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I searched the topic for "sebastian" ... no hits found. My opinion is that the "best meat shop in van" is currently a race between Sebastian in west van and Armando on GI. http://www.sebastianandco.ca/
What Are You Having for US Independence Day?
mtigges replied to a topic in Food Traditions & Culture
I don't celebrate US Independence Day, but we just had our nationalistic holiday yesterday. I grilled a hanging tender. I've made this cut now I think 6 times or so. This was definitely the best. I used about half a weber chimney's worth of lump, so med heat or so. It got a good sear on each side, just a touch of flame kissing, then finish on the cool side with some hickory smoking on the coals for probably less than 10 minutes ... till it was done. With a huge plate of fresh snow peas steamed with fish sauce, chili, lime, basil, touch of soy and some garlic and onion I'd previously sweated. Absolutely delicious. Best Canada Day ever. -
Vancouver/Western Canada Ingredient Sources Topic
mtigges replied to a topic in Western Canada: Cooking & Baking
Does anyone know where a non butcher can buy a roll of butcher paper? -
I don't think so. Conductively, the difference between the meat and the water is very small. The thermal sink should be nearly identical. It matters for when you're bringing the meat up to temperature for sure, but for 48 hours to melt gelatin? Irrelevant. Regardless, as I said, I only plan to cook for myself.
Note that the smaller the vessel the lower the need for circulation. The pot has excellent insulation properties. Astounding actually. ← I started my SV cooking with a similar device. The problem is exactly what you stated, too much insulation-therefore harder for the PID to adjust quickly and lose temp when it overshoots. I suspect that like me you will soon want to do a few more items and certainly larger ones. If you have to wait 48 hours for short ribs, may as well cook 2 batches and freeze one for later. I don't think you could even fit one of the american cut short ribs that I buy. I'm pretty sure you had your pid set incorrectly. The point of it (over a thermostat) is that it slows it's approach to target. Overshoot should not be an issue if you have it set correctly. Admittedly, it can be tricky to set well. Especially with a slow cooker whose electric elements will still contain and impart energy when switched off. This is an interesting consideration that hadn't occurred to me. Did your unit have a printed circuit board relayed to a mechanical switch? If so did the cycling damage the electronics? 28 cups to fill it to the brim? That's only one quart more (15%) in volume than mine. It's not that much difference. The last time I braised short ribs I think I put about dozen 3" english style in there. What the hell kind of cows do you have?
Note that the smaller the vessel the lower the need for circulation. The pot has excellent insulation properties. Astounding actually. When I make stock, I bring it to a boil on the stove, and then place the pot in the slow cookers base. The liquid continuous to boil for at least 15 seconds after turning off the flame on the stove. I have no doubt that this vessel will have very small temperature differentials throughout the liquid. The element in the base is below the unit allowing for natural convection and it has an excellent heavy lid. Water to food ratio in my machine would be significantly higher than at the restaurant at which we ate on Friday. I had a very good view of their set up and it never wavered more than one degree and they're almost constantly fishing out packages, and adding new ones. Not that the transgressions of others should provide rationale for me. To answer your question about quantities of food. Not very much. My true desire is 48 hour shortribs. Probably only cooking for myself as my wife finds the waste of plastic distasteful. So I see myself cooking duck breast, small pieces of fish, beef and pork & chicken, when she plays badminton and leaves me to my own devices.
The absolute essential is that it remembers the heat setting - or defaults to something you can work with. The external PID will be "pulling the plug" every couple of seconds or so ... PS - also important is that powering on/off rapidly should NEVER confuse the "integrated circuit board" - like thinking 'time left is now zero, so I'm switching off'. Simple is what's needed! ← There is a mechanical switch with four settings off, low, high, timer. For this application I would leave it on high. I'm fairly certain that the ICB is run off a relay to engage the display and the timer if necessary. If I unplug, and power back on while leaving that switch in either low or high it fires. My only concern is if the cycling will damage the ICB.
