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Posts posted by LindsayAnn

  1. I'm reviving this discussion with a thumbs up for their chicken taquitos. I'm sure you've all had that brand of taquito's (Delimex?) that come 50 in a box that you can buy at Costco and other grocery stores. The Trader Joe's version is much better, in my opinion.

    With the Trader Joe's version, there are only 10 taquitos in a package. They're a little thicker than the Delimex version. I believe they came in beef, too, but I went with the chicken. They were quite good and tasted almost homemade. I heated them up in the microwave and when I took them out they looked like they were starting to unravel/unroll. While some may consider this a negative, it just seemed to emphasize to me that they were more like a homemade dish. I imagine they would have tasted even better if I had pan-fried them on the stove in a little corn oil.

    I was also impressed with their (Mandarin?) Orange Chicken. The chicken pieces come pre-battered. You bake them in the oven and then toss them in the accompanying orange sauce afterwards.

    The batter isn't that thick chewy kind you get in some Chinese fast food restaurants. It's a thin coating that comes out crisp after baking. On some of the smaller pieces of chicken, it was almost too crisp after baking.

    I was also happily surprised to find that the orange sauce wasn't overly sweet. It had a nice balance between sweet and sour and, again, it wasn't a thick & gooey sauce like what you get with a lot of Chinese restaurant's Orange Chicken. If you don't like your Orange Chicken too crisp I suppose you could always dress the pieces in the sauce and then give it time to soak in.

    Has anyone else tried either food item from Trader Joe's?

    PLEASE PLEASE if you like the chicken taquitos try the beef...in my humble opinion they are even better than the chicken....although both are yummy.

    I bake mine in the toaster...if in a hurry I microve first and then back at the end to crisp up. I sometimes melt shredded cheese on top, but usually just dip em' in sour cream. They are yummy even plain those....the cheese and sour cream just further the yummy factor....but of course cheese does that for any food (I am a cheese lover in all forms...hehe)

  2. Shelby - well then I am glad I posted! I browse those online cheese shop sites quite often to read descriptions and see pictures....it gives me ideas to hunt down and reminds me of old favorites which were almost forgotten about!

    Which site(s) do you usually order from? What are your favorites?

    Dave - I juse now saw your posts about your health status. I too am so sorry. You and Gariotin are the ppl I kinda refer to in the back of my mind as my egullet experts. You guys know so much....as do MANY of you egulleters! I have learned so much of my cheese knowledge from you guys! So thanks!

  3. Happy Friday! To celebrate (because Friday's are the best) I have earlier today to run out to Pastoral Cheese Market (one the the best, if not THE best, cheese shops in Chicago...there are two locations- one in wrigleyville on Broadway street(this is where I went) and a newer shop right down in the loop, which I have not been to yet).

    All they have there is cheese (all to be cut to order, unless one of the smaller individual portions (little circular ones usually) that you have to buy the entire round of), a few salami's/aged meats/prosciutto, fresh breads delivered daily from a bread shop (things like baguettes, sour doughs-my personal favorite, etc.....in addition they make sandwiches to order, have a wall of olives, oils, nuts, gourmet chocolates, etc.... But the shop is focused on cheese - the rest of the 'stuff' are enhancers for your cheese!!!

    So today, I decided to treat myself (the hubby will be out with his college friends for happy hour and who knows what :wacko:, so what better occasion (since he is not a fan of these yummy types of cheese, god-forbid!

    I already have a TON of cheese in my fridge (both main fridge, and our mini ones that Greg wanted me to get so our fridge doesn't smell like stinky cheese...mmmmm), but wanted MORE! I got:

    Langres Chalancey, a french cows milk cheese

    St. Marcellin....the ONLY ripe one there :wink: ...the other three available had just came in and were not as oozey....and St. Marcellin is soooo much better ozzey!

    Also, a french milks, cow variety

    And - Brie D' Meaux Rouza.....nice and soft right now, almost oozey - and I LOVe the mushroomy undertones.....MMMM. Sticking to the theme of my Friday Purchase, a cows milk cheese...and you guessed it - French!

