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Posts posted by LindsayAnn

  1. I agree w/Lindsay Ann - Artisinal is a great site, BUT they are probably the most expensive of the bunch.  They do have some great items, but I am not always a fan of their affinage.  Poke around there though - there are some beautiful cheeses.  I have bought from Zingermans (www.zingermans.com) - in fact I shd have a piece of one of my fave British artisinal cheds waiting for me tomorrow when I get home.  It is called Lincolnshire Poacher and it is delicious.  I know some manufacturers sell to a website called igourmet, so you may want to check them out as well.

    Lindsay Ann - assume you have recovered from the migraine and are eating cheese again?

    BAHHH I just checked out Zingermans (I have never heard of it previous to now) and searched for you beloved Lincolnshire Poacher....sold out! BOOOO Both the 1/2pd and the pd are all gone. What shall I do? I wanted to taste this since I got the recommendation from the almighty cheese lord, Gariotin!

    So, any other recommendations, oh lord?

  2. I agree w/Lindsay Ann - Artisinal is a great site, BUT they are probably the most expensive of the bunch.  They do have some great items, but I am not always a fan of their affinage.  Poke around there though - there are some beautiful cheeses.  I have bought from Zingermans (www.zingermans.com) - in fact I shd have a piece of one of my fave British artisinal cheds waiting for me tomorrow when I get home.  It is called Lincolnshire Poacher and it is delicious.  I know some manufacturers sell to a website called igourmet, so you may want to check them out as well.

    Lindsay Ann - assume you have recovered from the migraine and are eating cheese again?

    You betcha Gariotin! And, you can all call me Lindsay, LindsayAnn was my screen name cause it appeared that Lindsay was taken! And Ann, is my last name :raz:

    Thanks for asking though - really! You're too kind

  3. Boston, a great city! I envy you.

    The cheese person at Whole Foods here was very helpful and offered lots of samples and he was quite enthusiastic about his job. Next week I will return and check out some of the suggestions offered.  My list is very long!!

    Have you ordered on line, if so, can you recommend a good source?


    Here you are ma'dam....great sight...tons of choices. You can even search by milk type, cheese consistency (blue, fresh and mild, hard, semi soft, soft, stinky, etc....)

    And - even wine searches are available...I beleive that they even have the option of recommending wines for pairings.

    How's that for a site!

  4. Didn't I read somewhere that cheese can be a contributing factor to migraines...? :hmmm:


    * I can't hear you!!!*

    Kidding around...yes I have heard this Simon and Gariotin, I just don;t listen well. Haha

    No for real though, I don't think its the cheese (in my case I mean). I have been told by my doctor (although this was when I was 8 years old, thus 17 years ago) that is was probably MSG in my case. We did testing, food journals linked to my headaches....etc... I therefore TRY to avoid MSG, but at times this ingredient is in things that I would never suspect (I mean its in the liptons french onion soup mix, the one that you can make chip dip with). I def. know MSG is in a lot of prosessed foods, meats (salami's, hotdogs, etc..) so on these common items I check labels.

    Yet when at restaurants, MSG is often used (its very flavorful and goes along way, thus saves the restaurants money and they therefore often use it).

    I eat cheese daily, yet only get headaches maybe 2-3 times a month (normal headaches), migrains are more sporatic (sp?), sometimes I will go 3-4 months without one, and then I will all the sudden get migraines twice in a month. I would estimate I get around 4-8 a year. Sucks though, when they hit its the most excruciating pain, unlike ANYTHING I have experienced. They can last up to 24 hours (in my case), and I HAVE to be in a dark, cool room with NO noise. Also - when I ahve a migraine I cannot fall asleep, which makes it all the worse. Migraines and headaches are soooo different - you know when you have a migraine,. I wouldnt wish these basterds on anyone, ever....

    Okay, sorry to blab on and on! My migraine is all gone though, and after you have one not having one feels so good. Just feeling normal, without pain, is the best feeling ever!!!! :raz::biggrin:

  5. I seem to have developed an obbsession for these and they're a nice addition to cous cous...

    Pickled walnuts

    (GTO - pickled walnuts?!?! You're giving me a tough one, as I have nevert tried these, but I will play along and put my best effort forward)

    Although I have never tasted Pickled Walnuts, I imagine that they would work well in a Spinich Salad!

