringing my camera for this special occasion (If I remember....my fiance jsut got me a new digital camera for my 25th birthday yesterday! One that actually works!). He also got me a chuck of stilton blue...haha. He told me he went to the corner shop on the way home to get me birthday flowers (a gormet food/coffee shop in chicago right by house condo), and grabbed some flowers...he saw a cheese selection at the counter, and told the owner "my fiance is a 'cheese snob', she likes the strong cheeses too....what do I get her?". He was told: "AH you gotta get her this, she'll love it, its an award winning blue...."

    And - home he came with a stilton blue! He was right, I do love it (and I already had a small sliver of it leftover in the fridge...hehe,

    Greg, the fiance, told me "I cannot believe I am getting you this, I hate this smelly crap"....supposedly my cheese hs smelled up our fridge...Greg cant stand the stuff, but puts up with it for me!

    Okay, so anyway, tomorrow, farmers market...and guess who will be honoring us with their presence for this last occasion? CAPRIOLA FARMS!!!! AHHHHH YES! The camera will surely be tagging along with me in my purse, and I will post pictures tomorrow morning sometime...I hope I remember how to....can someone give me the run down on how to post them? ( I know I will screw it up)

  17. I got a 40...???

    So then, my question is what does this mean? Anyone know?

    Explanation of my score from the quiz:

    The foodie quiz

    You scored 40

    You, friend, are a gastro-warrior, a culinary thrill -seeker with a palate that knows no barriers, no shame – and no frozen potato waffles and mass produced condiments

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