    In addition, I got a nice, crusty baguette. I always feel em' for the one that seems to have a nice crisp crust...I love the crust/end pieces :wub: (they were already sold out of sourdough, sigh...)

    I am kinda shocked I walked out without with 3 cows milk varieities, no goats....since I love goats milk cheeses sooo very much :) Also surprising - all pasturized (here in United States :angry: ) cheeses also....I usually like some raw milk cheese; as in I tend to seek it out especially.

    When I tend to go on a "nice/gourmet" cheese bender I have noticed a trend in my tastes....sometimes I am fellin the harder cheeses, without ANY softness, give, or ooze. And then other times I go 100% for soft, runny, oozey cheeses. Usually stinky (or at least stronger in flavor).

    Love my cheeses! Sorry this is so long :) I love to share all stuff cheese. Haha.

    P.S. Interestigly, as much as I love ALL cheeses, sticky and non...I am not a cheese snob. There is a time and place to american cheese, kraft cheddar (albeit extra sharp for me please) and even velvettta cheese...which isn't really even cheese! I actually stopped at the normal grocery store to get some deli cheese, Land O' Lakes American....as processed as it gets! But hey, its good on a grilled cheese, ham and cheese, and even melted on a crusty baguette with some nice cheep Eckrich Deli style salami. See? no snobbery here :raz: I go swing with both clubs. And - I am proud of it!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Eat some (LOTS) of cheese :)

  4. winnemere cheese - what a LOVELY raw milk cheese!

    I have had it before, but I forgot how wonderful it is. Go and look/buy some and try it for yourself (If you haven't already had the pleasure of enjoying this cheese) - warning - when ripe its a bit stinky, orangy/pinkish hue rind....and it sure can ooze as it ages.

    It is sooo delish. Anyone loving this cheese as much as me? The hubby is out of town this weekend (left this evening back Sunday morning)....so I am taking advantage of this time to enjoy ALOT of this cheese. He HATES when I have stinky cheeses smelling up the fridges....and cannot stand the smell when I am eating them in front of him. What a BIG baby.... :raz::wink::wub:

  5. djyee100 - you are so right...asking would seem like the obvious thing for me to do. So why haven't I? I don't know... i just haven't. I do live right in Chicago, 7 blocks or so from the closest Treasure Island. I suppose just laziness :) AND the fact that I thought I would ask all of you first...

    I myself LOVE seeing when someone has recently added something to do thread...it is, afterall, my favorite thread in of all those in egullet!

    I will ask next time I am there!

  6. Hi Gariotin! Thanks so much for asking about my wedding and remembering it! Means a lot to me for some reason (I am a sentimental gal...that could be part of it, wink-wink). I did get married, May 10th. It was a wonderful day, honeymoon in Hawaii was magnificent. I did make sure our reception hall (A golf club) put out a cheese tray (with crackers, grapes, etc....) it was good, but nothing fancy. Just what they offered. That is okay with me though, I like all sorts of cheeses and the cheeses served at the wedding were along the lines of what a typical guest at my wedding wold enjoy. We had 0ver 280 guests come (invited more, got regrets of course though) so we couldn't do just anything. However, I also love sweets, and I hired an outside company (chocolate fountain company) to come in for one hour after dinner was served to set up a chocolate fountain (with a peanut butter river floating around the chocolate flowing fountain, DELISH) with dippers....pretzels, marshmallows, rice crispy treats, strawberries, bananas, pound cake, brownies, and nut clusters...MMMMMMMM!). Dinner was also of course served, along with an hors devour /cocktail hour (stuffed mushrooms, artichoke hearts which I believe were fried or something, cannot remember!, bacon wrapped scallops, and a few other things I cannot recall....we arrived near the end of cocktail hour unfortunately!!

    The cheese I purchased does look a little bit like the picture RossyW posted. However, the inside of my cheese is not that bloomy white looking. Hmmm....

  7. While shopping today (again, at Treasure Island in Chicago IL), I found an old favorite....well maybe not a favorite per-say, but a very yummy cheese nonetheless.