    (sorry all if that sucked, please don't kick me outta here!) :shock:

  6. I'm with Daniel....Mac and Cheese is a good use for the incredibly mild (I too would recommend, strongly, using with another cheese....b.c this cheese, although yummy and excellent in texture, is not too flavorful). It is also good for grilled cheese (again, use with another cheese), or melted on vegies....the texture makes us really good on vegies - to jazz them up.

    Enjoy - and I too would ask that you report back to us with your final decision in usage, as well as your reviews on the usage!

  7. It is a sad sad day - I was planning to endulge in some of my new cheese purchases today - but I was struck by a migraine (I get these a few times a year), the worst I have ever had in my life....ever. I didnt sleep a wink, didnt go to bed until 5PM and slept till 7PM. I am so exhausted that I have no appetite (esp. for cheese). Booo...maybe tomorrow!

  8. Dave thank you for the tip on using a stronger red wine for the Fleur Du Marquis. Used a cabernet and it really made the cheese taste delicious.

    Thanks for tip on leaving the Brie out for 4 hours.  It was slightly runny, but I will leave it out for at 4 hours next time. 

    I will try the brebis can you recommend a brand?

    Your phots of the Pechegos make me drool!

    Linsay Ann, I have looked at the Capriola Farm website.

    The ones that interest me are the Wabash Cannonball, Banon, and Sophia.

    Can you tell me if you have them as a dessert cheese or a before dinner cheese?

    What do you mainly drink with these 3 cheeses?

    See here is my case-in-point: I am no expert....meaning - I eat cheese before meals, after meals, and even as meals (with other things, crackers, breads, etc...). I know some experts will say this cheeese is meant for dessert, this one for a pre-meal experience, etc....

    I just happen to enjoy cheese (all of them), whenever (I feel like it).

    Sorry I couldnt be of more help as to the "when to eat this or that cheese" specifics...this is an area on cheese that I know little of (and dont really care to know anything of- haha).

    Best of luck, report back to us! I am waiting (patiently, or trying) on your future attempts with the cheese.

  9. P.S You can also order capriola farms via their website or even call them. They are such nice folks. I betcha if you tell them that your a newbee they will help direct you at a variety that you should find appealing. Really....it will be worth the cost of shipping and all that. SOO good.

    Many of the fresh goats are great paired with honey or fruit (think pears, rasberries). Although, ia m not to fond of the fruit/cheese pairings many people are. And I know Judy does this.

    However, I do like to eat honey while eating cheese (not together int he same bite...think one bite of cheese, a little honey (straight), after...okay okay I am lying, its more like 5 bites of cheese to the ratio of one honey....but you get my drift....

  10. After reading all the pages of this thread my husband, and I, would really love to get into tasting different cheeses.

    So tonight we jumped in.  BUT, WE NEED HELP!

    Been doing a lot or reasearch on the web with wine and cheese pairing, but each site gives you different information.

    We are retired and are used to drinking the run of the mill Chardonneys and Cabernets, and mostly extra sharp cheddars, such as Cabots Hunter cheese, and cheap Brie's.

    So today I went to Whole Food and bought the following:

    Fleur Du Marquis, Belletoile Brie, Sottocenere, and Point Reyes Bleu.

    Along with the Fleur Du Marquis, and Sottocenere with had two different Pinot Noirs to taste.  With the Brie with had a Chardonney.  Along with them we had fresh pear, toasted baguette slices, and Adriactic Fig Spread, and olives.  We weren't crazy about any of the cheeses.  Did I pair them with the wrong wines or should I had tried different cheese.  We never got to try the bleu cheese as we were too full.

    We could really use some good advice on how to start all over again.  Thanks.

    Hummmm... A few comments to start.

    - did you let the cheeses come up to room temperature before the tasting?

    - My personal preference is to NOT have anything sweet, like fig spread, when eating highly herbed cheeses & drinking wine.

    - You choose a nice spread of cheeses.

    - Again, a personal preference, but I prefer a cabernet to a pinot with cheeses.

    Your cheeses:

    Fleur - From Corsica, pateurised sheeps milk, herb crusted (savory & rosemary). Needs a very hearty red wine. Corsican ideally, but a nice Zifandel should work & be easier to obtain.

