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Posts posted by christine007

  1. You can freeze broccoli florets? Do I steam them first and freeze or just simply cut it up and freeze?

    I would blanch them in boiling water for two minutes, then put them in an ice water bath. Drain and freeze.

    I have a cookbook that has an entire, engrossing chapter on leftovers, and how you can do things such as combine them with canned soups or bechemal cheese sauce and serve them over pancakes, rice, noodles, etc. I do this all the time.

    and never forget shepherd's pie for your leftover meat/gravy\ vegetable combos.

    Put the leftovers in a buttered baking dish, frost with mashed potatos, and bake in a 375 oven until the potatos and filling are hot. Cheese may be sprinkled on the top, if desired.

  2. Still pregnant too. Has it really only been 20 weeks!!!!!?  Pizza, it's all about  pizza for me.  That and baked potatoes.  Doctors appointment tomorrow.....scale, he's not going to be happy!!!  It's all the pizza's fault.

    You know, I went through this crap when pregnant with my daughter, isn't it hell on earth? " Too much, you have gained too much!"

    But the joke was on them, my daughter was damn near ten pounds and had to be delivered by c-section, she was so big she was trapped under my ribs, AND, her father was a ten pounder!

    I thought I was gonna die during my last PMS battle, it was bacon, eggs, white carbs, I was having nitemares about being reallly, hugely fat. :shock:

  3. S3010022.jpg

    I will remind this big bastard that he's not a bumpkiss dog and is not allowed to steal food off the stove top.

    I will continue to follow Egullet for ideas and meals that are beyond what I normally cook and buy. :biggrin: With special thanks to Chuffi, Daniel and Ling, and Little miss foodie! :rolleyes:

  4. Yes, lucky girl, indeed.

    Daniel, I think you'll be safe if you cook what you want, but maybe have some bland things too... I'm thinking a nice soup, some bread and butter, fresh fruit.

    that way, if something's too rich for her, she has options. and yes, it does depend on how pregnant she is, in the begining I was really sick, in the middle I felt good, and towards the end, I couldn't eat large amounts of anything.

    Hope this helps!

    Oh, and for the pickles, cheese, crackers and a pickle assortment would make a nice pre diner nibble.

  5. PS.  Also in that dim memory is a bag of Fritos---the original stiff, salty ribbon ones---a jar of Cheez Whiz, and a jar of orange marmalade.  Dip into one, then into the other.  Munch.

    They were my own private jars.  Nobody else would touch 'em.

    Fritos are proof that a higher power loves us and wants us to be happy! :laugh:

    Heck, you can smother them with cheese and or salsa, have them next to the sloppy sub or burger of your choice, float them in your soup. They're the perfection of grease and salt, and no cooking or having to try to track them down.

    Even the gas stations have em.

  6. Hormonal storms conjure up cravings for carbs, especially the salty, greasy variety, and protein. A whole roast chicken with a bunch of french fries, sort of thing. Or pasta with plenty pesto and cheese. Or simply a bagful of potato chips, oy vey. Not sweets, for me. Altogether as I get older I crave sweets much less. I look forward to being past all this...


    I'm not one for sweets either, but my hormonal storm came the day after halloween here.... candy for breakfast,anyone? I was really out of wack this month. I'm the type of person who can take the kids for ice cream and just drink some water, so this is a new one on me!

    Yesterday found me eating crumbled blue cheese off the point of a butter knife.. microwave popcorn, and a bologna/cheese, pickle, onion, green olive sandwich, let's be kind and call it a muffaletta. :biggrin:

  7. The once a year beef fat butter cheese fest known as our English Christmas dinner.

    Mom came here from a small burg in England, and we've forever known the joy of the old fashioned Sunday dinner for Christmas. Is it that decadent? Only if you do it right. :raz:

    The star of the show is roast of beef, the fat all crisp and brown, the middle pink and juicy. Yorkshire pudding cooked in beef fat and butter, parsnips and potatoes roasted in fat, the rich brown gravy, brussel sprouts steamed in butter, onion sauce with is merely steamed onions creamed in cream and, yup, you guessed it, more butter.

    Dessert number one, any leftover yorkie dipped in leftover gravy and eaten out of hand. (When mom's not looking)

    Dessert number two, steamed plum pudding with custard sauce and apple pie, also with custard. Mince tarts and maids of honour, buttery tart goodness.

    Dessert number three is stilton and huntsman cheddar,eaten off jacob's water crackers.

    Beverage of choice is wine, wine and more wine. until you whine about how full you are, and pass out for forty winks on the couch. But the wine comes in handy when it's time to pull the crackers and wear the silly paper crowns and tell the awful jokes that come inside the crackers.

    There's a reason we only do this once a year, and we all start craving it as soon as the weather cools.

    Oh, MY! Naturally, though, at least for me, the first visual I had upon reading this, was of a little "articulated dustmop" of a dog, dripping with brown gravy!

    Wrong kind of yorkie, we're not that hungry!!! :laugh::laugh:

  8. The once a year beef fat butter cheese fest known as our English Christmas dinner.

    Mom came here from a small burg in England, and we've forever known the joy of the old fashioned Sunday dinner for Christmas. Is it that decadent? Only if you do it right. :raz:

    The star of the show is roast of beef, the fat all crisp and brown, the middle pink and juicy. Yorkshire pudding cooked in beef fat and butter, parsnips and potatoes roasted in fat, the rich brown gravy, brussel sprouts steamed in butter, onion sauce with is merely steamed onions creamed in cream and, yup, you guessed it, more butter.