    French Saint Albray...a very soft cheese. I believe it is a cows milk cheese, most likely pasteurized (because I cannot fathom Treasure Island, which is a grocery store specializing in Ethnic Foods, carrying raw-milk cheeses...usually I have to venture to cheese shops to find any raw milk cheeses, and even then they MUST be aged under 60 days (I believe its 60 days). Gotta love American food regulations :angry:

    Anyhow - this cheese is delish.....does anyone have any background information on this cheese. How it is made? Flavor profile (I can taste it myself obviously, just curious about the description its creatures give it, etc..).

    Thanks! As you can see I am cheese OBSESSED!

  8. I picked up this cheese today at a grocery store called Treasure Island. It's nota cheese shop, but they do have a nice selection of specialty cheeses (from all over the place). Teasure Island is known for carrying many sections of ethnic foods (Indian isle, Asian specialty food isle, etc......).

    The reason I purchased this is because I was almost certain that it was a cheese I have bought before (not at treasure island though, rather at a few specialty cheese shops in the Chicago area...i.e. Marcy Cheese in Sams Wine Depot, Whole Foods, and possibly at Pastoral Cheese shop although I am not certain if I have purchased it there before). I like it a lot.

    Description: Firm Goats (I THINK) milk cheese, semi mild/medium flavor....to some it might be more mediumish to strong (definitely NOT stinky strong though), but since I love such strong flavored cheeses to my pallet it is more mildish/medium. The cheese has an orange rind that you do not eat.....does anyone know some possibilities for what this cheese is - as in name....The packages were NOT labeled....as they were cut off of a larger rind and portioned down in saran wrap at the store. If my memory serves me correct the price was around $12 or $13 dollars a pound...though that is an approximation.

    Any ideas? Name of cheese? Where did it come from (origin)?

    THANKS in advance!

  9. I have never had deviled ham....but I love ham and I love egg salads, chicken salads, etc sandwiches and just scooped up plain or with crackers...

    Anyone know if this Underwoods canned deviled ham is sold in major food/grocery stores in the chicago-area??? (i.e. Jewel, Dominick, Treasure Island????).

    Please help I want to buy this and try it right away! It sounds delish...in that canned meat sorta way (winky-wink). Also - would I find this product with the other canned meats (chicken, tuna, spam?)???

  10. And it continues on....

    Today: 3 (yes three) bagels from Einstien bagels....2 honey wheat, 1 pumpkin, each loaded (as in "heavy on the cream cheese" - and they cahrge you more for double cream cheese.....cheapo's) with plain cream cheese. And, I purchased an extra tub of pumpkin cream cheese....I have eaten half the tub....served on my index finger (like you do with the peanut butter....come on I know you all do it also).

    6 pieces of bacon....microwaved cause I am extra lazy in times like these

    A bowl (about 8 oz) of ground beef, which was previously cooked in a skillet for tacos - left over in the fridge, microwaved and topped with dried/chopped minced onions, shredded cheese...the mexican blend, and a large dollop of sour cream from trader joes (which is the best sour cream ever)....eaten straight out of the bowl with a spoon....mmmm beefy goodness

    Half of a lindt milk chocolate bar filled with peanut butter (I think these are new to the lindt chocolate bar line). Half a bar means on serving.....b.c the bar has two servings.....

    Lots and lots of haribo gummy bears, juju fruits...and the embarrasing part.....handisnacks....three of them (the cheese and cracker lil combo - spread the cheese on the cracker variety).

    Along with lots of apple juice, and La Croix sparkling water, lime.


