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Jean Blanchard

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Posts posted by Jean Blanchard

  1. Made the Katherine Hepburn brownies in small brioche tins (thanks for that idea, Ling) They did take about 17 min. The idea of baking in the little tins makes them look so much more special. I'm serving them tonight with vanilla ice cream from Emily Luchetti's ice cream book and my dulche le leche (sp) on a spoon. Of course, I HAD to test the brownies before serving and they're really spectacular.

  2. You guys are the best! The web sites look great. So many things to choose from. I may try Michaels (why didn't I think of that??) for the basic bag but these web sites have so many fun options that I can't resist. I'm always bringing little treats to my coworkers and this will make it so much more fun. Thanks again!

    Jean Blanchard

  3. Made the Blondies for a birthday celebration at work today. They're yummy but a little too sweet for me. Didn't stop me from eating it but I really needed coffee. The concensus around the office is...well, let's see....they were gone in about 10 minutes and there was plenty else to choose from. Seems that the first question around here is, "did you make something from that cookbook again" and they get eaten pretty darn fast. This may be the only cookbook from my ridiculously large collection that I plan on being able to say that I made everything in it.

  4. Andy, I keep reading about how great the Locatelli cookbook is and now I see it mentioned again here. What's your opinion? Is it worth adding it to my ever expanding cookbook collection? I can't get a peek at it at the library or bookstore so I'll have to buy it sight unseen. Thanks.

    Have fun with the ice cream maker (which one did you buy)? I love to experiment with mine.

  5. Don't have my book with me and I can't remember the exact name of the cake, Mocha Chocolate Bundt Cake? Made it last night. I used instant espresso for a deeper coffee flavor. It is a really moist, coffee, chocolate cake. Great with port last night and equally great (and more coffee intense) this morning with coffee. Now I'm off to run up and down the stairs until I wear off cake in the morning! Not my usual yogurt but a lot more tasty.

  6. One other time that I bake. I bake when a loved one, close friend or neighbor suffers a loss, an illness or just one of lifes downs. It's my way of saying, "I'm thinking of you." All in all, I look for excuses to bake.

    One thing I'd like to thank you for in your new book. The insert with ideas to change the recipe. Its made me start to think about how I can also change some of my old recipes.

  7. I would also be interested to know if you bake everyday "just for the sake of baking." I find myself always wanting to bake even though I never develop recipes as you do. All of my friends and family can't understand this. They think it's too much work. For me, it is actually very meditative and calming to cook and bake. Also, it just always feels like there is so much left for me to learn.

  8. First, let me say that it was a pleasure to meet you yesterday in Chicago. I think people who truly love to bake are just naturally generous not just with all of the fruits of their labor but of themselves. You are no exception.

    Americas food scene has changed drastically over the past 30 years. Since you have been an occasional resident of Paris for so long, I'm wondering how food/dining may have changed there over the same time frame.

    Jean Blanchard

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