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Everything posted by CaliPoutine

  1. I dont know why its called Creations, but thats what I was asking. I think its exclusive to QVC and the vita mix website. I ordered it, but now I'm contemplating cancelling it. I really would only use it for smoothies and soups and maybe nut butters.
  2. What is the deal with the viata mix creations? Its a todays special value on QVC for 376.00( shipping included). It lists for 449.00 on the vita mix website. There are also 5 easy payments and that is kinda attractive to me. I'd probably only make soup/smoothies/nut butter with it.
  3. My Canadian spouse gave me the nickname Poutine before we met in person. It stuck. I dont even like the stuff as I dont eat beef gravy. We had a version at The Only On King in London a few weeks ago. Fingerling potatoes, pulled Berkshire pork and smoked gouda. The potatoes were roasted, I felt they would have been better if they were crispy.
  4. I agree. I have an All-Clad 12" covered non-stick that I got for 89.99 at WS. I use it almost everyday. Its still in excellent shape and if anything every happens to it, WS will take it back, no problem.
  5. For me, Flour is the big one. Only Gold Medal or KA. Even though I live in Ontario, I still buy my flour in Michigan. I dont like Canadian flour, I guess I'm just used to baking with US flour. I'll only buy Hellmans AKA Best Foods Mayo. Oh and Jif Peanut butter for eating. I'll bake with other brands, but for a PB&J sandwich, its only Jif.
  6. I think Skor is sold mostly in Canada. I see them all over, but I can't find a Heath to save my life. Almond Rocca used to be great, but I think their now using Mockolate instead of real chocolate. The skor toffee bits that are sold here( in bags for baking) are made up of mostly palm kernal oil.
  7. No, I don't think it was harsh. I said that you were most likely a great cook who didn't know her audience. I wish you the absolute best, but when it comes to cooking for my father who attends Council on Aging twice a week, I would rather the cook there who talks to them and asks them what they want to eat. They vote -- how novel is that Then, they have a stake in it, and all of a sudden, they like the food. I love that woman a lot! Rhonda We have talked to them. We did surveys's etc. They like roast beef. Unfortunatly, I can't get a decent piece of beef for 1.99lb( budget). I tried, a volunteer tried, but the meat is tough because they want it cooked to very well done. So, I accomodated them and made pot roast, numerous times. They loved it. I've served mashed potatoes for the last 10 meals, probably. I dont understand why you think I'm not accomodating. I havent heard anything from the supervisor regarding this either. This isnt a restaurant and they dont have to eat there. They chose to attend each week, even the complainers come back week after week. If 1 or 2 people dont like peas and carrots,oh well, dont eat them. I know its just the same 1 or 2 who complain. I have also received a lot of compliments from others. My food IS NOT the issue.
  8. Wow, a little harsh dont you think? Just an FYI, this isnt a career choice for me, I actually have an advanced degree that I can't use in this county. I took this job because it was all I could find at the time. I'm in a very small town and it was well paying for what it was. I'd actually been getting some very good feedback on my meals. I know that my being let go has NOTHING to do with my cooking and everything to do with a personality clash between myself and my stupidvisor. If you look back, I posted a letter she wrote me after the first meal she worked. When I was sick and missed 3 dining programs, the cook who filled in for me made quiche, served cold cuts from the deli and made some chicken dish with french onion soup mix and cranberry sauce. They complained about her meals too. I know that I'm an excellent cook and I know that nothing I could do would please certain people. I dont take that personally. What I take personally is the rude comments and staring and whispering. That is just uncalled for. When I was hired, I was told " you're the cook, you make whatever you want". That didnt turn out to be true. Look back at this thread and all the meals I cooked. Do you see pink pork? I dont think so? Do you see rare beef? No!! I did cater to their needs while throwing in some excellent salads( things they never would have tried) and desserts. I dont feel bad about anything I did at the job. Thanks for your support.
  9. I cooked again last thursday. Smothered pork chops and a roasted beet salad. I also made baked apples. As I walked by a table, a woman said to her tablemates " The salad had no flavor". Excuse me? How can a salad made with roasted beets, red onion, goat cheese, mandarin oranges and homemade dressing have no flavor. I said "sorry you didnt like it" and walked away. I wont be cooking for this agency ever again. I was called into a meeting today and fired. I asked why and they refuse to tell me. They said my performance was unsatisfactory. Yeah, after 3 freaking years? Give me a break. My supervisor has had it out for me from day 1. I have her letter where she blatenly is discriminating against me. Oh well, on to bigger and better things.
  10. Hi Lior, I just got back from Florida ( where I didnt have any halvah, but did have plenty other Jewish food). I sent you a PM. Thanks!!!