  11. Spaghetti noodles with the kraft liquid (not the kids blue box powder shit) cheese mix (it's from the mac and cheese box of pasta and the cheese is in a gooey silver envelope thingy.....not powder...so you just clip off the top corner of silver cheese goo, and squeeze it on in....better than the nasty powder stuff.). I don't like the noodles that the package comes with....so i mix it with spaghetti noodles.... it's more to my liking that way :) I also add in a spoonful or two of sour cream, and a handful (or 3) or shredded sharp cheddar cheese....nuke that all up and it's delish. I also only cook the spaghetti until aldente - or even a touch shy of....I also add black pepper and if I am feeling refined....a healthy sprinkling of grated/chopped onion (yes, from the shaker....I swear they are good in there and give it a lil' onion jazz). MMMMM

    Along with that - HUGE protions of Haribo gummy bears (did I spell Haribo correctly??? Hmmm....), gummy life savers and reeses peanut butter cups...gotta love halloween candy sales!

  12. On the last day I WAS AT the farmers market (as in today, saturday, and as in 3 farmers markets!!! Here is Chicago I have three farmers markets near my house, within one mile each of my house!!! I love Saturday mornings in Chicago....in the summer that is!):

    10 year aged cheddar cheese from Bunkrow Cheese...mmmm this is my favorite aged cheddar - great deal of crunchy crystals!

    1 loaf of sourdough bread - Bennisons Bakery

    1/2 of a sweet cheese/blueberry swirl coffee cake - my husband will LOVE this!

    one package of fresh string cheeses (as in 6 individual string cheeses, all wrapped up together ina single piece of saran wrap). These puppies string SOOO amazingly much...I never realized the TRUE definition of "STRING" cheese until I bought the fresh stuff from the market...I cannot look at supermarket string cheese the same now!

    one package of smoked string cheese (similar to the above, but with an intense smoke-y feature to it)

    one lil' carton of pears (5 pears)

    one baggie of dried asian pears (they are pretty soft, not crunchy) - one lil lunch baggie sized bag is $4.00!!!) Expensive, right? Well - it takes a large amount of pears I was told to dry out a tiny amount of these snackies! They are YUM. SOOO sweet - NOTHING added to them at all - not even sugar...NOTHING!

    That is all for todays market. Until Wednesday (when i hit up the green city market - the only wednesday market in the city....and conveniently the closest one to me! About 5 blocks away!)

  13. Sockii - I love the taquitos and agree their burritos are yummy, at least the varieties of burritos I have tried. As for the taquitos I prefer the beef (shredded beef) ones to the chicken. I also like the mini tacos - just beef or chicken in the center - again here I prefer the beef (shredded, like the taquitos).

    I like their frozen calamari (not breaded, just the squid rings) in the bag. I love it chewy, yes I am weird I suppose, since you are "supposed" to like calamari NOT chewy...or whatever they say...you know all those recommendations to NOT overcook it or is will get chewy....etc etc etc. HAHA - I WANT mine chewy - and I am proud to admit it :)

    Quick note: not a frozen item, but I love their peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets.....I like the salted ones - they also sell them in non-salted though.

  14. I know you're asking for eats...but I will start with 'drinks' because when you're sick, whether you've got the latest cold or stomach flu, liquids are of utmost importance also.

    Drink: Hot tea, chicken broth, GATORADE (I capitalized that because it's often all I feel like and restores some of my energy when I am drained from throwing up too much :)

    Eats: Chicken noodle soup, or just noodle soup. I like very salty broths when I have a bug or feel under the weather - so often I turn to cambels original chicken noodle soup...so salty, soft noodles (I normally like my noodles anything BUT soft, love al dente noodles or maybe even slightly less cooked than al dente, but when I am sick I love the cambels soft overcooked noodle goodness).

    Saltine crackers (with said soup, or just plain). Who knows, maybe its the same salty theme going on here (Gatorade, soup, saltines are all higher in salt).

    FlavorIce pops...I could eat these all day/night long - even when I am not sick (and I do eat them - had about 15 tonight...so so high in sugar but how I love thee). Whether your throat is hurting or your tummy is aching these are yummy on the sick tummy/head/neck/throat. When I have the flu its often all i can keep down - even when the Gatorade retaliates and comes back up.

    That's all I have - might seem a little odd - but it works for me.