    Brie - Make sure it has been out of the fridge for quite a while; it should be soft & slightly runny. This 70% MG brie will be very mild. Your chard should have worked so I suspect that the brie was too cold.

    Sotto - Italian, Pasteurised cows milk, lots of herbs in the crust & truffles in the cheese. I've never eaten this one so my advice in general in nature. I would try it with the chard or perhaps a savignon blanc.

    The blue - Raw cows milk. American attempt at Roquefort & a good one. I suggest you try it with a decent port. Failing that try a cabernet or zifandel.

    Question for you? What cheeses in addition to the sharp cheddars have you tried that you really like? Might give the real experts on this thread some ideas as to what you might want to try.

    Have fun with it!

    Yes, I let all the cheeses come to room temp. for over an hour.

    I had read cabernet should be paired with hard cheese, but we defintely will try it with the Fleur Du Marquis and see how they are together.

    The Brie was very bland tasting, maybe that is because of we are used to buying the less expensive brand which to me had more of a nutty flavor and thicker consistency.. Should I have warmed the brie in the oven?

    Will definitely try chardonney with the Sotto.

    I will go a buy a nice port for the blue when we get ready to taste that.

    What kind of cheeses do we like: cheddar, boursin,jarlsbirg.

    One interesting thing I have learned by going on line is the parmiganna reggiano, gruyere, and pecorinos can be using for table cheese. Do you recommend that? I have always used them just for cooking. Any other suggestions would be greating appreciated. We are willing to try different types and experiment. Have never had a goat cheese. Can you recommend one that I can buy here in the states. Thanks

    I will see if I can help. Although I am NO expert, I do love my cheese and I have experienced my fair share, from cow to sheep, elk, and GOAT!

    Ok, you want goat? You got it. I loveeeee loveeee love goats cheese. Beware though, at first try I wasnt a fan...it took the lovely Judy from capriola farm to turn me into a beleiver. Now though, I love all goats cheeses. There are many varieties. Chevres - fresh goats, to brie's made with goats (heck, I get one of these at Trader Joes, do you have trader joes?)

    At Whole foods you can surely find some of Judy's goats, Capriola Farms. At my whole foods they are kept in a glass case - ask for help. Specifically ask the cheese specialists for capriola farms varieties, they will show you. Some of them you should be able to try, others are sold int he whole (thus no trying). I love their Sofia, O'Bannon, and Chevre's. See their website: http://www.capriolegoatcheese.com/

    Cypress Hills is another vendor of Goats at Whole foods....ask for recommendations on this puppy too.

    Hope that helps!

  11. Been eating the Thanksgiving extravaganda of cheeses up to today when I decided to try the other cheeses I bought.

    The Pechegos is outstanding! Just look at it!


    It tastes even better than it looks. I think the 3 weeks in our cave did it good. Its very ccreamy with a lot of flavor coming out.

    I haven't been able to find out a lot about it other than that its a raw milk chevre made in the Tarn during the fall & winter.

    Here's another picture.


    Note the band which looks like bark around the cheese. Diameter is about 4 inches. I know the cheese is pressed, but I don't know what gives it the orange rind.

    I do know that its really good & won't last long now that we've started it as Linda likes it as much as I do.

    *tummy rummbling...*

    Can I catch the next flight yonder? Wait....that wont possibly work (like you'll actually still have this cheese around by that point...the flight it a bit lengthy, I suppose)

    Darn! *Bites lip in agony*

  12. Er, hmmm.  Not everyone likes boatloads of melted cheese.  Nachos with home smoked and pulled pork doesn't need cheese. Peppers, yes.  If pushed, a light dusting of cheese, but only when pushed.

    I know! I just tend to go overbaord on cheese - side effect of being a cheese addict I suppose. You are right though, I def. know that everyone has their own preference(s). I was not TRYING to come across as "my way or the highway".

    now, go and enjoy some nachos (because your sound yummy too!)

  13. Yes, Dana - this cheese is made by the wonderful Judy Schad from Capriole Farm in Indiana.  Judy is one of the most respected of the American artisinal cheesemakers, and she consistently wins awards at the American Cheese Society competitions each year.

    Scroll thru this thread a few pages back - someone posted about buying her cheeses at a Chicago farmers' market this past summer.

    Her cheeses rock!