  11. * raises hand* Can I send you my address? I love Halvah, I grew up with it in Florida( the awful stuff covered in fake chocolate). The best I ever had was last year in Brooklyn, NY. It was freshly made and I curse myself for not buying more. A former eG member gave me a recipe for a Halvah parfait and I want to make it badly, but I know i'd eat the entire thing so I havent made it. Its the first PM I ever got on Egullet.
  12. I tried to check this out of my small town library, but they dont have it. I then requested it from Toronto and they dont have it either. I guess I'll have to look at it in Barnes and Noble before deciding if I want to buy it.
  13. I'm all better( fingers crossed) and have cooked a few times in October. The first meal of October was the Thanksgiving meal. Nothing different from last year so no pics. The second meal was at a program 50 miles from my house( I was paid milage). This program has their menu set in advance as it meets 1x a month. I was told to make sausage and saurkraut. The coordinator even picked up the sausage for me( it was from a butcher in the area). It was an easy meal. I made a Greek salad, mashed potatoes, frozen veg, and store bought apple pie w/ ice cream. No complaints. I cook today at my program. I'm making a bastardized version of salisbury steak. I got 4 preformed fresh hamburger patties for 1.99 a package. I froze them and defrosted on Monday. I'm not doing much to the beef, but am making the sauce from scratch with beef broth, onions, mushrooms,etc. I'm making the same greek salad, mashed, frozen veg and store bought blueberry pie that I'll bake off from frozen. Kinda boring. Pics to be added later.
  14. Ghiradelli is the only boxed mix I'll use when I make Symphony Brownies( sandwich a symphony toffee almond bar between the batter, use coffee in place of the water) and no one around these parts knows that their not a from scratch product. If you look at the ingredient list, its pretty short, not a lot of chemicals, etc. I bought some Rhodes warm and serve rolls today. I admit I only bought them because I had a coupon and they were almost free. I was pretty impressed with the ingredient list. Whole wheat flour, salt, water, butter and yeast. I hope they taste good because I'll buy them again. I dont remember ever seeing such a short ingredient list on a frozen convience food.
  15. I used to read it just for the Laurie Colwin articles. That was a serious blow to the magazine( and the food writing world) when she passed away. I still make some of her recipes!!
  16. I have the pan too and I've never used it. I really want to though!!
  17. I agree. I had to roll my eyes and laugh when Jesse started to cry in front of the judges. I think the men vs women idea is lame. And I think whining about a possible challenge (we're in Vegas so there has to be a wedding challenge and I'm gonna hate it cuz I can't get married!") is lame. ← Right. I agree it must bum out the gay cheftestants to have to cook for a ceremony in which they cannot participate, but as a chef, it's about the food, the event, the challenge. Ashley (?) could've pretended it was for HER wedding - that had a lot of men attending. Funny, they didnt have a problem cooking for the military which has its own history of homophobia!! Dont ask, Dont tell!!
  18. rubs and pizza. FYI, I placed an order with Penzey's today. I asked where their garlic is from as usually it says " Calffornia" in the catalog. Was told its now from China. I just abhor Chinese garlic. The sales person told me its a better product. I dont think so!!
  19. I really like them too. The sharp white cheedar is pretty good as well. I buy them in MI when they're on sale for 2.00. They're not in Ontario yet( I doubt they will be). The other flavors of Sargento are here, but for a same size package of shredded, the cost is 6.99. Ridiculous and the ingredients in Canada are not the same as the US. Canada's contain "modified milk ingredients".
  20. Anna Olson has a recipe for a foccacia with grapes( I think she used the soverign coronation grapes). I was soooo dissapointed in the peaches from Niagara this year. Totally tasteless!!
  21. Last night, I made Pam Anderson's caesar salad dressing. The dressing itself technically contains no oil, but before serving you drizzle the romaine hearts with EVOO. The dressing is basic, lots of lemon juice,lots of garlic( that is first made into an oil to use with the croutons), a dash of Lea and Perrins and some mayo( I used light). It was a nice change from the heavy caesar dressings that you see nowadays.
  22. I havent cooked for almost a month. I had a fill in for me last week because I'm still suffering from Kidney stones( will be taken care of tomorrow). The cook who filled in for me used the cherry pies I made. Guess what? No comments about them from anyone. That will be the last time I go to that effort. When the substitute cook served them at her program( we made them together), she got a standing ovation!!
  23. The Silver Palate Cookbook was one of the first books I ever bought back when it was first published. I wish I could remember what I've cooked from it. Maybe its time to pull it out again. RIP Sheila.
  24. Not even corn tortillas? Guess you'll have to make them yourself. KristiB50, the tomatillos I have now found -- they are strange and delicious to me. ← Nope, no corn tortillas. I did buy a thingamajig to make them, but sold it to Kerry Beal. When I was in Cali in March, I brought home 200 corn tortillas that I sealed and froze. I still have a lot left. I can always get them in Port Huron too!!
  25. I'm jealous. I dearly miss Mexican food. I can't even find corn tortillas here( or in London).
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