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Everything posted by AAQuesada

  1. AAQuesada

    Dinner 2024

    How was it! (yours looks better than many of the pictures of it I've seen online)
  2. great looking croquetas!
  3. You guys are lucky to have such great Spanish options in the UK! I have the Bar44 cookbook Tapas y Cocina and like it quite a bit. Ps for steak I don't think you need to go further than rubbing with a good fresh Olive oil and a sprinkling of sea salt! And some Basque Cider if you can find it
  4. well, that sucks I basically do the same thing except sans liner.
  5. Thomas Keller's latest recommendation for hard green vegetables is blanching in 6% salt! Ice water now gets salted at 3% and stay in the ice bath for the same time they were cooked for
  6. Katie's statement left a lot open to interpretation! They are retiring and I'll miss the chick peas they used to bring to farmers markets (used for crop rotation iirc) but the rice isn't going away they sold the rights to a local guy who started as a Mexican immigrant laborer and grew to own the company. I was worried about it at first too
  7. I've always soaked muesli in cold milk over night so it swells and thickens. then top with fresh berries or honey I went looking for a basic recipe and many look overly complicated, I've never done it with yogurt but this one looks good https://z-nuni.com/swiss-bircher-muesli-recipe/
  8. Had no idea she had any tv shows thanks for the heads up!
  9. She really is fantastic, for the most part her recipes work and are not too complicated. I always recommend her books
  10. I remember seeing a version in the NYTimes. Here is the recipe (gift link) https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1025839-molten-chocolate-muffins?unlocked_article_code=1.EE4.F7-t.vHaAM-TdgFPa&smid=share-url
  11. 'There's a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is.' -Douglas Adams
  12. Try placing the meat in strainer set in a bowl with a paper towel on top of the meat
  13. For those that don't regularly use a food mill I think there is always a surprise at how much skin and seeds there are to be removed!
  14. Thanks for mentioning this, I picked up her book at Now Serving last weekend! I'm thinking about trying the lentil recipe first.
  15. You can get blancmange packets via amazon! Personally I would go with all peach (or sub for nectarine) instead of using dried apricot, I don't think they'll ever get as soft as you want for this recipe. Just my .02c
  16. AAQuesada

    Caesar Salad

    I made this Caesar recently from French Chef Jean Francois Piege. Pretty fantastic, and like Amy good Parisian Caesar salad i topped out with chicken and a hats cooked egg (obviously going for authenticity! 😂 https://www.lepoint.fr/gastronomie/la-sauce-caesar-de-jean-francois-piege-19-05-2018-2219729_82.php#11
  17. Chile Morita is a good substitute for Chipotle and is pretty easy to find. It's a Serrano dried in the same manner as a chipotle one of my favorite chilies.
  18. Try it all three ways and report back how it goes! Eggs get tempered to protect them from turning into scrambled eggs. Sugar acts on eggs chemiclly so it's not usually advised to do this in advance. To add the sugar to the milk instead of the eggs sounds like a bad idea to me but what do I know. Don't take my word for it, test these variations side by side traditional recipe as a control group and report back how it goes!
  19. Do you have a stand mixer? We can probably talk you through it that way
  20. I love to roast whole bananas in their peel just gives them a great flavor but I've never actually used the peel itself!
  21. You guys made me hungry! So i went CoCo ichibanya curry house
  22. @Susanwusan from Sonoko's book. I also found a video of her making the curry brick for you
  23. Everything contributes to the whole, star anise would especially be missed. That being said just leave them out they are both not easy to substitute for. Hopefully you'll still have that Japanese taste!
  24. Highly recommend using the S&B if you can find it. Japanese curry spice mix has a particular taste that's not similar to Indian! Shouldn't be to hard to source!
  25. I've made the recipe from her book and really like it!
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