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Posts posted by christine007

  1. Holy crap, what an awesome run of meals!

    I'm still in a food induced coma.. no pics, but we hauled out the Webber kettle grill and made BBQ chicken, hot dogs, and mixed grill of portobella mushrooms, corn on the cob, onions, tomato slices and mixed peppers. Served along with pasta salad, cheesy potato gratin, deviled eggsand fruit salad.

    Pop to drink. (we're not wine at dinner drinkers.) :smile:

  2. Prawncrackers, that's some awesome looking lamb and the sweetbreads look great!

    Bacon, egg, lettuce, tomato, and cheese sandwich the other night, using pork jowl bacon, man I love the stuff.


    Last night was a mango avocado salad with lime cilantro chicken.



    Small world, Rockdoggy, that's exactly what I plan on eating tomorrow, blt with egg and cheese on a good kaiser roll.. not sure I'll last til dinner time, your picture has me drooling already! :wub:

  3. so you passed up the chance to let forth with a spew of curses?

    This is such a fun topic. My mother made some glop out of a Paula Deen cookbook for Easter. It consisted of canned soup, boiled chicken, some cheddar cheese and I think mayo. It was gag worthy, But the worst part? My mother, who by the way is a vegetarian and didn't try it, argued with me!

    "It's good! There's nothing wrong with it!"

    Ok, mom.... sheesh. Mothers. next year, I'm team Ham for Easter since she can't be trusted anymore.

  4. Thanks for replying!

    I have found that eating whatever I want in the morning works for me, because if I'm hungry at night I just remind myself that I can eat what I want when I get up. I agree about the night munchies hitting, but I can usually put myself in bed.

    again, I say you're the only person I "know" who lost that kind of weight without surgery.

    Treat yourself to a burger,you deserve it! :wub:

  5. Mizducky, I love your tips, and want to thank you for sharing them.

    My current diet is the pyramid ( I eat most of my calories before noon, hence the pyramid shape) and I have dropped forty pounds since last july. In fact, I'm currently on the verge of being a tad underweight for my height ( damn, typing that felt good!)

    My roadblock with asian food is the fact that I have a violent shellfish allergy, and in addition, cannot have fish sauce/paste, oyster sauces, etc. But I cannot agree more about the vegetable thing, how healthy and tasty all veggies are, and how you can cook/eat them in ways that make them seem 'meaty".

    Mushrooms especially, are an excellent meat substitute.

    major, huge congrats on your weight loss, to lose that amount of weight without surgery is amazing, you should be very proud of yourself! I know how hard it was for me to lose forty pounds, you are a true inspiration.

    thanks for the fun blog! :smile:

  6. My dad was non-practicing catholic, and mom's from england, and we never skip the hot cross buns! every good friday, with coffee. she usually makes them for all of us, although we do have a great bakery that does a nice job with them.

    as for the meat, we did have a meatless good friday, but not the entire lent season.

  7. Christine, I was tempted to ask if your name might be Kinsey---fictional detective whose elderly neighbor bakes the most wonderful things.

    All Y'all are just mag-nif-i-shent!!

    Lovely, syrupy buns with crisp pecans :wub:  We're having two kinds of quiche tomorrow for brunch---Chris' birthday celebration.  One is broccoli with grape tomato slices baked on top, and the other is an egg-beater, FF milk, FF cheese version for our WW contingent.  The broccoli one will be baked in a buttered 9x13, with no crust.  I tinkered with the recipe for a long time before I could leave off the crust and make a quiche to cut into squares---I'd make twenty-five or so for weddings and parties, and that much crust-primping is a BOTHER.

    Great work, ALL!!

    Racheld, Kinsey, as in the alphabet murders is one of myall time favorite writers, and you're right, her neighbor Henry would have baked those awesome stickey buns on anyday!

  8. Going to a brunch fundraiser for my friends art group.. Asked us to make some things.. Quiche Lorraine from Bouchon, stick buns, and star anise scones..

