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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. If one defines allergies as tightly as above (IgE mediated histamine hypersensitivity reaction), what is one to call it, if eating a certain food causes projectile vomiting, headaches or other unpleasantries that may not be IgE mediated? Would it be sufficiently detailed and pleasant to ask: "Hi Miss Waiter, is there seafood in this soup? Because seafood makes me ill. Even eating something cooked in the same pan make me ill." ? Note that the person asking is not reactive to all seafood, but the list of culprits is sufficiently long as to get tedious to recite (does this soup contain a, b, c, d, e ,f, g, or h?). So this person might subsequently be spotted eating grilled salmon, with no ill effect. It is annoying to have people cry wolf about this, but its imperative to respect them. Their reason may be for attention or it may be to simplify communications.
  2. Walmart at I-15 and Aero Dr sells 7-11 sort of groceries. Its not the full service grocery found in some Walmarts. If you want the mega-supermarket experience, I'd give it a pass.
  3. The Ralph's in Hillcrest has a more diverse than usual produce dept, and carries all the typical CA grocery store 'stuff'. Its next to a Trader Joe's and a block or so away from WholeFoods. It sounds like it would meet your criteria, and let you hit three versions of CA shopping in one swell foop. Where-ish in SD are you staying?
  4. I love to introduce friends to Khyber Pass. I first ate there in the late 80's, when they were in a small mall on Convoy Street. The food was good; we had the good fortune to arrive on a day the owners were celebrating a Russian setback, and had prepared a special celebratory dish not (at the time) on the menu. I had the vegetarian sampler plate and my companion had the special lamb with orange/raisin rice. It was delicious. Next time I went, they'd moved a block or two, and were in another small mall. The restaurant was decorated as if one were entering and dining inside a cave. The orange/raisin dish was now on the menu and the vegetarian sampler was still delicious. I ate many good meals at that location. When the American forces were the ones dealing with the Afghani caves, I imagine the decor lost some of its appeal. The last 3 times I've been was to the Hillcrest location, over a 2 year period. A more sophisticated look (with a waterfall wall), same delicious food. The Mr is particularly enamored of the lamb with cherry sauce (the proper name for which escapes me at the moment; ???? cholow). I still cant select my fav veg prep of all the options available.
  5. Thank you. Fun and interesting blog. Good luck catching up on your rest.
  6. Marlene, Vicodin. Now. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch.
  7. Tejon, thats killer! I about fell off my chair laughing. At least one diaper should get butterscotch or peanut butter chips melted into it.
  8. Yum. I lost my lavender last year - now I know why.
  9. Bought another Early Girl and a Brandywine tomato plant today.Also another blue potato "All Blue" (the ones I already planted came from Trader Joe's - they grew like gangbusters last year but are moving slower this year). Also, I couldnt resist a tuberrose ?bulb?corm?. These are destined to be planted tomorrow. These came from City Farmers Nursery, Home Ave at Euclid. Interesting place - this was my first but not last visit. The building adjoins Frank's Cafe, so we'll be back for lunch - acc the Mr, the menu looked good but we had no time today. The basil seed is sprouting, but the cilantro isnt. Anyone know how long it usually takes cilantro to germinate? <google says 7-10 days> The seed brusselsprouts appear to be coming up too (or could be weeds. Those had some garden soil in the pot). The garlic is going great guns. I hope it stopped long enough to put down some roots!
  10. Kouign Aman


    When time and energy converge, I like them steamed, then sauteed briefly with onions and butter (giving the onions a head start in the butter while the carrots steam). Whole steamed is also a favorite, and takes less alignment of the stars. Coriander sounds good.
  11. Klary, I made butter braised beef last night, for dinner tonight. I snuck a goodly sample this morning. Oh it was difficult to put it back in the fridge. The house smells like heaven. Thank you. Because I made it so late at night, after I finished browning the beef, I braised it in the oven at 300F for 4 hours (instead of on the stovetop). Its all shreddy and lovely now, but I think I'll go down to 275F next time, as the bubbling was a tad vigorous when I got up to take it out of the oven. Or, if you have experience cooking it in the oven, I'll follow your recommendation. If I find new potatoes, I'll serve it with them. Otherwise, mashed. One day I want to recreate Abra's menu from her blog, when she made this recipe.
  12. Beautiful children - thanks! Food - Im still staggering under the photos above. Oh my! So delicious looking, and so much!