I have an equipment question, but at 80 plus pages, the discussion does not yield good enough resolution on searches. So, my apologies if this generates a little extra noise. I'm going to step in to SV with one of the Auber units. My question though concerns the vessel that I'll be using for immersion. According to this link: aubers equipment recomendations my available option is not optimum. I have one of these: http://www.amazon.com/Rival-SCVI600B-SS-Cr...40932689&sr=1-1 I bought it because the pot can go on the stove top. I love it. While it does have an integrated circuit board, it is nothing more than a timer and a digital readout of the time left, or heating setting. I'm quite certain the switch is mechanical. I would have absolutely no qualms about pulling the cord out while the unit is set to low or hi. It won't remember the time, but in this case I don't care. Aubers pdf (linked above) says that if it has a digital readout it's not appropriate for use. I have a suspicion that that's just a CYA statement. So, I'm petitioning those here for whatever experience they have with similar units. I would even consider a little surgery on the unit to install a plug to bypass ICB that I can use with the PID when used in sv. So any advice from people who have done this something similar very welcome. I'm reticent to get another tool (rice cooker) because I have enough clutter as it is. All opinions welcome. Thank you.
Well, if someone comes looking for advice, I made a paste of chive, panko, olive oil, s&p. covered the top, about 10 minutes at 400 and then about 4 minutes at broil. They were perfect.
I have a treat for tonight, but suddenly realized that I don't have all the info I need. I have one 8 inch marrow bone which has been split lengthwise into two halves. So, how to roast it? Lots of coarse salt and pepper, 400 F 20 minutes. Is that about right?
"It would be terrible if all our culinary figures were dour moralizers like Charlie Trotter." clap, clap, clap.
What's with the "lighten up" comments? You're the second one. We're all a bunch of anonymous people talking about a relatively unknown person selling a crappy burger from a likewise crappy fast food restaurant. Who is taking anything on this thread so seriously that anyone needs to "lighten up?" is anyone boycotting Hardee's? is anyone tearing down their poster of Padma off the wall because they now know she eats Hardee's? ← OFC sake. It's not obvious? That people even see _any_ kind of need to argue whether this spot corrupts any morals or ethics is ridiculous. How it even occurs to anybody to do so bewilders me. People who do wonder if she is corrupting anything except my safe-at-work browsing are the ones I'm talking about.
It's only dissonant to your cognition if you lack the ability to frame input in appropriate context. Lighten up and enjoy.
My comment on this is ... "thank you." (It's directed at Padma.) Seriously though, if she looked at us through the camera and sternly told us she _loves_ this burger, then I'd have a gripe. But this? She's having some fun, shilling a guilty pleasure. Everybody loves a fatty greasy sandwich. Smile and enjoy her ability to do that kind of ad. And, for petes sake lighten up.
Just saw this. If you look at the attachment there are two grooves cut into it. What has happened is that they have loosened through being put on and off. You can squeeze it gently with pliers so that it will grip well again. ← That seems like a very reasonable thing to try. I'm embarrassed I haven't thought of it myself. I have the one with the chopping attachment mentioned above. It's a miniature food processor and is outstanding for smaller jobs. I use to puree parsnips, or mix emulsions for marinating ... all kinds of stuff that a regular food processor is too big to bother with. I bought my from a travelling salesman at our yearly exhibition believe it or not. First time I've ever purchased anything from a carnival hawker. Sometimes there's good stuff there. Vita-mix normally has a booth. So, maybe try a local fair or something in the summer to see if someone bought a truckload to sell at fairs and exhibitions.
That is a very interesting idea. I'd be tempted to do it but, I'm always mashing around 9 or 10 in the morning. Please let us know how it works out if you try it. Mark.
