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Everything posted by Mota

  1. 600 mg of Advil + Cookies & Cream Ice cream with Trader Joe espresso cookies crumbled on top
  2. In two weeks my family will be flying out to Kiawah Island, SC for a week-long vacation. As the oldest sibling I've been assigned the task of finding restaurants that aren't touristy, bland, "southern-ish" knock-offs. Two years ago when we first visited the resort we had a wonderful dinner at small French Bistro style restaurant called Mia's, which still brings back food memories to this day. I hoping my fellow E-gulleter's will point us in the right the direction and give some amazing picks. It's also important that these restaurants are casual & reasonably priced, as there are five people in our family(two of which are teenage girls who probably wouldn't be impressed with restaurants that boast caviar and foie gras on their menu). Thanks again
  3. Mota

    Dinner! 2008

    My first time making potstickers from scratch... Verdict: DELICIOUS I'd probably get a fattier piece of pork/ add shrimp/other flavorings
  4. Mota

    Dinner! 2008

    Dinner Cornbread Riz Djon-Djon aka Haitian Black rice Coleslaw Roast Chicken Pictured w/ my HI-QUALITY cellphone camera
  5. It is almost 3 AM in NY right now and I'm contemplating getting up and making cinnamon buns Damn you, Aunt Flow
  6. -FOIE GRAS.. Last year I was picked(along with several other students) to go to a "fancy schmancy" dinner party w/ my college president, foie gras was served as an appetizer... I managed to choke quite a bit down...never again -Artichokes -Caviar
  7. Mota

    Dinner! 2008

    BLASPHEMY... The food gets a chance to marinate and all the flavors become so much more intense BTW: Lovely looking lamb sandwich, just mouth watering
  8. Mota

    Dinner! 2008

    Penne w/ shrimp in a tomato cream sauce Holy Carb-overload Batman !!! I have a date with the treadmill in the morning
  9. Mota

    Confit Duck

    I recently saw Ming Tsai use grape-seed oil in place of the goose/duck fat...do you think that would be a suitable replacement?
  10. Yesterday Ate the rest of the Boca Negra Cake plus I dogged a bag of semi-sweet morsels in the fridge. Today Breakfast: Cold Pizza Lunch: Pizza (this time I heated it up) Dinner: Tea and the rest of the semi-sweet morsels
  11. Mota

    Dinner! 2008

    Made gnocchi with a quick ragu (should have simmered longer)...I usually use an egg as a binder but since we didn't have any I used the potato water. It came out nice and fluffy and was quite enjoyable. Can you tell that I like sauce? lol
  12. Vacation = over Spring semester = Starts today Breakfast= Banana bread Yay Homemade banana bread with a generous helping of Nutella
  13. Banana Bread...my family ate 1/4 before I got to snap a picture Next time I may add more coffee as well as adding nuts
  14. Two days worth of breakfast... Tuesday: Post-Workout banana smoothie Wednesday: Breakfast Tacos w/ my homemade tortillas (The eggs look a little gross but they tasted spectacular)
  15. Mota

    Smoking chefs

    While I think we can all agree that smoking is a pretty gross habit, I don't particularly care if the chef preparing my food is a smoker. As long as they're not putting out their butts in the bourguignon, i could care less
  16. Don't feel too bad, I borrowed it from the library The filling contains 1/2 c Lime Juice(key lime if it is available), a 14 oz can of Condensed milk, and 4 egg yolks
  17. French toast made with homemade cinnamon swirl bread
  18. Florida Pie from Baking: From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan Taken with my "high quality" cameraphone Delicious, but, quite rich... This is something that should be made on special occasions only as I'm sure I sent my relatives home with at least 5 extra pounds
  19. @ Kim Shook When can I expect an invitation to your next party? Fabulous desserts
  20. Cinnamon Raisin Swirl bread from "Baking from my home to yours"- Dorie Greenspan I ran out of cinnamon which explains the lackluster swirl This should make fantastic French toast if my family doesn't eat it all. taken w/ my camera-phone
  21. Mota

    Dinner! 2008

    quickie early dinner shrimp and chicken fried rice
  22. Wow, a month long vacation, sounds like something I need! Welcome to eGullet and the fabulous Breakfast thread, Mota. Your omelet looks great! What's the beverage in your mug? ← Old Orchard Sugar Free Cranberry Apple ...surprisingly tastes pretty good
  23. Hello good people of Egullet This is my "God I'm happy for my month long college vacation" omelet leftover baked potato , cheddar, yellow peppers, scallops taken with my cameraphone
  24. Looks delicious
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