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Jean Blanchard

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Posts posted by Jean Blanchard

  1. After viewing Patrick's picture of the rum soaked vanilla cake, I HAD to make it. It was the best and easiest to make cake of its type I've ever made. I soaked one in rum (no little guys around our house, Patrick) and left the other plain and stashed in the freezer. The rum soak puts it over the top! I was thinking of making a lemon curd for the other one but since there is rum in the batter, (but I haven't tasted the cake minus the soak) I'm wondering if that combination won't be good. Dorie or Patrick, what do you think?

  2. Just made the carrot muffins and sampled for breakfast. Carrot cake is my husbands favorite dessert so I thought this would be a great morning treat. And guess what.....they were! Just as Dorie says, they're not too sweet but have all of the components of a carrot cake. The rest go in the freezer so that I can move on to another muffin and have a nice assortment for brunch with guests. Well, maybe I'll save two for tomorrow. :wink:

  3. Yeah, I'm not so happy about that generalization. By the way, sometimes it IS so dark that I need a flashlight but so does my "young" daughter so I don't feel so bad.

    Also, although I've dined at many fine restaurants where salt is not needed, not every chef is as good as he thinks he is and a little salt would help his creations. I don't like some wait staff treating me like an ingrate because I asked for salt.


  4. Today is my birthday. So last night, I deided to make myself a birthday cake and I also decided to have a piece, one day early.

    I made the cake on the cover of the cookbook. Wow! It was very chocolatey but not too much. The frosting was light and just the right combination with the chocolate. Instructions were perfect and it's such a pretty little cake. I've GOT to learn how to post pictures!

  5. Maybe I'm supposed to wait until November to ask questions about a specific recipes but...if it's okay, I have a question about the arborio rice pudding. I made that recipe and it was wonderful tasting but it never firmed up in the frig. I cooked it a little longer than the 30 min. recommended because it still looked really runny. Should I have just kept going? I bake a lot but this was my first attempt at rice pudding so I'm no expert.

    Anyway, I love your books and I'm looking forward to baking the winter away!

  6. Okay, this isn't an Italian deli but I had to share a find with all of you. Since I couldn't meet my daughter in Cincinnati after all, I wound up doing one of my "food" days. Pasta Fresh, Riviera, Reagan's just to name a few. One of my stops was at a store that sells really beautiful tablecloths so I HAD to buy another. Across the street was a new shop. Kolatek's Bakery & Deli. It's a beautiful Polish deli, bakery, grocery shop. I even spotted a lovely ice cream freezer. Homemade soups and many things Polish to take home that I have no way of describing since I'm not an expert on that kind of food. Everything, however, looked wonderful and I will definitely be back. Too many people in line and my cooler was starting to get full. Ended with dinner at Jacky's Bistro in Evanston. Fabulous! Thanks again, Ronnie!

    P.S. I forgot. Picked up some croissants and frozen fennel, raisin bread at Bennison's ( Evanston) also. The bread is unbelievably good with cheese. Off to the treadmill!!

  7. I had a sub zero for almost 15 years that I had no problems with until the final six months when I needed repair and probably should have just replaced it. I bought a Kitchenaid, side by side. My subzero was freezer on the bottom. Whatever you do, don't buy a side by side. It's useless!! If I didn't have a refrigerator and freezer in my basement, I wouldn't have any place to put cookie sheets, turkeys, even frozen pizza. Also, my cheese/meat drawer is useless since even on its lowest setting, it freezes everthing (it's been adjusted twice to no avail). I will be replacing it with a Subzero.

  8. Recently, I was dining at a very upscale French restaurant with a friend. The restaurant was not busy (it was 5:00 PM, after work on a Wednesday) and we had a very friendly waiter. A VERY friendly waiter. He was obviously bored and told us every detail of his boring life. I hate to be rude and so I subtlely tried ignoring him, giving him quick, short answers and looking back to my food to let him know that I really didn't want to talk about his wife and baby. I wanted to visit with my friend and enjoy my meal. I was afraid to even ask him any questions about the food because that would just start him up talking again! Any idea as to how I could have handled this better without being downright rude?

    Jean Blanchard

  9. Thanks so much for posting this. About 4 years ago, I went to their farmers market and was really impressed. Here in Naperville, we have a nice farmers market but nothing compared to Madison. You've inspired me to go back. Many years ago, I read about L'Etoile and I'd really like to experience their food. I guess I'll have to plan a weekend in August while the fruits and vegetables are still plentiful. Did you stay in one of the B and B's or is there a hotel that is convenient?

  10. You've gotten great advice so far so I won't add to that except to tell you that I also live in Naperville and you can get really good fish at the fish market on Washington and Gartner. Also, if you go to the farmers market on Saturday morning, there's a guy there that sells great salmon. The only way you're going to like fish is to get the best quality you can afford.

  11. I tried to get into Sola Saturday night but I waited a little too long to attempt a reservation so we'll try it another time. We were at Deleece about 2 months ago and even though we usually are very happy with our meals, some of our dinners were not the same quality as in the past. Glad to read your review of Sola is favorable. We ended up at Think Cafe and as always, food was great.

  12. While eating a cupcake we made together this week, my 8 year old granddaughter said, "You know grandma, you should open a restaurant." That was followed by 30 minutes of her grand ideas for how I could accomplish this with her help. It was wonderful to know that she was getting it. That's what I leave.

    Chufi, love the thing about your funeral. I've told my husband the same thing.

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