    That someone would be ME ME ME. yes, you heard me right (gloating proudly) I know the lovely Judy and have tried ALL of her cheeses. What a blessed and lucky gal I am!

  14. gallery_29688_3266_123176.jpg

    No nacho thread?  Well here it goes.  We, wife and I, eat nachos 2-4 times a month, always in.  Most of the time it's just a quick pico de gallo, beans, guac and a lot of jalapenos.  If we've planned we'll do something like chipotle chicken, tomatillo salsa or one of my favorites roasted poblano and roasted garlic salsa.  We're not reinventing the wheel or anything just some serious grubbin'.

    washed down with 2 shots tequila mixed with 1 shot grand mariner, 1 tb sugar, juice of 3 limes, mint and club soda.


    how do you do them and would you support a nacho bar?

    What - NO CHEESE??? ARE YOU NUTS! Nachos and cheese are a mandatory combination (so says I!).

    Although, when I take a closer look it seems that I detect a sprinkling of cheese...am I correct? You did not mention it in your description!!!

    P.S If those nachos do contain cheese (and I must ad that they look mighty good) I might advice that they need MORE, much MORE cheese....mmmm

    Mine, I change it up...but I ALWAYs have cheese (I too usually use a mixed mexican blend), and sour cream....usually ground beef (assuming I have it), beans if they are around, shredded lettuce, salsa, and if I am lucky gauc. Oh yeah, I often times also use the cansiter of gooey cheese too (you know, like the whiz).

    DELISH. For times sake I usually go microwave mode, if I am feeling patient i will use the oven.

  15. I want to definitely see pix of the pig day -  it is a lot of work.  My German grandparents would do that once a year and it seemed like my Oma made sausages for days.  Thank goodness she never went in for the head cheese!

    Lindsay Ann - your cheeses sound so good.  Is the Sofia another one of Judy Schad's?  You are lucky to be able to get so many of her cheeses - i usually only get to taste them at the American Cheese Society conference every year.

    Constant Bliss is a wonderful new American soft-ripened - made here in neighboring Vermont by 2 brothers.  Have never met them, but they also do a wonderful blue named Baley Hazen blue and did the aging for the award-winning Cabot bandaged ched that took "best of show" at the ACS.

    Clarines is a great little stinker - and was speaking just to you!

    OK, you are killing me - going down to have some cheese before dinner - Franklin Peluso's wonderful Teleme with some dried figs sounds good.

    Clarines speaking JUST to me? Not to you? Are you implying that you are not a fan of the "stinky' cheese varieties, per-say?

  16. Dave, please be assured it was a joke!

    It was just so cool, but also hilarious to me, that a visiting friend would arrive with such an incredible array of great cheese.  I like to think my group of intimates are pretty cheese-savvy, but I can assure you that NO ONE would bring the beautiful display that Jacques did.

    Rest assured that I also eat a lot of cheese - it has begun to catch up with me now that I am in my 50s, but my cholesterol numbers are not really bad, just higher than they used to be.

    I do agree about trying to eat primarily unprocessed or organic foods, and also about red wine, but I also think there is a genetic componant to all this as well.  "Real" food just tastes better and is more satisfying.

    Knew you were kidding, but can never resist any opportunity to expound upon the benefits of a cheese & wine diet. Love any chance to tweak the noses of the "fat nazi's".

    Jacques is a one off, you couldn't imagine a better friend. He brings cheese, homemade pates, wild mushrooms and other local dishes. In January he has set up an old fashioned pig day. We'll kill the pig then take two days butchering & turning it into all of the traditional pork specialities. I'll be taking lots of pictures!

    Keep up the good numbers! I'm 69 now & still have my (vitually) daily cheese fix.

    LindsayAnn - You sound like a person after my own heart. I'll forgive any cheese lover a bit of junk food so long as they keep up their wine quota.

    Okay okay good :) Fear not, I do enjoy my wine. Red and whites....i do not discriminate :) All depends on what I am eating and my mood....

    Got a few new ones today! Want to know which ones? Do yeah? HUH HUH? Okay, I will play nice and tell you.

    Stopped off ay Sam's wine discount (warehouse powehouse...they officially have the key to my heart).