    P.S. Almost forgot, fruit smoothies. When I am sick I don't use dairy (no yogurt or milk, just a blend of fresh fruits, juices, ice, or frozen fruits if I have them stashed in the freezer - which I almost always do) - at least not when I am stomach sick. My tummy just doesn't want milk based products at times like these. However, if I have a cold or I am getting over being sick a yogurt based smoothie can be a godsend - all those healthy active cultures to restore the activity in my body.

  15. Monday was a sad, sad day here in Chicago. I was craving Panda's hot and sour soup - actually have been for over a week.

    On Sunday I called the Panda location in the chicago loop (downtown, business district in chicago, east of Michigan Ave (where all the shoppers/tourists can be found)) - for that is the Panda location where I became addicted to the Hot and Sour (H&S to shorten it up, cause I am typing lazy today, haha). I completed graduate school in Education at National-Louis University on Adams and Michigan Ave (actually, the mailing address is Monroe Street, like anyone cares about that though!)...and right across the street from my school, on Adams, was a Panda Express. I got the Hot and Sour soup WHENEVER I had class, which was usually 3 days a week, sometimes 4!

    So, like I was saying, called Panda Express on Sunday to see if the H&S soup was available - historically I would drive downtown (only 3 miles for me, but in Chicago, in the city, 3 mere miles can take (more often than not) 15 mins, each way!) and find out it was unavailable on Sunday! By calling this past Sunday, I saved myself a trip...because it was not available.

    So I waited it out until Monday, and went downtown at 10AM (I know they serve food that early, and I had a craving, BADLY!). I walked in, all excited, and saw only Egg Drop Soup! WHAT!?!? I have never not seen Panda serving H&S soup on a weekday. I asked, "No H&S soup?", I was told "No, no H&S, only Egg Drop".

    I questioned further "Always? Not always, right....." (I was hoping, praying, that it was just an issue of lack of supply, ingredients, or something like that).

    "No, No more. Only Egg Drop. Always."

    "What!", I cried. "Why? Why no H&S? I love that soup".

    I was told "Lots of people no like H&S, too spicy". We no sell enough. Bad seller".

    "But I liked it. No, no I loved it! How can this be? All Panda Expresses? Or just this location?", I questioned even further.

    And I was told "All Chicago locations, I think. I think no H&S in Chicago, only Egg Drop".

    I was so sad. Although I like egg drop soup (actually i am VERY fond of many Chinese soups, wonton included...), I didn't have the heart, will, or motivation to order anything else. If I couldn't get my hot and sour I didnt want anything. Not the Orange Chicken (which is also wonderful), not Lo Mein (which I crave about once a month, same timing always, wink-wink), not egg rolls...nothing.

    I almost rang up one of the local Chinese delivery joints later that afternoon, to order H&S soup, Crab Wontons, Egg Rolls, Rib Appetizer, AND Lo Mein (just to eat gluttonously and sob in my misery over my Panda Express inquiry....) - but I didn't.

    Obviously I am now very very angry at Chicago (the people who reside here)....THEY are at fault for Panda Express not carrying my soup anymore. You people have bad taste! H&S soup too spicy? What are you thinking? Look what you have done to me!

    Note: Many of the irrational comments in this post, especially the last paragraph in full, are meant in total sarcastic exaggeration. I am only kidding here so please, Chicagoans, don't throw stones my way ;0)

  16. I have major cravings right now. Today at a grocery store I picked up THREE pre-made Chicken Cordon Blues (not the frozen ones - rather the ones made at the deli counter with the other prepared foods)...I am obviously too lazy to make my own. I love Chicken Cordon Blue, love love love it. I also picked up two LARGE dark chocolate bars, one 72% coco, one 85%...

    And I am not contemplating ordering a pizza from Pizza Hut (don't laugh....I am very moody right now and don't need it....wink-wink). I get weird cravings once in a blue moon for Pizza Hut - ONLY because they have this stuffed crust pizza, OMG, YUM. I love cheese, so if you've going to stuff the crust of my already EXTRA cheesy pizza with MORE cheese, well, I love you......Add on black olives to the pie.....YUM. Greasy, salty, fast food....MMM

    Speaking of Chicken Cordon Blue - does anyone have a good recipe for Chicken Cordon Blue? I have tried a few recipes, and while all were good, they tended to leak out (cheese oozing out) or turned out not as crispy (the breadcrumbs) as I prefer on the crust...I have tried stuffing the cheese and ham in a little pocket....rolling the cheese and ham inside of a pounded out breast, etc.... I suck at making these....compared to deli counters (which is kinda embarrassing!).

