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  1. Hello Margaret. I do the same steps every time with mixed or even awful results. Since I am just cooking for myself, I normally only cook between one to four eggs in a pot as follows: 1. Take out the eggs and let them sit on the counter for about an hour (read somewhere that eggs should be room temperature before cooking); 2. Don't use fresh eggs since they're harder to peel; 3. Place them in cold water and let the water come to a boil, then turn off the heat, cover the pot and let them steep; 4. Dunk them in icy cold water, cracking them as you said and then: Some or all of them stick to the shell anyway!😕 Alas, I will keep trying since I am not breaking out my Instant Pot for a couple of eggs but will definitely try the steam cook method with those egg holders in the IP when I need a lot of boiled eggs. As for the egg ring thingy, I still think it's pretty cool.
  2. Indeed, quite interesting. All chopped up is fine but I just can't warm up to using it in it's entirety. Would you have a use for it whole? Actually, I just thought about slicing it and alternating each slice with say fresh basil leaves and rainbow heirloom tomatoes arranged on a platter and served alongside some kind of sauce.
  3. In the never ending streaming of trivia that comes across my Smartphone, I noticed this: Apparently this shortcut -- the article uses the word "hack" which I loathe and avoid like the plague -- has been making the rounds within the IP Facebook community with mostly positive reviews. My initial reaction was "Eewwww!" There was just something creepy to me about the end result that reminded me of all of those gagtastic examples of 1950s/1960s retro recipes (Lemon Jello/Tuna Mold anyone?). Or was it salmon? However, when it was explained that this was a better way to batch cook a dozen eggs for egg salad or use in making potato salad, I could see the genius in this approach. Personally, I have never needed to make a dozen eggs worth of egg salad in my life, but for those who need to make a lot of it for their families, I think it's a great idea. Here's a link to the article: https://ruinmyweek.com/trending/weird-instant-pot-egg-hack-hard-boiled/ BTW, the banner running across this image is the author's not mine. As for presenting this in it's entirety as a brunch or lunch item, I think I'll pass on that but what do you all think?
  4. Hello all. If there is anyone here who is still on the fence about purchasing one of these, today ONLY, QVC has an Instant Pot 6 Quart Duo-Plus 9-in-1 unit for $79.98. I already have the same version and was smugly smiling at the fact that I had bought this last year for two cents less except............. this one comes with a glass lid (mine did not) which can cost an additional $12.50-$25.00--I plan on getting one for use with the slow cooker feature AND it's free shipping and handling. BTW the host said that this will be the cheapest price for it for the rest of the year. Here's a link to all the particulars: https://www.qvc.com/Instant-Pot-6-qt-Duo-Plus-9-in-1-Pressure-Cooker-with-Glass-Lid.product.K49640.html?sc=TSV Even if you already own an IP, if you know someone who's interested in getting one I think that this would be a great gift for that person.
  5. When in doubt check the "Q" as in QVC (yes, I am one of those people). Here's a link to a Kuhn Rikon two-fer set; a can opener and a jar/bottle opener: https://www.qvc.com/Kuhn-Rikon-2-Piece-Jar-Opener-%26-Auto-Attach-Can-Opener-Set.product.K48582.html?sc=SRCH I bought these about a year ago and use both all the time. If you look closely, the jar opener has a specially shaped hole that perfectly fits those pesky little tops on small bottles of Tabasco sauce. BTW, the can opener takes off the entire top of any sized can so no sharp edges. Hope this helps.
  6. I understand. I've seen similar comments from others here. His death had the exact opposite effect on me. Actually, right after I read your post, I tuned in to CNN and there he was. I had checked throughout the day to see if they would be airing any episodes of Parts Unknown but it was just hour after hour of the usual political over-analysis blah blah blah and rehash. I then proceeded to watch five episodes in a row: Iran, Vietnam, Tokyo with chef Masa Takayama, West Virginia and The Lower East Side, the last of which ended the series. Whenever I rewatch any of his shows he still seems so alive to me; always makes me smile. The West Virginia episode was especially touching in that you could see that he was determined to avoid the usual stereotypical portrayals of the people from that beautiful state. He said, in his typical no bullshit style, "If you've tuned in to watch some poverty porn, this is NOT the show for you."
  7. Hello all. On this one year anniversary of the passing of Anthony Bourdain, I wanted to mention the recently published book featuring remembrances of those who knew him best. The book, Anthony Bourdain Remembered was originally intended to be a private gift to his daughter however the family subsequently allowed it to be available to general public. Here's an excerpt from an online People Magazine article about it: "Anthony Bourdain will be honored in a new book set to publish this spring. The title, Anthony Bourdain Remembered, will be filled with photos, memories and quotes from the late chef’s fans and famous collaborators including Barack Obama, Eric Ripert, Questlove and José Andrés. Daniel Halpern, president and publisher of Ecco, tells PEOPLE that CNN originally created the book as a “keepsake” for his daughter Ariane, 11, and his estate later agreed to share the book publicly." A very thoughtful and classy thing for CNN to do. I clearly remember the heartfelt and tearful on-air reactions by his colleagues at that network. I definitely intend on purchasing it; actually going to buy it from Target and not the more "respectable" Amazon just because I have a feeling he might have found that to be rather funny since he was so unpretentious. Although the initial shock of his death has dulled, I still dearly miss his voice and perspective on all the craziness going on in this country and around the world these days. Has anyone had the opportunity to read it? Apologies for the mismatched fonts; tried to fix it but couldn't.