    There I purchased:

    1-More Neals Years Stilton blue (I had finished off the remainder of mine last night)

    2-Sofia (MMMMM)

    3-Capriole Julianna (GREAT goats cheese, semi soft - albeit not runny or oozy in the least - the rind is covered in hearbs...even thin little things that resemble pine leaves! The rind is perfectly edible and it is delish!). Yes this gem is from my beloved farm capriola...they havent been at the farmers market for a while and ours is ending for the year soon, luckily some of their selections are available around chicago! this is def. one of my favorite cheeses

    4- Jasper Hill Farm constant bliss from greensboro, vermont. This is definetly soft, not quite oozy but it is not quite as hard as semi soft....its delish. my first time having this one - cows milk...non pasterized. I was recomended this and couldnt sample it (its sold in its little circle like shape, once its cut its kind of exposed...hence the non sampling. but, I was recommended this by a wonderful cheese monger at Sams...I trust in her highly. I LOVE all of her recomendations :)

    Next stop whole foods to see if they have anything new and itneresting in stock...

    5 - Fromager Des Clarines (jean perrin - whatever that means). This comes in a little wodden crate....its def oozy with an edible, thicker rind. I wwas told its strong, and stinky...I new this one was calling my name "Lindsay...consume me!".

    And - the verdict....YUMMY YUMMY!

    6 - Capriole Old Kentucky Tomme Goats Milk...yup yup you got it right....from my number 1 farmers market vendor capriola farms :)

    7 - not a cheese, but I seemed to be having a craving for it (right when I saw it I was drawn towards it), Applegate Farms Salametti....yummy little salami type sausage log. Good compliment to my cheese lunch!

    So, Dave and Gariotin - how do those newbies sound to you? I am guessing you have tried some (if not all) of them? Your opinion?

  17. Dave, I have 2 questions -

    1/ Do you know any more about the bouyesset - I have never heard of it and it looks great. What region is it typical of? Raw or pasteurized?

    2/ Have you had your cholesteral checked recently?


    People that know me well ask me that all the time...regarding my cholesterol....b/c I eat so much darn cheese (much of it being the creamy, double/tripple cremes....).

    And, as Dave has attested (sp?) - mine is great! Well the bad cholesterol is normal...but the "good" cholesterol is AWESOME...so I am told.

    However, unlike dave...I endulge, far too often, in prosessed foods. What can I say? Cravings, PMS, Mood swings...and a love for certain junk foods. Wha'd yah gonna do? I choose to live life to its fullest (meaning enjoy it!)

  18. Love her....really!

    She has a great TV personality....and she is on TV. Remember folks? That is what she is paid to do and I think she does it well, as do many others (if you dont agree why dont you check out her ratings).

    Now, to each there own. You dont like her? GREAT! You hate her? WONDER-FLIPIN-DO.

    DO I employ many of her recipes? Nah, not really. Some of them? Sure I do. Have I learned a thing or two from her tips/cooking style/recomendations? Most certainly have!

    And with that - I hope you all enjoy your afternoon/evening. I am going to go and watch myself some Paula Dean. HAHA

  19. Nice choices in there - you have access to good cheeses.

    I am particularly fond of number 11 - hence my screen name!

    AHHH Ha ha I did not even notice that. My oh my...I am not as perceptive as I thought I was!

    nice screen name...you really are a cheese fan aren't you! Cool in my book

  20. Laurie - You seem to have things all figured out...but I thought I would add in some advice just incase you might happen to check back in on this thread.

    I am currently engaged...and I have the motto "whatever my parents decide to contribute...great! Whatever (if anything) my fiance's parents want to do...wonderful!"

    So, as it stands, my parents are paying for the majority...the historical 'parents of the bride' type stuff (reception, flowers, picts, videographer, limos, dress, etc etc etc....). My fiance's parents are also helping out with some of the common 'parents of the groom' type stuff (open bar at reception, rehersal dinner).

    Pretty traditional. However, even if this were not the case I would really be a little put off (okay a lot put off) if Greg (the fiance) parents told (vs. asking) my parents to pay for our guests...I mean isn't everyone everyones guests...in the end and all? I mean we are joining (greg and I) together, which makes us all family of sorts....

    I am so sorry you and your hubby have to deal with this crap...because that is what it is...crap!

    I mean if the brides parents are short on cash that is totally understandable. What is NOT understandable is the demand...ESPECIALLY considering the number of guests on their side of the invitees vs. yours (240 to 20, bride to groom, respectively!). WOW....way outta line.

