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Everything posted by CaliPoutine

  1. Oleo is margarine( i have a few old church cookbooks that call for that) and a stick is half a cup or 4 oz, or 1/4lb. There are usually 4 sticks to 1lb of butter. I love measuring in sticks, but in Canada, its 2 dollars more to buy a package with 4 sticks rather than a big solid hunk of butter.
  2. I'll second that. I hate any type of blue cheese as well. I've tried it in salads, madeinto macaroni and cheese, and on sandwiches. No thanks!! NO way, NO how. I dont like, never have, never will!!
  3. I think the cake looks great (it looks so moist, even in the picture!), but I had never heard of Lazy Daisy cake in Canada. It's not even something we made in home ec. class, and we made a lot of "typical Canadian" recipes in that class. I wonder if it's more of an American thing? ← One of my older volunteers said she knew it as a "Queen Elizabeth" cake. Does that ring a bell?
  4. I think you drop the temperature by 25 degrees. My oven( full size GE dual fuel convection) automatically does this for me.
  5. The pot roast came out fine. It actually could have stood a few more hours. There were places that still had big globs of fat. They loved the roast. I served 30ppl with 6 takeouts. Here is a takeout. They had cauliflower that I nuked in a zip and steam bag. Its topped with some cheddar. No one really commented on the cake. I thought for sure someone would recognize the recipe and say something, but alas nothing!! Broccoli salad with cheddar, bacon, red onion and grapes. Dressing is mayo thinned with white wine vinegar and some sugar. I forgot to add the sunflower seeds( I actually forget them at the market) The next meal on March 13th is their Easter meal, but I'll be in Florida so someone else will be filling in for me.
  6. Here is the recipe for the Lazy Daisy Cake since I dont think I posted it on my foodblog. 4 eggs 2 c. sugar 2 tsp vanilla 2 cups AP flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 cup milk 1/4 c. butter Frosting 1 1/2 c. packed brown sugar 3/4 c. butter, melted( I felt like this was slightly too much) 1/2 c. half and half 2 cups flaked coconut In bowl, beat eggs, sugar and vanilla until thick. Combine flour, powder and salt, add to egg mixture. In saucepan, bring milk and butter to a boil, add to batter, beat until combined. Pour into a greased 13 x 9 and Bake at 350 for 35-40min. Combine frosting ingredients, spread over warm cake. Broil until lightly brown 3-4 minutes.
  7. Hi, Yep, the cooker was on. It felt hot by the time I left the office. They also said it was on, but since there is 20lbs of beef in it, it wasnt even close to being cooked. The lazy daisy cake was really good, very tender. Its an old-fashioned recipe, so I'm sure they'll love it.
  8. Tomorrow's meal. Pot roast boiled red potatoes( 10lb bag leftover from last meal) broccoli salad( w/ cheddar, sunflower seeds, grapes and bacon) steamed cauliflower wheat bread lazy daisy cake( from scratch) I bought 20lbs of boneless blade roast for 1.99lb. I searched high and low for pot roast recipes using this cut of beef, but couldnt find any. Someone( Hi Rhonda) from another bulletin board suggested using Lipton Onion soup mix. I remembered that from years and years ago and I thought that was a pretty good idea. Of course I bought the No Name brand of soup mix. I also added cut up onions, bay leaves, baby carrots, no salt chopped tomatoes ( canned), water and 2 cans of golden mushroom soup. I was going to sear off the beef, but decided against that( I'll get to the reasons later). I started it at 11am and by 3pm I got a call telling me it was still basically raw. My original ideal was to refridgerate it and cook it again tomorrow for 3 more hours. The coordinators decided to leave it on all night( 14hrs) from 4pm when they leave the office until 8:30am when I pick it up in the morning. They're going to move the temp to 200F. Hopefully, that won't ruin it. Personally, I think 14 hours is way too long, but they didnt feel comfortable bringing it to my house so I could watch it. I guess its out of my hands now.
  9. Do you mean Thursday? Or did I miss something about Friday?
  10. Thats the first place I ever ordered vanilla beans from( and one of my first posts on eG regarding the cheap beans). I've never bought the saffron, but the vanilla was fab!!
  11. I refuse to eat shrimp that havent been deveined. I remember a date I had when I was 21. I was taken to the restaurant " Killer Shrimp" in Marina Del Rey, CA. The big bowl of shrimp came to the table and I deveined everyone with my fingernail before eating them. I also won't drink what I perceive to be warm milk( which is any milk that doesnt have ice in it). I dont like raw tomatoes( too slimy) but love cooked ones. I hate fresh salmon( or canned salmon) but love smoked salmon.