  17. Fear not, I come bearing links for chocolate bacon bars....


    Anyone clicking on this link must order an extra one for me. I like the ones shaped like a flying pig.  :raz:

    I saw these chocolate, salty, bacony candy bars at the World Market Plus.....here in Chicago (Lincoln Park, on Sheffield and North Ave). I am sure other World Market Plus outlet's must have them also. I did not purchase any because I had not read these positive reviews of them yet....but I will have to stop back to pick one up :)

  18. I love love love their hot and sour soup. Honestly, it is to die for. I keep on testing hot and sour soups from other restaurants (sit down chinese restaurants, mainly) and none of them stand up to Panda Expresses.

    What is funny is that I am NOT a big fan of spicy food, but to me (and my timid spice tasting taste buds) this soup is spicy spicy spicy....but I love love love it none-the-less :) I love the long thin black things in it....are these a type of mushroom.....bean sprout type thing? Or what? They are soft-ish to the bite...yet at the same time have a little bit to them in the middle. MMMMM....

    I go there just for this soup - I usually get 3 of 4 (oh come on now, they are small) so that I can eat two and save the other two for later (in the day, haha).\

    Edited to fix my careless typing mistakes....due to (once again) my tendency to rush a bit too much :wink:

  19. HECK yes there was a bubble gum cigarette. You could blow on it and dust would come flying out the end - purposely manufactured like that (to represent 'smoke').

    That soooo wouldnt fly in this day and age. HAHAH

  20. What didn't I love? I am (errr....I mean was) a candy fiend. Ok - I still am.

    I have a candy drawer in our coffee table. It's the closest drawer to my 'usual' seat on the couch. It is COMPLETELY filled with, um - candy.

    And - I am NOT joking you - guess what's in there? Those paper dot candies. I saw them, (like a month back) and thought "I remember those! MUST HAVE...MUST HAVE and so with that I bought them. I ate a lot of them, but stopped a few weeks back, and they still reside in my prized drawer.

    I also loved Mary Janes, still love them. MMMMM. Candy corn - but that's still available - and usually a halloween treat/staple for me. Licorice show laces - in red please. Jolly rancher sticks. Chunk candy bars. I loved the wax lips - don't ask me why. I do not get the appeal at all today. juju bees - still loved these. I Have pulled out a filling with those before - same with Nips coffee candies (my dentist has the luxury of lecturing me quite often. Poor, poor man...he is completely wasting his time.

    My sweet tooth is better than it was when I was a wee one - but I still need a daily sugar fix. I LOVE fruit also - but sometimes it just doesn't 'do it', like candy does.

    Candy and cheese, I cold live off of those (and peanut butter too...and sour dough bread....okay okay I will stop).

  21. These are the fiber slices I was talking about - Lychee flavor.


    Here they are spread out a bit on my countertop - so you can see what they look like. they taste ok, chewy....a little too plasticy....really! They kinda taste like plastic!



    I also got these - not mentioned earlier. Now - I have NO clue how to use these....dried shrimp. Can I just eat em? Do you rehydrate with water and use them for cooking/soups and the such??





  22. This first one is the seasoned nori/seaweed. Its actually a bit spicy!?!?! it comes in a little tupperware - 10 servings per container.


    But - this one (also seaweed) is better (tasting). Its seasoned - but not spicy. This alittle package is one of three (it came in a set of three mini ones - each is one serving). This one has oil in the ingredients, the other (pictured above) does not. BUt - its sooo much better. After opened it says to store in airtight container in the fridge. Umm....who wouldnt eat it all at once! HAHA - it is only one serving, 10 sheets per package.




    Here is the dried squid. it is good, but a bit sweet (too sweet).




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