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Everything posted by nikkib

  1. Fastest finger first " I carried a watermelon..." Easy i know but hey!
  2. And as for the "egg white Omelette" or scrambled egg whites??? That is something intrinsically American that we Europeans will never get!
  3. I don't blame you for wanting to add these, Johnny. If they *were* our cultural iconic foods, we'd probably have a much better reputation in the world-wide scheme of "gastronomy". Let's just keep them quiet, though, hmmm? The price and availability of Maine Lobster is already difficult enough to deal with. I'm just happy you didn't choose milt. Though it *would* be rather amusing as cultural iconography. What, you didn't know it's already available? It's. . .(oh nevermind, I don't have time right now to tell you all about it. . .) ( ) Wow. . .the second vote for "prescription" cuisine. And I have to say the idea never crossed my mind. Interesting. . . Here's my 1950-2000 list: Hamburgers Hot Dogs Coke Corn on the Cob Cotton Candy *or* S'Mores (Do they make cotton candy in other places? Does anyone *outside* the US know about s'mores and how they fit into our culture? I don't know. . .I was going to use french fries for the fifth answer but then thought of their prevalence (under different names) in some other countries. . .) ← Yes to cotton candy in the uk, and pretty much everywhere in europe, also had an amazing north african dessert which is essentially the same thing - can't remember its name though but it was amazing - will get back to you on that one as for "smores" ?????
  4. I think it takes a while for restaurants to get updated - scotts is not on there yet and the reviews seem to take a very long time to appear. L'atelier is on there still, all the negative reviews are still there under "older reviews" I keep an eye out on restaurants i have been to but would certainly not change my opinion of a restaurant, stop me from visiting one or decide to go pick a restaurant with positive reviews.
  5. You are correct there - i have dined there several times and on the last visit at 6.30 on a sunday night the "buzz" was definitely lacking despite the room being moderately full, You still acn't beat Le caprice in terms of that though in my opinion
  6. oooh you have to go back and try the rhubarb compote with vanilla custard ice cream, the best thing i have eaten all year unquestionably mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  7. Annie Hall ← I guess it's a classic gag! So far we have, Pretty Woman, Naked Gun 2 1/2 and Annie Hall... ← Wasn't it the escargot in pretty woman - and while we are on that subject what kind of a jerk would order the kind of food richard gere does in that movie for someone who is already socialy out of their depth and very uncomfortable with the dinner arrangements without throwing in escargot?
  8. 1. Coke (does that count?) 2. Hamburgers 3.Hotdogs 4.Grits 5.Chocolate Brownies Not sure about the time line but worth a shot....
  9. I had a fabulous meal there just before Christmas, everything we ate was delicious. The baked alaska for two, flamed at the table was a highlight. ← I've been to Toms kitchen a couple of times now and consider it a great addition to the area. My leeks braised in meat juices with lentils and black truffles was absolutely delicious as a starter, as is the celeriac remoulade and bayonne ham. Mains i have sampled included a delicious raost fillet of halibut with olive oil pommes puree, and confit peppers and spinach and one of the best pork chops (mustard and caramelised apple glaze) with crackling was equally successful. Weekend brunch - blueberry pancakes/french toast/waffles/eggs benedict etc were all very competent too, and the drinks offerings deserve special praise too - wines from £14 to £100 and some of the best cocktails i've had in ages. I would recommend it heartily
  10. Bridget Jones' Diary ? ← Yup! Attacking lobster... ← Th naked gun 2/12?
  11. Cranky cranky!!!! It's just an enjoyable diversion, and if you don't enjoy , don't read! Personally, it's interesting and entertaining and this is a great venue for people to showcase their talents (or to fail miserably with a deluge of grouchy respondents). I say, continue! It's fun! ← Hear hear!
  12. What do you mean 'before he can walk'? Aikens has been around long enough to know what he's doing, and he doesn't need to top Restaurant Magazine's 50 Best, or get a third Michelin star before he opens another joint. As you say, London could do with something like this. Better Aikens than MPW, Ramsay, or Conran. ← Or even a second michelin star for that matter...
  13. Lasagne Novelli with a creamy camembert béchamel sauce I know a lot of lonely housewives find Jc "tatsy" but this is surely taking things too far?
  14. How to Marry a Millonaire. ← great movie!
  15. Tagliolini and white truffle mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  16. For what it's worth i would say that the prices are high even by london standards, just because Limpsfield is a wealthy area it doesn't go hand in hand that they are happy to pay over the odds for it. I appreciate you also have a brasserie but wouldn't you rather have a full restaurataurant paying slightly less than a half full restaurant paying more? I appreciate this is a business decision but don't forget opening a new restaurant is about creating a buzz, getting people talking and visiting your restaurant at the first possible opportunity. With these prices you are making it the kind of place most people will sav for a special occasion, not the sort of place they will go on a monday night because they don't feel like cooking and then rfeturning time and time again. Do you offer a set lunch/sunday lunch menu or weekend menu? Also worth looking at. Also - the website is very oldfashioned even the font style seems dated already - nothing about the website grabs you and screams WE ARE NEW! COME CHECK US OUT! anyway thats only my opinion - good luck and keep us updated!
  17. Le fumoir is always worth a shot - they list all their different martinis etc and when i asked the barman to stir my martini and not to shake it he seemed aghast that shaking was even an option, very laid back "Graham Greene" vibe to it, probably not the best but worth a visit all the same
  18. Depends on your criteria is it a three course meal? Do you count 3 x dim sum as three courses etc?
  19. phew glad thats sorted then! so Michelin................................... What would be your top recommendation on Michelin 1* in london then? Mine would have been Petrus but now its up to 2* So i'm curious as to which restaurant would come out top and bottom for that matter?
  20. Or people that call it the "service" industry not hospitality I don't see my career as a "service" A big part of the problem is that in Britain we still as a whole, look down on these people "serving us" rather than appreciating and enjoying their hospitality. Like you say in France/Italy etc this is a well regarded career where as people over here seem to think that we fall into it because we can't do anything else.
  21. PRINGLES mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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