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Everything posted by M.X.Hassett

  1. Mikey, I find that yes WD-50 is cutting edge, intellectual, and trendy(feh), but that it is all about taste and the combinations of textures. But hey we can agree to disagree thats pretty much what this thread will lead to. Edit: and yes I think it tastes great.
  2. M.X.Hassett


    Well that does it. I am going to head over tonight once the wheels hit the runway at LGD.
  3. M.X.Hassett


    Well my sick mind thought you were talking about this Trepan but I guess not. On a serious note what type of restaurant (cuisine) are they? Edit: are they new? There is not much on them here is there MenuPage kind of pricey.
  4. Well this should go in the beer forum, but some of of the unfiltered yeast beers well lets just say they have some after effects that include strong smelling.....uh.......umm.......airborn scents.
  5. Yes but if a Chef creates a dish they are much closer to the being a composer, whereas his "line" and Sous would be closer to the performer analogy. No?
  6. Thanks I now have a new wallpaper for the monitor
  7. Nwyles what type of rest. do you run because I have heard some morons complain that the The Palm, Mortons,and even Lugers do not offer enough for people who dont like meat If you dont like meat what in the hell are you doing at a steakhouse. WTF sorry mini-rant over Edit: Yeh you picked the same words I would use to describe your customer, I would have though the person would give you an A+ for filling all of his requests.
  8. Did not Dean Martin wear "gin" aftershave
  9. Rachel, bavila posted a link back in post #16 link to her linked site Salmon Shaped Shrimp mold I cant imagine what the texture of this would be like.
  10. I would agree completely. IMO whiskey like red wine should be consumed at cellar temp or slightly higher. Edit: Kent I do beleive spirits are a little hardier then wine but as Alc. says it can not be good for it. Unless your talking hard cider then try to park your car in a freezing cold area and pour off any non frozen liquid mmmmm......Applejack.
  11. It is hard to beleive what happened with this guy he was making good food at U.P. and then he gets a little spotlight on him and wammo you get a egomaniacal monster, maybe I'll ask him when I go see Fat Guy speak rocco will be there also.
  12. ummm.......I should not respond to this publicly
  13. Well I like to stick to the original (and work from there): from Jerry Thomas' Bar-Tender's Guide with maybe some Cog. or Brandy though Splifs recipe sounds great.Thanks to Darcy our very own dsoneil for making this great resource avaible online.
  14. With a thickness of 1mm I would say that these would not make the best cooking vessel. Nor do I beleive that was there intended function. Put them on e-bay and then buy yourself a FALK
  15. From what I recall there are two Snake River Farm ranches one of which produces uber-wagyu (TFL, etc...) and then one produceing regular Wagyu I can not find the link but I know I PMd this info to someone in AU. a while back.
  16. I did a number of searches for 'Georg Jensen" with various criteria (1975, pans, copper, etc...) and most of the results are for jewelry, flatware, and decorative serving pieces. So they may be silver lined, and there is the possibility that they may be for decorative use. Not very usefull I know, but maybe it will help you along.
  17. Never used an IB for hummous but it is my go to tool for soups and purees. One of the nicest features of an IB is that you can use it directly in the cooking vessal. As for a storage challenged life just take some of the nicer looking underused gadgets and put them on shelves in the bedroom. I guaranty you will have food filled dreams.
  18. HOLY EXPLODING FLOUR BATMAN Edit: Wiki look under Safety
  19. A little of topic but arent large amounts (silos) of flour explosive? I remember hearing something about this a while back. Nothing for the home baker or small scale commercial baker to worry about just curious.
  20. If andiesenji is right as I am sure she probably is this thread may be of interest to you Antique Copper Pans
  21. M.X.Hassett

    le creuset label

    Yep same here. Never re-enameled but some have come of in washing etc. Some are still on the crueset pieces and they are nicely browned. That's why Staub is awesome no label just a cool little coaster thingy.
  22. Yes but did the cab have a good nose . On topic: Irish/Cuban(Spain) and thankfully I have never come across this....ummm....this....well words to describe this escape me.
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