  12. I know where you're coming from, we don't even have Applebee's here. The closest McDonald's is over an hour away. People here are used to (and relatively happy with) the same old thing they've been eating for years. I really wasn't criticizing what you're doing. I just saw chocolate caramel oreo last year and chocolate caramel samosa this year. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing, it got you an award last year. I have a bad habit of saying "screw what they want to taste, I'm giving them what I want them to taste". Probably not the best way to win the awards. It sounds like fun, best of luck! ← I too know exactly where you're coming from, but we do have a Mcdonald's . Tri2Cook, I actually saw samoa's in our grocery store( although they werent called that). They're a No Name product, but basically they look exactly like a samoa.
  13. Hi Pam. One of my personal chef clients can't tolerate wheat either, but she loves my lasagna!! She gave me a box of Artisan Acres Kamut Pasta to try. Its made in Canada, btw. She says its great, but then of course lasagna is often about so much more than the pasta.
  14. Have you tried the catelli smart pasta( catelli in Canada, Ronzoni in US)? Its white with all the fiber and nutrients of whole wheat.
  15. Sounds like Chufi needs a subscription to Everyday Food
  16. I was at TJ's today in Ann Arbor, MI. Didnt buy any frozen foods, but I did hear a customer inquire about his favorite beef stirfry. The cashier told him a lot of the foods are out of stock because TJ's is not carrying any more products from China. I used to get an Asian mushroom blend( frozen) that I really loved. They discontinued my favorite real blueberry syrup( no HFCS, just maple sryup and blueberry juice). I'm totally bummed about that.
  17. Cook's Illustrated's skillet chicken pot pie. Doesnt look that great, but the flavor was really good and my sweetie loved it. The biscuits( no butter, just heavy cream) were dead simple and really great. Recipe is here. The only changes I made were to cook some fresh carrots in the microwave and add some cooked potatoes( leftover from my morning job of cooking for the seniors).
  18. I was expecting 40ppl yesterday, but only 33 showed up. There were 3 take-outs. Here is the dessert. I think they liked the dessert more than the main dish. Once again, this saddens me because its a boxed mix( Krustez). Last night for dinner, I made CI's 30 min skillet chicken pot pie( no crust as there is a cream biscuit recipe that accompanies). It was really good and I know the seniors would love it. I need to figure out a way to make it for them because obviously, I dont have a big enough skillet. I've requested a big braiser pot ( restaurant quality) for my wish list.
  19. CaliPoutine


    I have the Delta Leland with pulldown spray. We love it!! It doesnt dangle at all, locks easily into place.
  20. Thanks!! That means a lot. I know the seniors don't know the effort I put into it. Its sad, but I get more complaints than praise from them.
  21. Tomorrow is Senior Day. I received permission to cook the main dish at home since I wont have enough time tomorrow because the meal is at noon. I picked up these pork roasts a few weeks ago for 1.49lb. I bought 4, but as you'll see only 3 would fit in the crock pot/roaster they gave me to cook them in. I used a recipe from a Taste of Home cookbook called America's Favorite Recipes. I modified it though. I browned off the roasts and deglazed the pan with some vermouth. I also used some caraway and celery seed in addition to an herb roasting blend. The recipe also has carrots, onions, celery, canned tomatoes and saurkraut. I wonder how long this is going to take? I'll have to put in outside on my deck tonight and then slice the pork and rewarm it tomorrow. I bought red potatoes to serve with it. Not sure if I'll mash those or just boil them. They're also having a ceasar salad and a frozen veg( brocoli blend that steams in its own bag). Dessert is a brownie/choc. chip cookie thats layered w/ ice cream. I bought heart shaped foil tins to bake them in.
  22. I can walk out my front door and take maybe 20 steps and be at a pizza place. Unfortunatly, its HORRIBLE. I think it might be one of the worse pizza's I've ever had. Personaly, I think it really depends on the pizza place. If you have great pizza, having it delivered won't make it suck. If it sucks in the first place, its always going to suck. The next time I go to Florida, I'm buying 3 large NY style cheese pizza's. I'm going to wrap and freeze each slice and bring it back in my checked luggage.
  23. Rona, You might want to ask the hotel if you can have your package sent there!! That might be cheaper( ie: free) in the long run. As long as you know where you're staying ahead of time. Btw, my mail box place used to be Mail Boxes etc, but UPS took them over so now its the UPS store. They also have a 3 month minimum on rentals.
  24. Btw, UPS and Fed Ex won't deliver to PO Box's. They'll only deliver to street adresses which is why I got my box at the UPS store.
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