    Tell your husband he is a smart smart man!

  21. Hey, Lindsey Ann - don't leave us hanging - what are the other 15 cheeses in your fridge?

    At the moment, I have Point Reyes Blue, Spanish goat cheese coated w/rosemary,  and Comte.  Oh and also Quicke's cheddar from Devon - one of my faves.

    That Neal's Yard Stilton is a special age that is done for them by Colston Basset, I believe.  It is outstanding.

    Gariiotin, So sorry this response is this late....Thanksgivings been busy busy.

    In response to your question - let me take a stroll over to my fridge right now and see which chesse's I still have the label for (many are already open, thus in saran wrap or wax paper - their original label removed...I will list as many as I can)

    Ok - back from the fridge...I had more cheese's with labels than I realized...yet there are about 5-6 that are labelless (due to my repackaging).

    So, here we are.... Most of these I wouldnt even know how to pronounce...So I just basically am going to type in the main portion of the label....hopefully for all of my cheese's I am getting the name straight - cause there are other things written on many of the labels...descritions/manufactorer/farm/location, etc...

    1.) Chevre du Poitou Framage (Goats cheese)

    2.) Chaource rouzaire (Cow's milk)

    3.) Robiola Bosina (langra) Sheep and Cows milks)

    4.) Capriola Farm O'bannon (Goats milk -I get this gem from my farmers market. There are also multiple specialty stores in the chicago area that carry some of this farms (capriola) varieties of goats cheeses...Judy is the farm entreprenueal and she is soooo sweet. This cheese is a soft/crumbly goats cheese that is wrapped in bourbon soaked oak leaves...I hate bourbon but I LOVE this cheese)

    5.) Munster gerome le prefered Alsace

    6.) Redwood Hill farm camellia

    7.) Cana de Cabra Pasterdized Goat Milk from Marcia Spain

    8.) Tommw Basco rau Goat milk Basque region France

    9.) Cabot Cuvee (An award winning (2004) cheddar cheese - this is so flavourful and yummy)

    10.) Gros Tomme Agour (goat/sheep blend)

    11.) Gariotins Raw Goats Milk France

    12.) Garrotxa Goats Milk

    I also have other cheeses that arent 'specialty' per say...cheddars, swiss's mozerellas.....etc...

  22. on Thanksgiving eve I too feel like crap.  Lots of cooking to do and a full day of food tommorow. I know it is nothing special but I will have a big bowl of chicken broth with sliced jalepenos tonight. The spicy stuff is good for me and helps unclog my head.

    Sicker than a dog and I'll be out in the rain tommorow smoking my turkey. Oh well, Happy Thanksgiving

    Hope you are feeling better in a few hours (in time to spoke the hell outta that turkey that is...).

    To all - happy T-day!

    Me, a lil under the weather...thus tonight I enjoyed a big bowl (two cans) of cambels chicken rice soup....mmmmmmm. I added in some pepper and seasoning salt....oh yeah and some parmesan ramano shredded on top...gotta keep the foodie theme going....even with the cambels soup....haha

  23. Me - Love it.

    Does any store, anywhere, stock every single item that we would all conclude to be the best of the best. Of course not. Even the most elegant of specialty stores...I bet I would find at least SOMETHING that I rate as average, or below average at that.

    In my honest opinion, Trader Joes has many superior products. Products that are either a.) hard to find elsewhere, or, b.) of lower quality, or higher price, elsewhere.

    So what do I than do? Simple - I purchase those products that I deem superior in taste, quality, or a bargain price when compared with others. Isn't that how we all shop?

    I don't think anyone has yet said, on this thread at least, that trader joes has the best of the best of everything. Rather, people are simply saying that what they happen to purchase at trader joes, well...ROCKS!

    Now, on to me....personally - I enjoy their:

    Brie cheese's (they have a-many that are yummy and at great prices)

    Goat cheese's

    Select Cerials

    Select juice's

    dried fruits (simply for snacking)

    certain chips/pretzels

    Their chicken cordon blue is to die for - and they come (at least in my area) two to a package and they are simply enormous

    Some good bacon varieties

    Good muffins/bagels

    nice selection of frozen foods - especially the pre-made o'rderves....appetizers.


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