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Jean Blanchard

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Posts posted by Jean Blanchard

  1. Saw it Saturday night and absolutely loved all of it. Of course, as a huge fan of Julia Child, I'm biased. Yesterday, I pulled volume one out and make Coq au Vin and a lemon tart. Pulled out volume two and made her French bread. It's good to discover her again.

  2. Here's a link to my Flickr photoset from the Gathering dinner.

    My apologies for the poor image quality and lack of knowledge of eG names. Also, I didn't take notes on the courses... please, help!

    But I just wanted to get some pix up for those who are playing along at home...

    Mamagotcha, thanks. Even though I had the opportunity to judge some great BBQ at the Whitehorn Cove BBQ Bash yesterday I was supposed to be with you all. sigh. Maybe next year I will be able to join in the fun if schedules permit. And the dinner at Bluestem, I just can't talk anymore.

    You guys definitely do NOT have enough food! Any talk yet of where the next gathering will be?

  3. Slice them and drizzle with good olive oil and a little balsamic vinegar. Layer on individual plates with overlapping thin slices of fontina cheese. Add a little arugula salad with olive oil and vinegar on the side. Makes a nice first course.

  4. Can't wait to see where you end up on sunday. So many places are closed. My trip is planned for September so I'm following your choices (and subsequent reviews) closely. I think that the last time we were in Paris, we ended up at Le Mediterranee (sp) just down the street from Le Comptoir. Loved L'Ourcine and will probably revisit.

  5. I loved Old Fashioned last fall when I visited Madison. In fact, it got me on a short kick of drinking old fashions again. I also thought their food was excellent and service very friendly. How was your meal at L'Toile? We had a great meal their with the wine pairing. I think we'll redo that trip again this fall when the farmers market is really in full swing.

  6. Oh my gosh, does this recipe from the PBS show "Everyday Cooking" (thanks Martha!) totally rock.Cherry Tomato crisp.Cherry Tomato Crisp.I made it as the lady on "Everyday Food" did it, viz: Don't grate your parm, just break in some chunks. Leave garlic whole. A few pulses. Like, ten seconds and twenty minutes to a baked tomato/crispy crunchy jamboree side dish, that incorporates  bright veg and starch. And texture.

    Most highly recommended. And, so easy.

    I made this last night to rave reviews!

  7. I'm so jealous.  I've wanted  a wood fired oven in my backyard for ages.  Can you post pics and tell us about the progress?

    Hi Jean,

    Thanks for the note.

    Here's some progress pics for you:


    Have a great weekend.

    Great pictures!. Unfortunately, if I show these to my husband, he'll probably say, "no way am I doing that." Can you come to my house and build one for me?

  8. Hope this isn't too late...it's 1 cup of sugar. 
    I'm in Mexico and about to make the French Yogurt Cake.  I have everything but the amount of sugar in the recipe.  Can anybody look that up for me?  Thanks!

    Sorry I never got back to you. Thanks! I made it that day and it was wonderful. I like it even better when I use some orange essence in the batter but I didn't have that. This is definitely my "go to" cake now.

  9. Cali, the recipe doesn't show up unless one pays CI, something I'll never, ever do agin in this lifetime so much have I had hassles with CI.

    But rant aside, if you do make them well ahead, freeze, and try one test thaw in advance of Thanksgiving, please do let me know how they turn out.  That would be really interesting, if it works well, as I'll have my hands full all day before the meal.

    Just click NO, you don't want a trial issue and you can get the recipe.

  10. When I'm trying to be frugal, I look at the ads and plan my weekly meals around what is on sale and then I force myself to use everything I bought. As far as going out goes, I've mainly switched from high priced gourmet to low priced gourmet. Gourmet in the form of great sandwich places, etc. I have no intention of staying home all the time so I'm finding compomises and treating it like an adventure. Of course, I live in the Chicago area and we have all sort of great ethnic places to choose from that are modestly priced.

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