    Must start with the bacon shot.. Schaller and Weber double smoked..


    The crust really makes it.. I have eaten this at the restaurant Bouchon several times.. Its really wonderful


    Buns.. Rolled in cinamon sugar.. Burbon Pecan topping.. Whats not to love.. Fresh Cinnamon is a must in this..


    The hardest part was flipping it out of the pan.. The hot sauce on the bottom became the top.. I have hot syrup burns running down my arm..  :rolleyes: And the with the soreness of kneading it for a half hour, these guys best be good..

    Dont think we didnt scrape the syrup off and coat the buns..




    Scones had star anise:



    Daniel, thanks for reminding my why quiche is one of my all time faves... I like to pull the quiche about ten minutes from done time, top it with thin slices of fresh tomato and return it to the oven.. and the sticky buns. I have an elderly neighbor who will make these for me sometimes.. old school, huge buttery buns. Awesome!

  9. I must say, I ADORE Huntsman cheddar, aged blue, Switzerland swiss, etc, et all.

    However, having said that, the grocery that gets my business has a deli that sells the most rich, melty inviting american cheese... perfection for grilled cheese, scrambled eggs, and my favorite lunch of all in the summer, a whole wheat pita covered in butter, thin sliced tomatos and american cheese, microwaved to a melted perfection.

    If something tastes good, it just does. I see no point in being snobby.

    Oh, and it's also the only cheese I eat on a burger. ever.

  10. The Woman's day cookbooks I have (published 1964), site the following items as pure americana:

    maple syrup

    corn in all it's various uses

    blueberry muffins

    the big honking beefsteak (mywords) :smile:

    strawberry shortcake

    certain pies, i.e., cream pies, oyster pies

    it seems that some of the foods are native to America, and some of the foods, while served elsewhere in the world, have a certain American twist to them.

    The author points out that pies are served elsewhere in the world, but it's the American spin on ingredients that makes them unique to the U.S.

    But, there's a reason they call us the melting pot, we have adapted and made our own foods from all cultures.

  11. Go to Burger King and get a double cheeseburger and small fries. put the fries inside the bun and squish. get a dollop of mayo on your plate , and dip your burger/fry sammy in it.. I think they put crack in the food at our BK> :blink:

    Yeah, this could also go under PMS too! :laugh:

  12. Sheena - you've been approved. Once you get a handle of facebook you'll realize its superiority.

    Little ms. foodie - I actually prefer Saigon Deli, but I had tons of groceries and about a mile to walk and Bahn Mi 88 was closer  :wink:

    Tonight was latkes at my parents' house for dinner.

    Here's my perfected lemonana - lemons and limes, sugar and a few stalks of mint leaves. It was good, but the mint flavor wasn't quite strong enough... I think I'll try the blended version, that seems like it would be mintier.


    Latke mix - two onions, six potatoes, four tablespoons matzoh meal, a little salt and pepper and two eggs.


    I delegated my brother to peeling duty. As my mom would say, it's a "Christmas mitzvah."


    Shmaltz, sweet shmaltz


    In they go!


    This picture's kind of hard to see, but it's a menu my seven year old sister made. Tonight's special: lotcase.


    Finished latkes staying warm in the oven


    Lighting the menorah


    And to finish it off, a true Konick family Christmakkuh: watching A Charlie Brown Christmas in the light of the Christmas tree and menorah.


    After about six latkes I'm not sure what the har gow redo future is looking like tonight, but I'll be up late so you never know...

    jkonick, christmakuh is a wonderful holiday! This blog is so cool. I have neighbors living this experience so this is very informative to me. She's catholic, He's jewish, and their beautiful little baby was adopted from Korea! I love the blending of the cultures/religions, it's wonderful to see the way the traditions, food, etc, can go together in harmony and the love within a family.

    Thanks for sharing your life. And your sister's cute as a button. :smile:

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