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Everything posted by BeeZee

  1. I've taken out several cookbooks from my local library to see if they had anything interesting. If I read thru the whole book and find several recipes that I want to try and there's good info. in it, I'll buy it. I'll usually get them online (overstocks, used, etc.). If there's only a couple of recipes of interest, I'll just copy those. Saves a ton of money vs. buying a book that looks good and finding out that it's really nothing special.
  2. I learned a new term, "food porn" !
  3. Probably in the usual mega-grocery store you can find some fruit or veg which is good at some time of the year. In the fall I've had some spectacular apples, but those are the rare ones from NY state which don't sit around too long. I love crunching on a fresh, sweet carrot or radish (esp this time of the year when I feel like having something completely opposite all the rich foods which have been consumed since Thanksgiving). And we have a turkey farm which supplies the local market with fresh turkey "london broil" or tenderloin, no injected broth. Good clean turkey flavor without all that saltiness.
  4. Had a friend in college who used to love those so much all her textbooks had orange stains on the pages (esp. during finals)! OK, I admit to bagged snack chips... totally unhealthy: Doritos nacho cheese fooling myself that it's not as bad: Lundbergs rice chips, seaweed flavor
  5. Macaroni & cheese - the kind out of the blue box with the fluorescent orange powder...eat straight outta the pan with a spoon. Whipped topping out of the tub. Maraschino cherries.
  6. "who p***ed in your Cheerios???" (to ask someone why they are in such a foul mood)
  7. No doubt that carbs rule when it comes to comfort...that warm, fuzzy feeling you get from eating them...my fav's: 1) miso soup 2) chili 3) thai massaman curry If I need "serious" comfort, it's gonna be bland: mac-n-cheese !
  8. BeeZee

    slummin' it!

    My first post! Lovin' the posts with all of the initially icky, then strangely compelling combo's... As a poor 20-something, a coworker originally from Memphis introduced me to the wonder of Ro-Tel brand canned tomatoes (diced) with green chilis, microwaved with Velveeta. It was a feature at all of our work get-togethers. When I was a kid and went to visit great-grandmother with the family, the question was always what kind of yucky food would we have to eat to be polite. It was almost always some kind of dry cookies/cake with tea (leaves floating in the cup, natch)...one day, my sis and I were served the most delicious snack of cooked elbows in some tangy brownish sauce. When asked, great-grandmother proudly showed us the bottle of A-1 sauce!
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