  8. Thanks @lindag, @Smithy, @Wolf, @SusieQ and @JoNorvelleWalker for your feedback. Yes @JoNorvelleWalker I think you're absolutely right. It had occurred to me that, some one hundred years ago, it would be the norm to use a wooden spoon. I was so swayed/confused by constantly seeing metal utensils used by chefs, especially whisks, which I much prefer over silicone ones; personally never found a silicone whisk worth a damn. Ahem, speaking of deals on QVC--yes, I'm one of those people--I kinda "accidentally" checked their website for Le Creuset and found this: https://www.qvc.com/Le-Creuset-275-qt-Cast-Iron-Dutch-Oven.product.K47064.html?sc=SRCH I am by no means as expert on good deals on LC as you all are. However, it seems to me that $99.00 ain't bad. The prices at other vendors online ranged from $129.00 to a whopping $249.00 at Macy's for the exact same piece. It occurred to me that this would be a great starting piece, although I really wanted to have at least a three quart to start with BUT 2.75 quarts is pretty close AND it's free shipping AND it's only six "easy" payments of $16.66 AND if I don't like it or change my mind, I have until the end of January 2019 to return it for a full refund, no questions asked AND the only color left is cerise/cherry red which I love and, and .............. Knees buckling, feeling weak, please stop me before I shop again! 😁
  9. This topic is right on time for me since I just haven't yet spent myself into the poor house on kitchen gear lately! Seriously though, I have long been tempted to purchase an LC vessel; actually three: one each of a three, four and, five quart Dutch oven, however....... Whenever I see a good "deal" on one at, for instance, QVC, during the presentation the vendor always steers potential customers away from using metal utensils and towards silicone ones and also states that LC is manufactured exactly same way it was from the beginning. I have watched chefs use metal utensils for years without scratching the interior which always leaves me wondering if there are substantial differences between the recent manufacturing/quality control of Le Creuset and what had been produced decades ago. Do any of you have both very old pieces as well as later iterations? If so, do you notice any differences in quality/durability between them, especially when using metal utensils? As several of you have stayed upthread, there are cheaper enameled cast iron pieces to be had which you believe work just as well at a cheaper cost. While I still might purchase a piece or two of LC, I am suspicious as to whether the latest products may have taken a few shortcuts in production for the sake of the almighty dollar. Thanks.
  10. Thanks @Smithy. I think that I am going to add just enough water to come up to the level of the trivet/steamer rack that came with the IP, place the sweet potatoes on that, set it for 30 minutes and see what happens. I will definitely post back on the results. Right now, the collards are on and at least they smell good!
  11. Thanks again @Shelby my IP "Yoda!." I specifically wanted to do the collards this way to cut the cooking time and the sweet potatoes since people online rave about how easy they are to peel. I usually boil them and, for some reason, the skins always seem to come off in thin strips or small pieces, a real PITA.
  12. Thanks @Smithy. Yep, I have the 6 quart. Really appreciate your help
  13. Uh oh, just one more thing; well probably more than one. I plan on using about a quart to a quart of the ham hock liquid -- ham hocks are boiling right now. Anyway, does this sound like too much liquid? I am guessing that I have about three pounds, maybe a little more of collards. They were sold by the bunch, not the pound, so I am making a rough guess. Also, I plan on cooking my sweet potatoes on high pressure for my sweet potato pies; have about four pounds of those. None of the instructions online are very specific about how much water to use, just that you need to only add enough water after placing the potatoes in the steamer insert that came with the IP and make sure the water doesn't touch the potatoes. Does that sound right? Thanks again to anyone who can provide suggestions.
  14. Good morning and thank you @Shelby. Heh heh, I am not into massaging my greens either. If any massaging is going on in this house, it's gonna be on me!
  15. As Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching, I think I'll be doing my collard greens and ham hocks in the IP. I've found a couple of recipes that sound pretty good, but all seem to involve the use of chicken stock at the beginning of the process. Well there never has been and never will be a drop of chicken stock near or in my collards, so I plan to pre-cook the ham hock (or hocks)--haven't decided if I will be using one or two--and use the liquid from the hock(s) to start things off using the saute function, then pressure cook on high for about thirty minutes. Have any of you ever made collards or any kind of similar types of greens (kale, turnip greens, etc.) in the IP? If so, does thirty minutes sound like enough time? I usually end up cooking mine on the stove top for about three hours. They're perfectly tender, not mushy, at that point. I am really not into the current trend of barely cooked greens. I'll probably be doing this on Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest, along with making my turkey stock. I had considered even doing my cranberry relish in the IP but decided against it since it really doesn't take that long to make it on the stove and I tend to add the other ingredients--diced apples, orange juice, dark and golden raisins, etc.--in stages after the cranberries burst which can't be done using the pressure cooking function. Any tips or guidance will be greatly appreciated. Edited to change "tomorrow" to Tuesday since I belatedly realized it was already tomorrow when I posted! Sheez. Time flies..........
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