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Everything posted by rich

  1. rich


    I agree Doc. So I hope he's not leaving because of the NY Times review. That would give the appearance of "bugging out."
  2. rich


    So, apart from the GC debate, do people believe the reason for Kahn's departure was the NY Times review or are/were there other factors in play? Could one be cost? Most critics believed the prices were too high. Is this a cost cutting measure and will we see prices drop?
  3. So, apart from the GC debate, do people believe the resson for Kahn's departure was the NY Times review or are/were there other factors in play? Could one be cost? Most critics believed the prices were too high. Is this a cost cutting measure and will we see prices drop? I'll post this on the Varietal thread as well - not sure where it fits better (Times influence of restaurant business.)
  4. I posted this on the Varietal thread, but I guess it also belongs here. According to Eater and based at least partly on yesterday's NY Times review, Jordan Kahn will resign as the restaurant's pastrty chef in the next day or so.
  5. rich


    According to Eater, the pastry chef (Kahn) is resigning in the next day or two.
  6. Actually he's one of the people who prove my point about the current state of the Times in general. He wouldn't have a place at the present NYT because he's a journalist and the Times doesn't hire people with his type of credentials anymore.
  7. Doc, while that's an accurate statement to a certain degree, the Times' influence is not nearly what is was five, ten, twenty, forty years ago (and that's not just dining but news, sports and arts & entertainment as well). I began reading the Times in 1956 (mandatory in first grade) and its influence then, in all areas, was unchallenged by any other media entity in the world. IMO within ten years, the Times will assert no more influence than a typical tabloid complete with all the exaggerations. The mast head may change to: "All the Sensationalism that Fits, We Print."
  8. ...and I can't say it because I haven't been.
  9. It probably is the best choice in the area, though there are plenty of downtown and out of borough choices (Al di La, Sapori, Park Side to name three) that would be better. And where is that thread? I enjoyed it. Somebody got it shut down on us.
  10. Mayur, I think Felidia is good. (I think it used to be better) But I can't shout that far anymore.
  11. Please widen your geographical scope or change your nationality - that's a nice way of saying there's nothing worth while of Italian descent in your selected neighborhood (anywhere within shouting range of 50th and Lex). In fact, a trip to the Boroughs would be your best bet.
  12. I thought there was enough information on the wine program. what specifically did he miss? ← He mentions that there is a wide and varied list with good by the bottle prices, but then fails to give any examples. He mentions the by the glass prices are high, but doesn't give any examples of the choices or the flights. He wasted enough space on the ambiance and on the pedigree of the owners and chefs (and on his mandatory "cute" opening paragraphs). I think he could have devoted another paragraph or two on the focus of the restaurant - wine.
  13. The Sunbeam Oskar Food Processor - it's like having a third hand. I have three and continue to pick them up on ebay since they are discontinued. IMO, the best of its type and size every made - does everything and then some.
  14. Possibly more interesting - very little discussion of the wines. Since the name of the place is wine focused and the program quite ambitious, it should get a little more attention. PS - Just spoke to my NY Times source and she/he tells me there has been a lot of discussion about Robert's publicity and it isn't good. However, the answer given was the Times needs money so anything goes now. Don't be surprised to see ads on the front page of the news section soon. I can't wait for the Times to run its first contest - "pick the next restaurant reviewer."
  15. Agreed - that's the reason for PL's new marketing strategy.
  16. His review of Varietal appears perilously close to a "zero." Ironically, it also appears the savory part of the menu saved them from the dreaded goose egg - just the opposite of what most eG'ers thought. I think the song "Goodnight Irene" might be playing at Varietal tonight. NB - Once again, another one-star review sans front page coverage, double headlines, multiple photos or a slideshow. And there was plenty to choose - upside down glasses hanging from the ceiling, photos of the desserts plates, photos of the the stark whiteness, photos of the two chefs hugging each other and photos of the grape portraits. In fact, the one published photo shows grapes completely naked. If I was a NYC restauranteur, I would be very upset. My sources indicate more and more will be emulating the Peter Luger model. Remember, PL's new marketing strategy begins in less than two weeks (April 1).
  17. rich

    DiFara Pizza

    Unfortunately, all three times I visited there was a problem with creatures walking on the wall. I realize it's the city and there'e little you can do about that, but it's a bit disconcerting to share your lunch with uninvited guests. Cleanliness is obviously not their forte. I'm sure this is just a wake-up call.
  18. Maybe they should just close Greenwich Village - it seems to me the rats with guns are far more dangerous.
  19. Uh... La Reserve
  20. rich

    Ides of March Meal

    I'm not sure what I would eat, but I would certainly buy the food at Traitor Joe's.
  21. I know, I know..... La Reserve How do I know you ask? How many good French restaurants have "pretty good" food? Most of them have pretty bad food, ugly good food or just food. The "pretty" and "good" can only describe the now-closed La Reserve. If you need collaboration, just ask JP.
  22. This discusssion reminds me of one of the great marketing phrases in food history - "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't."
  23. I don't think you can get out of Waffle House in 22 minutes. Robyn ← I've gotten out of many houses in much less than 22 minutes - especially when I didn't belong there.
  24. Why 70 minutes? It only takes three minutes to be seated and order, five minutes to prepare, ten minutes to eat, four minutes to pay and leave - 22 minutes. What could you possibly do for the next 48 minutes? I know - attempt to read the entire menu at Del Posto.
  25. rich

    Il Buco

    Nah - that happened years ago.
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