    Dessert number one, any leftover yorkie dipped in leftover gravy and eaten out of hand. (When mom's not looking)

    Dessert number two, steamed plum pudding with custard sauce and apple pie, also with custard. Mince tarts and maids of honour, buttery tart goodness.

    Dessert number three is stilton and huntsman cheddar,eaten off jacob's water crackers.

    Beverage of choice is wine, wine and more wine. until you whine about how full you are, and pass out for forty winks on the couch. But the wine comes in handy when it's time to pull the crackers and wear the silly paper crowns and tell the awful jokes that come inside the crackers.

    There's a reason we only do this once a year, and we all start craving it as soon as the weather cools.

  9. :blink:

    What I'm dying to know is who lives for them? Who does the cleaning and laundry, watches the children, works the jobs does the yardwork? Because at that level of starvation, how long could you keep up any semblance of normal activity?\

    I'm a single mom with my own home and yard, I'm not overweight in the least, yet I quite often find myself eating like the proverbial horse just to stay afloat, and have the energy to get through another grueling day!

    Happy halloween to all!

  10. Today, three days into the "Day before"

    Two mini bagels, two eggs fried in bacon fat, two pieces of bacon, shared with my cat.

    A hot dog with mustard, at a local craft fair. ( after I ate it, I found out saurkraut was an option, my daughter wondered why I was crying. :angry:

    Dinner was an Arby's roast beef, something I never eat when sane.

    Tonight's dessert was some nice Merlot in the glass.

    I've been done having kids for eight years now, can't this stop??? :sad:

  11. :wub: Ohh, cheesesteaks and hogies! bring them on!

    funny about weird Al being born today, have you caught his latest? It's "Trying to Catch me white and nerdy." Very funny stuff, he's not lost his touch. You can catch the video at yahoo.

    So, what do you put in your meatloaf? My nephew swears by a touch of brown sugar, it makes the loaf taste like there's a little ham in there. It works.

  12. Growing up, as I did, in an international household,( Mom is off the boat from England, dad is an american first generation from Germany) We always enjoyed these in two forms.

    The English version is called sausage rolls. This is a mild type of sausage, (Think jimmy Dean's) that is rolled into hotdog type shapes, cooked a bit in the frypan to remove some of the fat, then rolled in a rich pastry dough and cooked until brown.

    These were served with english mustard to dip them in.

    The German version was more of a frankfurter, that is rolled up in a biscuit type of dough, and baked , again, until the outside is brown. mustard, again, and pickles on the side. Cheese optional. I'd suggest making some with, and without the cheese.

    I'm not sure about the puff pastry, I'm thinking, they'd be to flaky? Not sturdy enough?

    Our hands down fave is the sausage roll. They don't disintergrate when bitten into, and provide a nice vechicle for the wonderful, porky goodness inside.

  13. :biggrin: Marlene, I know it's Monday, because I'm in the US, and I totally read you had Thanksgiving, and I'm like, Huh??

    I'm a tad more awake now, hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving.

    I found one last monster zuchinni yesterday while clearing the garden, going to defrost some stewed tomatos I made with my homegrown tomatos and make a vegetable soup. Zuchinni is surprisingly good in soup.

  14. This is my first post to this thread, which I just found and read all the pages!

    I've lost thirty two pounds since june by following the very simple low carb plan of no white foods, exceptions being cottage cheese, cauliflower.

    I don't eat white sugar, flour, potatos, rice. Oddly, the hardest part was kicking my addiction to regular Coke! I was drinking a two liter bottle every day, and wondering why I couldn't lose weight! :blink:

    What I wanted to add was that I also eat the "upside down pyramid"

    my biggest meal of the day is mid morning breakfast, a medium lunch, and a little snacking around dinner time. I know that sounds hard, but you'd be surprised how quickly I got use to it. Especially since I was never a breakfast person. But by eating this way, I am using the calories I consume instead of going to sleep and letting them settle in my stomach. two different Doctors told me that after thirty, the body stores extra carbs in the navel area of the stomach, and what's called a beer belly is truly a carb belly. I'm living proof of that. I found too, I also had to find food that satisfied me and kept me feeling full for as long as possible.

    A good example is tuna salad with lettuce and a few tomato slices stuffed into a low carb pita. That keeps me going for hours. Other than the coke, I've never been much of a sweet tooth person, and if I'm craving fast food french fries, I'll eat them and make allowances in the remainder of the day. I've not suffered or felt weak, tired and hungry the way I have on many other diets I've tried.

    I'm five seven and a half, and now wear a 10/12, or a woman's medium.

    that's not too shabby for an over forty mom of two kids.

    I'd love to read more posts about this way of eating, tips and more advice. Keep em coming! I need to lose another ten pounds or so.

    Edit to add, how did I forget the most important part?

    My blood pressure went from "ready to stroke" to normal with no medication.

  15. From the get-go, I've gone nuts when she says EVOO to save time, then proceeds to WASTE time explaining what EVOO is. What the hell????

    But I have to agree with those who bring up the fact that she never, ever presented herself as a pro or a chef. True.

  16. You should publish.

    That was very fun to read, and brought back memories of lying on the floor as a child with my dad, both of us cracking up as that dog got his ass kicked yet again.

    And, animal society is always interesting to read.

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