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Everything posted by Spinner

  1. The Tuesday Farmer's Market in Has. Heights had some this past Tuesday..I was there early and they didnt have much.
  2. This weekend (Saturday night to Sunday morning) we will be offering a Coffee Tasting Menu. On it are the following: Jamaican Blue served with Jerk Chicken sided with a Kiwi Salsa. Kenyan AA served with Chilean Empanadas. Tanzanian Peaberry served with fresh Lemon Sorbet. Mocha Java with Java Mocha Ice Cream Cake. The cost is 25 dollars. I hope you can join us. :)
  3. Spinner

    Dinner! 2005

    Udon..with Kamaboko, Baby Bok and Onion in a Dashi broth. I threw some Mirin in there as well..because..well..I love Mirin!
  4. Thanks everyone! I think we will be heading toward Cucharamama..I'll post a review later today or tommorrow morning. Thanks for all the help.
  5. Hello everyone.. I have a business meeting in Hoboken tommorrow. Since my fiance and I opened our place, we have no time (as I am sure some of you can relate to). So, when we have our day off..we like to go out for a meal. Now..since we just opened our place we are also nice and broke. So...price is an issue. She is not an adventurous eater and I am so take that into consideration if you could please. So..suggestions? By the way..a few EGs have come in and said hello to us..thanks!
  6. Im bringing this thread back to life.. Weirdest thing I ever ate? Deer heart 45 seconds after I shot it. I may as well have ate a block of soft iron. VILE. My father is very good with a knife..and very stupid when it comes to the machoness of hunting. I was 16..what did I know? Well I knew it tasted like a blood clot..
  7. I enjoy Swiss Chard quickly sauteed with a spot of good Mustard and chives. It sounds weird but it is quite good.
  8. http://orig.app.com/jerseyrestaurants/stor...1220024,00.html Not that great of a review but I do know of people that have been there and they were pleased.
  9. Hey Glenn.. My fiance and I will be coming for dinner tommorrow (if our place allows us to leave for 1 hour!). What do you recommend? Also, will you be there? Id love to say hi.
  10. And here is a picture of my bestest friend..all shiny and new! The convection oven is to the left of the range. I have more pictures but I am hesitating to post them because Im not sure that this is the place to do so.
  11. Pantano's in Elmwood Park. Nino's in there now..across from Marcal. I have the FONDEST childhood memories of this place. Hell, if you can get a 5 year to eat Pesto, you must be doing something right. Also, I R.I.P. to Roberto's II in Edgewater..well..at least when my father was the head chef. The quality hasnt been the same since he left IMO. But I may be biased :)
  12. Hey Curlz..Ive got Boggle coming in the mail. Boggle rules. :) BTW..if you come in and you are looking for White Choc. Hot Choc...just ask. It is on our menu but we havent had a chance to add it to our printed menus. It is on our special board however. By the way...my name is Dave..so if you come in please ask for me. I would love to meet you. A funny little story.. Today, we had two customers come in and they were very skeptical about our claim of "on-premises baking". They didnt think we could get all of the deserts that we have out for service in one day. My fiance (6 years in the Army) isnt as patient as she probably should be but she is a total sweetheart. Anyway, she calmly explained that we do all of our baking every day and that our products are as fresh as can be. Just as a debate was about to begin, I came waltzing out of the kitchen with a Chocolate Truffle Cake and our White Chocolate Truffles (that look like chocolate chip cookies). At that moment, one of the customers asked "Uh..that cake..is that is what I smelled?" and I said "Yep..baked right here!". I had been listening of course.. Well, it was a fun little moment and they were very nice people..heck..5 cups of coffee, 2 wraps and 2 desserts makes them great people in my book! If you get the Bergenite, take a look tommorrow. Id like to thank you for all your support. Because of this site, I finally got my fiance to taste fleur de sil..she loved it of course.
  13. Hey NJ2FLA.. We serve White Choc. Mocha Hot Choc.
  14. Thanks for stopping by Curlz! I had called my fiance (the one without the grey shirt with our logo on it) up because I worry any time I am not there. She said "Someone from EGullet came in!" and I was so happy to hear that. I have been telling her about EGullet since I have been trying to expand her culinary tastebuds and it seems to be working. As far as the games go, we have a Scrabble board from 1953. It was my grandmother's. Boggle..well I will see what I can do :) but we also have games on every table in the place. We actually have a table that is a Checkers board. Next time that you stop by, take advantage of our parking lot behind the building. I look forward to seeing you soon and please feel free to ask any questions that you have about our coffee offerings for the day.
