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Everything posted by nikkib

  1. Thanks for all the advice, have settled on Mollys yard for lunch on arrival then Michael Deanes in the evening and Rain City for a suitably hungover brunch the next day. Will let you know how it all goes
  2. can't find a website for ginger? would that be better than zen or cayenne? I like the look of Deanes brasserie for brunch.
  3. Mmmm, yeah not holding out much hope for a gourmet weekend but still! have you tried Michael Deanes the 1 michelin star?
  4. Ah she's probably only faking. Call her bluff!! Si PS Kidding! ← would love to but she spent three of our four day trip to Bordeaux being violently ill and missed all the big chateaus so hasn't really forgiven me for that one yet...
  5. looks great but my friend is severely shellfish allergic so she would probably kill me!!
  6. I'm off to belfast for one night next week and need recommendations on where to eat dinner on saturday and also a couple of good brunchy places for sat and sunday - any ideas?
  7. A nice light red would work - New Zealand Pinot Noir or a nice Givry maybe.
  8. I thought Roka was fantastic when i saw their stall at taste of London.
  9. Peanut butter parfait with peanut butter crunch tuile, cherry sorbet and cherry sauce, Absolutely fantastic mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. Whiskey Exchange is also about the only retail shop in London that stocks Velvet Falernum ! Cotton's now have a branch in Exmouth Market too. Trailer Happiness's decor is perhaps more Woolworth's prints circa 1964 than Tiki, but they do make nice drinks (and they are far less prissy than most Notting Hill cocktail joints). gethin ← Monday nights are always fun, lots of industry people, and the cocktails are truly fantastic, if you can remember the night before the morning after..........................
  11. The food is awful and expensive. A few examples: Chicken fingers and fries: around $8.75 16 oz Heinekin Beer: $8.75 French Fries: $5.00 Cotton Candy: $4.00 Dinner for 4 at The Feeding Tree with gratuity $50.00. ← Thanks for the tip! Still fancy an authentic new yorkers friday night at the baseball kind of meal wheres the best spot nearby?
  12. Not to sound totally stupid but what is the food like inside the stadium? Am going to a game at the end of the month and as a Brit abroad was thinking of eating there, however i don't want to die.....................................
  13. Breakfast on a sunday? A Bloody Mary - Juice of 1/4 lemon and a couple of lime wedges, good shake of celery salt, pinch of sea salt and couple of grinds of the pepper mill, plenty of tabasco and woucestershire sauce topped with a hefty dose of vodka leftover from the night more - Absolut at the moment although cucumber polstar is also pretty good & tomato juice. Shake it with ice & garnish with a celery stick and more pepper with a wedge of lime to finish mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  14. nikkib


    Admin: threads merged. Any comments?
  15. nikkib

    River Cafe

    Anyone have any feedback on the river cafe? Been checking it out in michelin and have friends who are keen to visit but havent heard anything about it myself?
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