  13. On another gardening thread, Jackal10 posted about some potatoes that are red all the way thru, and others that are blue. He gets them as plants from a vendor in the UK. I'd love to plant some. I've got the purple ones in already (excellent boiled, sliced cold and topped with creme fraiche and caviar) (they also make lovely lavender mashed spuds). Pumpkin for blossoms: thanks for the idea! I've got two more pots ready for the next interesting tomato and other plant I find. We're going to a new-to-us nursery this weekend, with high hopes.
  14. FWIW, I dont pre-tip, and wouldnt. I have a deep-rooted aversion to 'taking cuts' in line. (I'm probably afraid someone would 'tattle' on me. ) But I dont see it as immoral, even if that seems contradictory. You are quite right, it is pathetic and illogical. But it doesnt change my experience that profiling occurs - dress, appearance, age, gender. Apparently, young folks are thought less likely to have money to splash around. Less than before, but still, two women are more likely to have to ask for a better table than a male/female couple (in my experience), nice clothes sit in better seats than equally clean and tidy but less attractive ones, etc etc. I agree with this description. And yet I note that even it accepts that the MD/hostess makes decisions based on profiling (underdressed, children). Yup, aint it great? The rewards of being a regular can be great and also intangible. That's a classy way to handle it without causing embarrassment and hurt feelings for years to come.
  15. The hostess/MD looks at the customer and decides where to seat them, so in that sense, yes it is theirs to sell. I can change the way I am received at a restaurant by changing the way I dress. A good suit and heels gets a nicer table than frumpy. I wonder what frumpy plus a pre-tip would get.
  16. Duly noted. Congratulations!!!! That loaf looks like its reaching out to hug you. <editted to provide attribution (and correct formatting ) >
  17. All my fingers and toes are crossed in good luck wishes. :tenterhooks:
  18. But everyone is not on even ground. For example, to get a seat at Galatoires in New Orleans, one must stand in line. If a regular shows up, they are ushered right past the line of eager tourists, and seated promptly. The staff knows that this person is a reliable source of income, and they get taken care of accordingly. I expect MDs etc 'profile' - they look at the folks who are waiting to be seated (in any restaurant) and to some degree seat them according to expectations, in location if not in order (who gets the window, who gets the path to the kitchen). So tipping up front, while of debatable morality (see debate above ), gives the profiler additional information.
  19. Hooray! The yeastie boys live! Fresh bread is in your future! (not -to -distant, I hope). I will be borrowing that jar-gauge idea, thank you kindly.
  20. During my pregnancy, I wanted palak paneer. I pigged out at local indian buffets at least once a week. The other big craving was baked beans w cornbread. I missed bleu cheeses and wine something fierce. The smells of artificial flavor in coffee really got to me, and its still a problem. I couldnt walk down the coffee aisle in the grocery at all, and the smell still gives me a headache. I didnt give up all coffee drinking but noticed that the previously rich welcoming smell of brewing coffee (as it is now), was reminiscent of cat-spray while I was pregnant.
  21. Do you have room to let the loaves and jars sit a few hours longer? If it were a case of too little vol preferment in the overall recipe (as you wondered, above), its could take quite a while for the yeast to grow to a high enough population. This may be a case where apparent over-proofing would at least provide positive information for future applications. I ask because in other kinds of cell culture, overdiluting the cells can cause a delay much longer than the math would lead one to expect, because many cells grow faster when there are plenty of neighbors around. So in the early stages, when its a lonely frontier, they are kind of lackadaisical about dividing. Then when the neighborhood gets friendly, they go gang-busters with predictable doubling times and logarithmic growth. The goal in breadmaking is to set up that friendly neighborhood from the get go.
  22. That's one heck of an experiment. I'm impressed. I'm wishing you all the best in coaxing the b(y)eastie boys into playing nicely with others. There's something inherently absurd in many serious endeavors. Good Luck! And lots of laughter. I keep wondering if the local humidity makes a difference. Also, what cleaning materials are used on the 'folding' board? And if you are using oil at any stage, what kind? I have no idea what to do with the answers tho. I thank you for this thread, because its providing me with such an education. I've made sourdough before, lo these many years ago, but never with the kind of analytical approach being tried. Its really great.
  23. It tastes good, it smells good, and its so beautiful dripping into a glass cup on top of the layer of s-c-milk. Oh my!
  24. whimper....... must.....go.....shoppping..........
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