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Posts posted by christine007

  1. I'ts a snowy day here and my first ever batch is on the stove in my Le crueset pan.

    I'm making this to share with my mother who is a vegetarian, so instead of stock, I'm going with balsamic vinegar, so far so good.

  2. Beautiful menu.

    For serving that many people spinach, how about spinach stuffed crepes in a wine/cheese sauce?

    You could make it the day before, and heat and sauce them just before serving.

    It's very rich, you'd only need one crepe per person. I love them, it's one of my favorite spinach dishes.

  3. We like to finely chop them, bake a Pizza crust using Philsbury dough cresent rolls we make a crust, four hundred degrees until nice and brown.

    spread the crust with cream cheese, and add the chopped shallots, some shredded cheddar.

    cut into squares for a first course, with some white wine.


  4. We're whiter than white, english heritage, and we love this stuff, although, in our defense, we use only fresh beans, and as Phatj mentions, we also do an upscale version as well as the regular type.

    It's a recipe I modified from an episode of Alton's Good Eats.

    To the blanched, fresh beans, I add butter, sauted mushrooms, mayo, sour cream mixed with enough milk to make it soupy, baked and topped with both fresh onions and the canned rings. No canned soup. The real trick is baking it just until the beans are tender and the mixture is bubbling, no more.

    Delish, btw. You may convert people with the above!

    Oh, and diced almonds are a great topper also.

  5. I think Busboy makes the point, every culture has some foods that can be eaten on the go, also, cornish pasties, eggrolls, etc.

    I think the appeal of the hotdog is like the appeal of pasta or pizza, you can change the sauces, toppings, etc, and make hotdogs (and burgers) to be exactly what you like.

    A hotdog with sweet relish, cheese and catchup is very different from the same dog with raw onion, hot mustard and kraut. It's food that lends itself to different tastes.

  6. I didn't see this thread until I realized I'd already done this.

    I made homemade raisin bread yesterday, it came out beautiful, light, fluffy, nice crust, a perfect loaf! I love to bake in colder weather.. anyway, I tasted the bread and decided right away as wonderful as it was, it just was not sweet enough. So I got some really good margarine and beat in a little vanilla and confectioner's sugar. After a LOT of beating, I got a smooth, wonderful sweet spread. I put that on the raisin bread, HEAVEN! So good.

    Looking forward to tomorrow morning when I will toast the bread and use my own version of dope.

    I know I could add citrus peel, spices, etc, but right now, I'm enjoying it just the way it is.

    How funny I would fine this thread today, after I'd already made my dope! :laugh:

  7. 1 pint sour cream

    2 tablespoons dehydrated minced onion

    1 tablespoon instant beef boullion or concentrated beef stock base

    WOW :blink:

    Ok, not making this up, but I've been preparing this for about five years now, and I never read the recipe, I thought this was something I invented! Serious.

    I add a tiny dab of sugar to this too.

    We have it with Ritz crackers, it's really good. This is weird.I really thought I was the only one.....

  8. When I have leftovers that are tempting me, I put them in the back of the freezer, including a box of chocolates and a loaf of christmas bread I made.

    I make my vegetable low fat soup, eat salads and lean protein and cut back on the white carbs.

    Also, for some reason, this time of year makes me want to clean house like a fool, so that's burning up some calories for sure! Yesterday I cleaned my baseboards.

    I also have my main meal at lunchtime and cut back on dinner and stop snacking at night.

    I know, eaiser said than done!

    Still drinking wine however. But no beer and no hard stuff. :hmmm:

  9. Bacco's right out of the jar. lick your finger, stick in jar, put in mouth. Repeat.

    This was from my pregnancy six years ago.. :shock:

    Put me down for the Chef boyardi pizza mix in the box too.. i add onions, mushrooms and extra cheese.

    Melt velveeta and salsa in the microwave til the temprature of lava, dip plain nacho chips in it.

    Bean and bacon soup with chunks of hotdog in it.

    Anything pickled, onions, mushrooms, olives, pickles, califlower.

    Dan Dee cheese corn :wub:

    Oh, and Toasted, the dip you made with cream cheese, swiss, mayo, onion and bacon? I took that to a party this weekend, it was the first thing to dissapear! Ha! We rule!

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