It's quite common in some Chinese shops here (Vancouver) too. Don't do this There was a note above about sticking it in the freezer. Do it. About 20 minutes, then bring a large plastic tub to your freezer and a chef knife or cleaver. Put it upside down in the tub. If it's moving, put it back in the freezer. Take your knife and plunge it point first above the little arrow on its belly and then tilt down to split through the head of the body. Dead. Rinse. This is a picture from Discovery's tv show: (king crab belly) it illustrates the arrow on the belly that I'm talking about. Trying to dispatch them by splitting the same way you do a lobster is too difficult because their top shell is so thick. I've found sticking the point of the knife in there allows you to split open from underneath. Cook however you please. It's difficult, but splitting the legs and rubbing a compound butter of your choice and baking is good. Steam first for a few minutes if you like. There is some meat in the body ... from a king crab you'll get the same amount of body meat as from a Dungeness 1/4 the size, in my experience. Don't boil it. That's just silly. Waste of energy and adds absolutely nothing to flavour the meat regardless of the aromatics you put in the water. Steam it if you want to kill it through cooking. A minute fraction of the energy required and just as fast to death. But in my opinion, Dungeness taste better and are easier to deal with. edited to add: Just noticed you're in Vancouver too. You must mean T&T. Let me know if you need another eater
Roast a goose, you'll end up with about 1.5 litres of fat. You should still be able to find a goose about now, As many are slaughtered for Xmas. Phone around. But, fair warning, once you've had a goose, you'll never make turkey at Xmas again.
Pretty much anything by Michael Jackson. No ... this one.
My recommendation, get a ceramic hone from: edge pro
Stouts and Porters aren't hoppy, so while hops may be sufficient they're clearly not necessary for your reaction. The only thing generally common to microbrews that is not common with industrial beers is filtering. Most microbrews are not filtered, they rely solely on gravity and time to clear the beers. What they are clearing is protein. They will add a coagulent which causes the proteins to mass in to clumps which drop more quickly out leaving clear beer. Industrial breweries don't have the luxury of time (not that microbrews have that much time either), so they will filter their beers. The difference here is that filtering will also strip the yeast. So ... it could be that you have an allergy to yeast. As an experiment, I would try some brewers yeast as a dietary supplement, see if it causes a similar reaction. Although, it should be noted that dietary supplementary brewers yeast is not active yeast like you'll find in a fresh unfiltered beer. Do you know if you have an issue with B vitamins in general? If you're sure it happens with hoppy beers too (like IPA's) I wouldn't suspect malt or hops. But if it only happens with stouts/porters and the like, I would suspect roasted malts. Go on a binge with Rogue's Brutal Bitter and report back Mark.
It's actually likely reducing it.
You should try pos ting this question at hbd.org, or any of the other popular brewing discussion groups. I'm sure you'd get lots of response. As for me, I would switch from a simple bucket. If you use plastic you want to replace every now again, and >100 does not promote replacing it. I dispense from my secondary, so there's really no advantage here for me. Lastly, it appears to me that if you're filling the fermenter in a different location than you're fermenting it (like I am) that it could be a gigantic pita.
Personally I don't bother with temperature for goose and duck (we just ate a 14lber last night, goose that is, not duck). Just roast until done. Which is when the leg wiggles loosely. but I suspect for yours it will be about 1.5 - 2 hours depending on roasting temp. Rest for a long time. The reason I don't bother with taking the temp of a goose or a duck is two fold, roasting them is a little more forgiving than other poultry, and it's just hard. With a chicken or a turkey it's easy, but it's difficult to ensure you get a representative temperature with a goose. To get a good spot in the flesh to sample the temperature is hard since it's very narrow flesh.
Which reminds me (thanks FG), I laid the tile for our counter top, and I'm pretty damn happy with it. As for grout, you must use a sealant, but a contractor would hopefully take care of that for you. On NB for DIYers that I learned; the easiest way to lay/apply? tile for the nose is not with mortar or quickset, but rather with construction adhesive.