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Kim Shook

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Everything posted by Kim Shook

  1. Kim Shook

    Salty Snacks

    I like them just fine. Mr. Kim doesn't care for them. He is a bit of a purist.
  2. Kim Shook

    Salty Snacks

    I've never thought that Fritos work well alone. They need dip - bean, onion, etc. BBQ Fritos were great - but, alas, they are no more. Mr. Kim has haunted every grocery store in town, to no avail. He even emailed Frito-Lay, who basically told him to get a life. 😁
  3. Again, I know that I need to read the entire thread, but I have a quick question. I made some fried green tomatoes last night: They were wonderfully crisp. I'd like to serve them again tonight. What is the best setting to use to reheat these? Thanks!!!
  4. Kim Shook

    Dinner 2018

    Can't imagine green tomatoes without a good, crisp coating of cornmeal on it. And we all detest fried ripe tomatoes (they were always left on our plates when we were in England). I generally fry 1 lb. of bacon every couple of weeks. When it's gone, it's gone. Of course, the other week I cook sausage. 😉
  5. Kim Shook

    Dinner 2018

    I guess this meal was a late lunch/early dinner. It was certainly the last meal of our day, so I'm putting it here. BLT’s two ways. With regular tomatoes: Or fried green tomatoes: Both on my home made bread. Served with sliced tomatoes: Marinated cucumbers and yellow squash: Fruit salad: Corn: And the best fried green tomatoes I’ve ever made: I did a double dredge with all cornmeal (I usually mix it with flour) and gave them a buttermilk soak. Really crisp. I’ll be checking to see if the CSO reheats them well.
  6. Welcome, Prest! I always love seeing folks from outside the US. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your food interests?
  7. The sliced loaf turned out beautifully: Great crumb and it tastes wonderful. I'll be using it later for BLT's at lunch.
  8. Did a loaf of CI's American Sandwich bread in the CSO this morning. Did my 1st rise in the regular oven by their method. You bring the oven to 200F, leave it on for 10 minutes and then turn it off. Did my proof in the CSO. Worked beautifully: Though I never get my dough as smooth as I'd like. I forgot that I read here about shielding the loaf with foil partway through baking, so it got a little dark - not really burned, though, so it should be ok. Smells wonderful. I'll post a picture when I slice it. I wish I could find somewhere other than my attic to store my bread machine. It would be easier to mix, knead and do the first rise in that and just transfer to a pan for the CSO. @Okanagancook - I have a "thank you" for the wonderful spreadsheet of CSO times and temperatures that you put together. What a wonderful timesaver - thanks for sharing your hard work on it.
  9. Kim Shook

    Dinner 2018

    First BLT of the summer: Farm stand tomatoes, Benton's bacon and Duke's mayo. Heaven.
  10. Kim Shook

    Breakfast! 2018

    How utterly beautiful! This morning was sweet rolls from a favorite local bakery, Benton's bacon and some very sub-par local white peaches:
  11. Yeah, I saw that. I put the Chicago Metallic pan on my wishlist. $15.53.
  12. I love Panera chicken salad, too. I do find sometimes that they have used onion that is a little aged - very strong.
  13. It was an 8x6 glass dish. I did them at 350F for probably an hour. I would have let them go longer to get them like I like them, but the edges were in danger of burning.
  14. Kim Shook

    Dinner 2018

    Simple dinner tonight – veggies: And sous vide chicken sandwich: Tender and moist even when cold.
  15. Made brownies today: Too gooey for me: I like a super chewy brownie - much drier than this. I think the problem was the pan I used. I somehow don't have a square pan and used a fairly small glass casserole. It made them too thick, I think.
  16. Made (Ghirardelli) brownies in the CSO for She Who Must Be Fed (my mother, who made it clear that Fig Newtons and graham crackers were not acceptable sweets): Too gooey for me:
  17. I did a chicken, broccoli and rice casserole last night. I sous vide the chicken breasts. I did it to 150F this time instead of the 145F I did last time. We preferred the texture of the 150F chicken.
  18. Add a smear of mayo and that would be what I had for lunch most of my childhood summers. I rarely find a tomato these days that holds up to my memories of NC tomatoes picked and eaten still warm from the garden.
  19. See, that's why I DO share recipes - complete ones, with all the notes and hints and changes I've made over the years. It's why I have an online cookbook of all the recipes I've tried over the years (over 1500 and counting). I am so honored when someone likes my cooking enough to want the recipe. I think food evokes so many important memories and feelings. I mourn the lost recipes of my family. Things that people remember eating, but somehow never got the recipe for.
  20. Kim Shook

    Dinner 2018

    @HungryChris – did you ever post the recipe for the Love Salad? I seem to serve the same salad every night and that one looks like something we would love. Dinner last night started with a dressed salad: Just my usual salad, but I dressed it in the bowl with EVOO, red wine vinegar, a pinch of sugar and S&P. This is what my mom always did. No bottled dressing and no mixing the dressing separately. Just tipping stuff onto the salad in the bowl and tossing and tasting until it was right. I need to do this more often. We rely too much on bottled dressings. Chicken, broccoli and rice casserole: This was a Tricia Yearwood recipe that I saw her make on Food Network last week. Gooey, cheesy comfort food. We liked it a lot.
  21. Made “Chocolate Chip Banana Nut Bread” in the CSO: It turned out well. I didn’t have any chocolate chips, so I used peanut butter ones. Fantastic substitution. @rotuts suggested it be called The Elvis. I'm thinking of adding some bacon grease to The Elvis!
  22. Hi, WA Guy! Welcome to eG. I'm looking forward to your posts!
  23. Especially if I use a little bacon grease. Which, now that I think about it, is not a bad idea.
  24. I used my recipe. So, next time I'll go with the time on my recipe. But should I still lower the baking temp 25 degrees? I've always heard that when you cook with convection you should do that.
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