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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. Yes ma'am! You are too bright for the likes o' me!
  2. here's one - paraphrased He sampled my hand, and liked it so much, he's been waiting around to consume the rest of me.
  3. Abomination! Chips* should be eaten with lashings of vinegar and salt! *(French fries, to you Yanks)
  4. A lovely week. My favorite pix are of your kids on the floor with the crab, and of your son pushing the pram + rhubarb. Someone gave our munchkin that same pram. All that lovely seafood, yum. A week of watching someone else do what I wont dare. Thanks!
  5. Potato Shack definitely not business meeting material! Remind us, where will you be hanging out on Sat at lunch time?
  6. There's botanical veggies and then there's 'common law' veggies. In a food forum, I'm thinking we could agree to use the 'common law' definitions, which makes sweet things (mostly) = fruit, and everything else = veggies, including termaters, eggplant, etc. Pertaters are a lovely veg as well as a good source of starch. They are Vit C bombs, among other things. Breakfast burrito = scramble eggs, sautee any mix of veg, add cheese if desired, wrap in tortilla. Im sure it would work in a pita, or any other flexible flat bread. The ones I most commonly encounter include peppers, potatoes and onions. Can include beans, cooked greens (cabbage, kale, spinach, whatever, easily. Eggs can become optional if there are enough spuds to make it filling. The mix can be made ahead and nuked in the am for breakfast, thus easing the job for those who dont like to take time to cook much in the am. (nuke the filing, dump into tortilla, wrap it up, eat. )
  7. There's also Kai's for breakfast, on the coast road. Encinitas is home to The Potato Shack which is a long time breakfast tradition. Sadly, VGs donuts aint what it used to be, tho I havent mid-night snacked there in many a year. (When the floor space tripled, the donuts stopped tasting as good. Not sure why).
  8. I've been following this thread and now Im wondering if a similar process would work with cocoa nibs - if not at the extract level of intensity, perhaps to make cocoa flavored booze. Anyone have any opinions or experience re this?
  9. "Indian Fry Bread" as its called by the Miccosukee, and perhaps by other tribes.
  10. Here's an alternative approach: What is your time worth ($/hr)? Its worth spending the money when you can earn more money with the time saved than you spent on saving the time. Doesnt work for me, cause I dont earn any money with the time saved, but a variant does - if I dont save the time, how much will I spend on "recovering" later? if the session with the shrink costs more than the ribs, its a net loss.
  11. How are you doing with this?
  12. Ichiban and Extraordinary Desserts are both still there, if you're going for nostalgia. But there is definitely better, if not cheaper, food for lunch than Ichiban. (which reminds me, I need to put Ichiban on MizDucky's cheap eats thread especially for the half price sushi M-T, 4-7 pm). Sounds like you've got the ability to go anywhere from downtown to Carlsbad. Nice.
  13. I'd meet 'em at the hotel and drive with them, so it would be moot. But if I did trust in their ability to drive a huge vehicle thru old narrow streets, I'd wait at least an hour, and the bar sounds like the place to do it. After all, the stress level on the person waiting is far less than on those poor souls trying to find the place.
  14. has anyone tried Mandarine Napoleon ? (sp)
  15. I stayed in an apt in W Berlin, near a Woolworths, and an underground stop. My Berlinerin friend describes it as a working class neighborhood. A short walk in the other direction was a very traditional german restaurant (I had to drag my hostess to it - she is "more modern"). The food was excellent. There were antlers on the walls, etc. The waitress had a classic Berlin accent, and found us americans highly amusing. I'm trying to dig up enough information to identify it and give an address.
  16. Kouign Aman

    Dutch baby

    I made the recipe in the original post. ned's dutch baby recipe The first time, I used an 8" cast iron skillet, and it was too "eggy". I figured that was due to a shortage of surface area (64 sq in), so I made it 2x more, using a 9x13 baking pan (117 sq in, ~ double), and skipping the stove-top portion of the prep. Fabulous! Especially topped with cherries cooked in a lot of butter and a little sugar.
  17. After several attempts, and referencing this thread, I've figured out how to make acceptable pizza crust. I use Rebecca263's recipe from RecipeGullet. quick pizza dough Because its designed for quick rise, letting the dough sit more than a couple minutes after stretching results in bread-dough pizza. Not bad but not what I am after. Properly thin, it makes a cracker-crisp crust. (Pizza dough made the night before is likely to fossilize in my fridge.) Stretching it as thin as I like is challenging, but really only takes practice. We couldnt manage it by rolling alone. Its great to be able to start the dough, and serve the pizza less than 45 min later. (It would be faster, but 2-year olds mix slowly, stretch and spread toppings slowly. And the help of the munchkin is at least half the point).
  18. ... Are you referring to seismic features? ← Yup! You'll note that dockhl comes from California too. Cute kids, with the good sense to enjoy avocado, the wonder food (from a parental point of view. Its a fruit AND it keeps 'em full for a reasonable amount of time. I love that high fat content!) The monkfish meal looks beautiful. I've never seen fiddleheads on a plate before. Read about 'em, never seen 'em. Thanks!
  19. You nailed the feel! I especially like the tile (aligned to window sill height - rock on!) and the cupboard front at the sink, and the on-wall faucet. Congratulations.
  20. Kouign Aman

    Chicken Skin

    We got a Costco roasted bird and stored it in fridge, thus sogging the nicely seasoned skin. I came to the thread to find out how to re-crisp the skin for my own greasy munchfest, and there is exactly the info I wanted. Muchas gracias!
  21. Two! Two-year olds! And you find time to cook. Oh my. I've got just the one. I'm in awe. I'll be following along, just hoping some of whatever it is you've got, will rub off. Neat spice cabinet & ladle/key-collector. Doesnt matter how big you build it, there is never enough room for the seasonings. I had to keep reminding myself its not California - all those jars with no door or shelf-lip.
  22. Thank you for such a colorful and flavorful (in my imagination anyway) week. I hope you and FarmBoy have a great two weeks introducing him to your part of the world. Food culture shock can be difficult to overcome. Best to you both!
  23. Holy moly! Those are ginormous mussels! Beautiful.... What fun to get out of class and find this blog in process. Trader Joe's sells freeze dried rambutan and mangosteen. I wonder if they'll try jackfruit next?
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