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Everything posted by pastrygirl

  1. buckeyes? https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/buckeyes-3363307 you could dip them in a caramelized white chocolate like Valrhona Dulcey for that caramel flavor, or roll in finely crushed toffee or peanuts for a bit of crunch
  2. pastrygirl

    Pea shoots

    @TdeV much more substantial pea vines from a local Szechuan restaurant. Still mild, mostly a vehicle for garlic. They’re no kale or mustard in terms of flavor.
  3. pastrygirl

    Pea shoots

    Those look like tender young sprouts that might have been fne raw in a salad.
  4. looks like cocoa butter did you temper the chocolate before storage?
  5. Are baristas that flighty? My expectation of 'barista' is that their primary duty is to make espresso drinks. A professional coffee nerd might not want to box chocolates, so I agree that might not be the best term if the job is much more varied than just coffee.
  6. Hm, not sure. Glaceed fruit is super delicious, maybe you could sprinkle sugar on the exposed side so it wouldn't be sticky? It might absorb over time but at least you could get it into the bag.
  7. I've been happy with freeze dried apples & raspberries from here: https://www.northbaytrading.com/dried-fruit/freeze-dried-fruit
  8. Could you use the Amazon ones for everything? Then you have a cohesive look & only one size of packaging to worry about. They look like the usual sturdy injection molded polycarbonate.
  9. Oh, that changes everything 🤣 Is this a weekly/ongoing market? Lots of people use cello bags, keep it simple and show off the product. I agree the mint squares should sell well. I'm not familiar with the cheap Amazon molds you mentioned, are they sturdy enough to scrape as usual? If you scrape it level then add inclusions, you may get overflow as the inclusions settle in and displace the chocolate. This may or may not bother you.
  10. Can't say I agree with this 'wasted design' idea. Why not be beautiful on both sides? How will you package these bars? Or, just make bark without a mold for your inclusion flavors. Quick and easy relative to multi-layer decorated bonbons, but not really that quick. Allowing time for crystallization and release, you might get 3 or 4 batches made in a day. Guess it depends on your production goals. If I need to make 200 bars, I'd rather make 4 batches of 50 than 8 batches of 25. What do you see as the difference? Be thoughtful of allergens, otherwise it's all just chocolate, inclusions or no. I'm sure a few lost pieces will happen, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I think chocolate will hold onto smaller, more irregularly shaped pieces than large smooth ones.
  11. festive holiday boxes with gold salty caramel (dark shell, milk center), red white chocolate cranberry, blue dark choc brown butter rum, and green milk choc peppermint
  12. Would thinking of it as fish stock that tastes like chicken make it less distracting? Use it in dishes with other seafood flavors - shrimp risotto, chowder, gumbo, cioppino, that sort of thing.
  13. I agree, odd to add the eggs after the flour. Unless you're saving some of the initial crumb mixture for a topping or something. I'd probably do the usual creaming method.
  14. If you'll use it then it's a good deal! Don't know the brand except not a Dedy pick-up tray here https://dr.ca/products/guitar-cutter-pick-up-tray?_pos=1&_sid=22d4ae259&_ss=r DR also has wire or use a rimless cookie sheet, cheaper but thicker https://www.webstaurantstore.com/fat-daddios-cshd-1417-proseries-12-guage-17-x-14-rimless-anodized-aluminum-cookie-sheet/627CSHD1417.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjw--2aBhD5ARIsALiRlwCNX_nD2OW4Q1JyCEmDRlqhjSWWm_2JjJ32gVK47QooQFDBgZtvXfEaAkuWEALw_wcB good luck & have fun!
  15. Are you in Canada? Design & Realisation has it. If you're cutting normal reasonably soft ganache, the thinner gauge should be fine. https://dr.ca/products/replacement-wire-for-guitar-cutters?variant=32517446172743
  16. Finally got on the Halloween bandwagon... Response has been good and it's a fun diversion from all Christmas production all the time, will do it again.
  17. Yeah, that layer forming on top of your cooling ganache is crystallization that you can stir back in, not a milk skin protein coagulation situation.
  18. conceptually, I could get behind an eel taco, but probably not the one pictured
  19. It's different because in the first instance you already know your chocolate is pre-crystallized and you're just helping it along. It's unreliable as a test because chocolate will solidify when cold whether tempered or not.
  20. Just a pinch ... and seasonally appropriate for Halloween!
  21. @Dark side the vac machine would be instead of the siphon I’m guessing you fill the shells or molds maybe 1/3 full & it aerates as the vacuum is activated, then you stop the machine before it compresses.
  22. Agree with Jim, and don't underestimate the value of free shipping. Chef Rubber might have more Felchlin products available by the bag, since you're smaller scale. I also like Caputo's in Salt Lake City for certain Valrhona products but they have much more (and free shipping) https://caputos.com/chocolate/ And yes, my first AUI rep set me up with a volume discount, I usually order $1k at a time & probably spend $10k a year with them, almost entirely on Felchlin. On white chocolates, I do slightly prefer Cacao Barry Zephyr, but that has been out of stock half the time lately so I've been using Felchlin Edelweiss. Valrhona Opalys is great but more $$$.
  23. 92 is high the general rule is 85-88 white 86-89 milk 87-90 dark
  24. I suspect it's actually three ingredients: cream, milk chocolate (sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, whole milk powder, artificial flavor, soy lecithin), cocoa powder
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