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Everything posted by PicnicChef

  1. Haven't read all six pages...I love, on a rare occasion, over a nice juicy steak, welsh smoked salt. "smoked in aged welsh oak." Facinating flavor and a great finish for the right items...
  2. I've been a fan forever...a huge fan. I eat there at least once a week...whenever I need a fix. The place down the street has been open for about two years, when it opened I was worried; no need. Locals in the know stuck with them. No liquor license. No website. There is a liquor store next door that carries plenty of saki, Japanese beer and plenty of chilled white wines for all the BYOB places on Franklin. The fresh Uni is not always available, but if you ask, you might just score some. You have to ask for the fresh, otherwise you get the standard. One last thought. No reservations and they are VERY busy on weekends. Very busy. Go early or go late, weeknights they are pretty full by 7 p.m.
  3. I love pancetta, either uncooked, sliced thin, or cubed, rendered and used in a wonderfully simple pasta dish taught to me in tuscany. I'm happy to share... render some pancetta add some hot pepper flakes, as much as you like, a pinch will do now some nice diced red onion...sweat porcini mushrooms, a nice handful, cook through (no need to saute, a hot pan will overdo everything else) add some nice heavy cream now a dibble of romano, freshly grated... cook until thickened pasta, I like fettucine, right in the pan... toss. Eat Enjoy.
  4. it is a haul, but the CIA offers a number of interesting baking courses for the novice. Expensive and a long ride, but what a great ride when you take a course there!
  5. Wow! I'm getting some terrific ideas...keep them coming, please! I just picked out our tables, for lunch, that would be fun for tea...nice little civilized antique ice cream style tables and cute little chairs that are logs, to go with the picnic theme. I picked out some wallpaper in a preppy pink and green plaid that I am thinking about... teaching the boys at the shop a decent british accent. On my menu today, I had something called "Mommy's Lunch" - tea sandwiches, scone, clotted cream, jam and a cuppa tea. It was the number one seller. I might have an idea here...so keep yours coming! Thanks!
  6. Not Jamaican, but great goat in the Middle Eastern part of Paterson.
  7. Nothing to do with Picnic...but forever, we've had a Picnic! I grab some great cheese, some better wine, terrific bread, a bit of foie, some bittersweet chocolate, light a fire and call it a wonderful Valentine's day. It's a great plan. No busy restaurants, no overpriced overextended menus. Just a great time with no cooking, cause who wants to smell like a kitchen on v-day?
  8. But, do you think that would impact little Bergen County, especially the Pascack Valley? I'm trying to offer a bit of brit in bergen, and am not sure if it would fly. Today, went though the attic and grabbed about 20 really cool tea pots. Lucky to have travelled more than 2 years in britain and I know what tea should be...we'd me more casual (and way cheaper) than the Hilton. My menu changes ever day for lunch, but I think I'd keep it pretty regular (less local organic produce) for tea. check out www.picniccaterers.com
  9. My lake house is not far from there. Thanks, I've never heard of it and will toodle up this week...
  10. Thanks! I'm just thinking making it a comfy place to stop in, have a cuppa, a scone, maybe a little treat...after the lunch crowd has past. And, with seats, we can accomodate our lunch business more. People have wanted to sit, so they hang out on the couch. I just ordered some nice outdoor furniture for spring too. I'm excited!
  11. at lunch we frequently do bangers and mash with messy peas, bubble and squeak, etc. I'm nervous, but I think it could be a hit. Thanks Curlz, seems like there is nothing in Bergen County, which, I guess, is a blessing.
  12. Freezing works really well...I do it frequently. Only for about 1 hour, then take it out, give it a quick sear. Less melt, more rare inside. Try it over peppered grilled pineapple with a squirt of bittersweet chocolate. What a way to enjoy!
  13. Hi all! My name is Christine, and I love the fact that all you people know food well, and have great advice and opinions. A year ago, this March, I opened a little retail shoppe to augment my catering business, Picnic. located in Emerson NJ I've just got approval for seating, and I am thinking about offering afternoon tea in Bergen County...you know...scones, tea sandwiches, an assortment of tea, clotted cream, trifle, etc. Before I make the plunge, I wanted to see if the e-gullet community thought this was a good idea. Can you let me know? Thoughts? Thanks a million. This is such a fun site; I've become a bit of an addict. Again my thanks.
  14. Swiss Pork Store Fair Lawn, NJ...call ahead. Just got a butt there last week. You have to reserve, because they smoke their own butts, and to get one plain you have to reserve.
  15. This week I'm going to give this one a run! Thanks for the suggestions all!
  16. Nothing like a lovely standing rib roast. Makes the house smell like Christmas to me! I like to start at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes, then drop to 325 degrees. I take mine to 120 degrees for a nice medium rare; once out, covered in foil, I let it rest for about 1/2 hour while I use the drippings to make some nice Yorkshire puddings. Sides? along with the Yorkies, how about gratin of cloved onion. Goes great with it.
  17. I did the pulled pork. I smoked my little butt for eight hours, smothered it in a bit of homemade barbecue sauce...on a soft roll. sold out by noon! Thanks for that, and all the other great suggestions thus far. Keep 'em coming. I really appreciate it!
  18. I like the burger (have certainly had the beer, can't remark on their martinis) at Finnigan's Pub in Westwood. Great shepherds pie and other bar food as well. Fun place, casual.
  19. It should be its own thread, that lovely little Pork Store...since I was a wee girl, and that was quite a while ago, I'm 41, I remember going in and them cutting me a nice warm piece of veal loaf or handing me a little hotdog. I use those hot dogs when I make pigs in a blanket for catering jobs that demand piggies.
  20. Not sure of the cost, but they make great ones at the Swiss Pork Store in Fair lawn. They have some of the best meats around, and make all authentic sausages, forcemeats, liverwursts, bloodwursts, brats and more. Fair Lawn Ave in Fair Lawn...well worth a visit. Total throwback to the 50s!
  21. I admit, I am tired at the end of the day, and frequently order out, or eat out... Tuesday - Sakora Bana, Ridgewood. My favorite sushi in all of New Jersey...I should start a thread about it...I eat lots and lots of sushi. Wednesday - A HUGE pastrami sandwich from Kosher Nosh, Glen Rock Thursday - Salad Bar, Whole Foods, Ridgewood
  22. Bechemel is my starter. I make mine a bit on the think side, cook it for at least 25 minutes to thirty minutes. I then add my cheeses, usually five. let them melt gooey good, then add it to cooked pasta that I don't shock. Undercook it slightly then just leave it straining without shocking or rinsing. Now add all that yummy cheese mixture, with a dibble of dry mustard if you're in the mood. stir it all up, then finish with heavy cream for some added richness. I keep mine on the stovetop, I think that baking it dries it out and doesn't add to the flavor or the mouthfeel....
  23. PicnicChef

    Good fish recipes

    Any nice white flaky fish - cod, scrod, flounder, haddock, work great with this easy recipe: combine crushed garlic, chopped tomato, kalamata olive, parley, dibble of olive oil and make a paste. spread over fish and bake until just flaky. Easy, healthy and delicious.
  24. I swear by my robot coup. It is my most used item in my kitchen! However, it is not small, and takes up a bit of room. Weighs a ton. But, for my money, it is the best of all the processors on the market.
  25. Stonewall Kitchen out of maine. Not homemade, but mighty close.
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