  15. Id like to thank the EGulleter that stopped in to look around tonight. Unforunately, I wasnt there because I finally got a few hours off to rest but my fiance and I thank you very much. BTW, Id also like to point out that there is a 10% off coupon on our site as well. Take advantage of it. We would love to see more EGulleters come by.
  16. We are going to be opening early starting next week. We wanted to pace ourselves during our first week..we will be doing a light breakfast and coffee in the morning. The hours are long but we are already here so we might as well open early. There are 2 bus stops within 20 feet of our place. I hope to see some of you soon!
  17. Hello once again. We FINALLY opened this past Tuesday. It's been a fun couple of days as we get into our rhythm and whatnot. Anyway, check us out at http://www.caffeine-central.net for information. We are serving Kenyan AA tommorrow. Im particularly impressed with this batch that we got in. Thanks for the support!
  18. The garbling most likely is from how the the character set is set for the board. Basically, it's not "translating" right. Bernard's Inn is a fabulous place..I have been there many times (not recently) but I would love to go back.
  19. Ha Durian smoothie...yummy! The fans I purchased are for drying something..Ill say no more until I perfect the technique. :)
  20. To me..a cute name would defeat the whole concept. It is a hot dog. You are going dress it up by introducing a veg concept and a offbeat meat dish but in the end..you are going to want to try to draw customers in that love Hot Dogs but want a new experience. How about "Darn Good Hot Dog" or "Hot Dog" Keep it simple. You are introducing a really odd concept to a lot of people..not on this site of course..nevertheless..it should be simple. A good Hot Dog is simple yet full of flavor. The name should reflect that. The name for "Melt" is a great example of a simple name that conveys the concept you are going after. Strive for that..
  21. Thanks for all the well wishes! Im going to post the url to our website below but it IS NOT DONE. Once it is done..Ill post an update. But it is 99 percent done so I will probably put the url up for it this weekend. Our address is 245 Paterson Ave, E. Rutherford NJ. Phone is 201-729-0700 The menu will be on the website once it is complete and Ill give out the URL then. Side note..Melt! That is a fantastic concept..I shall be getting my butt over there as soon as I can. We FINALLY finished painting today..we decided to do it all ourselves to save money. The SBA didnt give us nearly enough on the loan but I have been saving for close to 5 years so we have just enough capital. Ive been so anal about not being undercapitalized going into this and Im glad I was. On the other hand.. We saved money sure.. but my arms are now rendered useless. We also cleaned and polished the convection oven and range. Now, I just have to set up the wi-fi access points and we should be good to go. I also purchased some fans for a certain special we want to offer in the Asian room in the future.. Once again, thanks for all the support!
  22. Hey everyone! Long story short, my fiance and I are opening a coffee "house" in E. Rutherford. We are on Paterson Ave. It's been a long time dream of my fiance to open her own coffee house..but with a twist. And it's about to become reality when we open in 2 weeks. We have "themed" rooms. An Asian room, a Tropical Room (complete with Astroturf!), a 50's diner room and our main room where the coffee bar is located. We are doing on-premises baking for our desserts and we are also going to offer homemade soups, salads and wraps along with ethnic specials for each room. I just wanted to let everyone know about us and we will be offering a special for EGullet members on our website once we open. Any questions or any other comments..please post them here.
  23. I cannot thank all of you enough. I had actually been "nudged" toward West from a friend that travels to Vancouver frequently but I wanted to confirm his opinions through another source. Im going to go with West I believe. Ill be sure to make a post in this thread to let you know how things progress. Thanks!
  24. Hello everyone! My fiance and I will be taking a trip to Alaska for our honeymoon this Sept. We have a 2 night stay in Vancouver before going on our cruise and I am in need of some help. I would like to take my soon-to-be wife out for dinner while we are there. Price really isnt a concern (well I dont want to be paying 500 per person but I digress) but the menu is. I am NOT a picky eater in any way while my fiance is. She will eat seafood but nothing too "out there" (hey she said it not me) and she certainly will not eat any type of offal. (She hasnt yet but she will wink wink). I'd like a memorable meal..nothing generic.. Hints? Suggestions? Thanks in advance.
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