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  1. highchef


    I don’t see it in gumbo. Maybe in a bisquit dough as a side. That’s a thought.
  2. highchef


    Ok, I’m going to mix some pulp into a sweet jalapeño relish I put up. Am not holding much hope for the result, but we shall see. Gonna wait for the batch on the sill to get soft. Will share. Would do serranos as recommended, but did not put any up this year.
  3. highchef


    That seems to be the fav here…why go to the trouble of making pudding if it’s going to taste the same! I’ve frozen them and eaten them with a spoon. Good in the summer.
  4. highchef


    What kind of chilies? I’ve made jam with them in the past, but might as well just stick a knife in one and spread it straight up.
  5. highchef


    Persimmon tree puts out like crazy this time every year. I have downloaded hundreds of persimmon recipes and scoured hundreds of old cookbooks but the recipes tend to be pretty much the same. Pudding, cake, cookies etc. with the same fall spices. Kinda like pumpkin… even ‘The Flavor Bible’ notes that no matter what you do with persimmon, they will always taste like persimmon pudding. I’ve got lots of pulp put up and I’m determined to find something new to change things up.any ideas are welcome. According to the Bible, a few things I’ve not tried are Chile peppers, brandy, grapes and caramel. I have tried a salad with kumquats (a recommended pairing) and put pecans in a pudding. The regular suspects just prove the point that they tend to all just taste like persimmon something…syrup, orange, cinnamon, allspice, ginger etc. would love to mix up with the serranos I have, but no clue how. The pulp is soft, will not hold a shape like the firmer types. ideas anyone?
  6. If I find another, I’ll let you know. After my last search, I figured I must be the only person who has one! oh, Kerry! I think I know the problem! It’s a jello mold!?
  7. If I find another, I’ll let you know. After my last search, I figured I must be the only person who has one!
  8. I wonder if the Clear Oil is the same stuff Wilton sells. I’ll check it out, thanks! and btw, I have tried to find this pan for a friend who fell in love with him, but no luck! Even tracked down the general store in Fredericksburg but they had no idea...30 years , things change.
  9. I own this pan, which I bought 30 years ago in a general store in Fredericksburg Tx. It’s heavy cast aluminum. I love him, but I have issues every time I try to make a gingerbread in it. If the recipe isn’t dense enough, it falls apart at the arms and legs. If it rises and not pressed down, the head cracks at the neck. I have a tasty recipe, but can’t get it to work, and I’m thinking because it uses hot water it makes the cake too light. The grands like the lighter cake as opposed to the denser one, but I’m thinking there must be a trick to make this guy come out intact. Never once has it popped out intact. I can fix the head with a tie, but there must be a way, or another recipe that would be tasty and keep him intact. Any ideas? It will hold a bit less than a standard 9x13 pan, without going over. I spray the heck out of this pan, but I think it’s the recipe that needs to be changed out...
  10. late to this, but I also put tasso down in my redbeans. I also heard, years ago from a lady who worked there that they used ham base as well.
  11. My parents were from Boston, and although I was born and raised down here, the salting watermelon thing was not a thing until I was about 8 and at a friends house and they insisted I try it. I still salt my watermelon every once in a while...when I think of it!
  12. I am going to sprinkle a bit on a fresh berry (garden has ooodles) and see if I can taste why the 'avoid salt' label. I am curious that way. I would pair that salted butter caramel with apple or banana (bonafee pie)
  13. I have double cross referenced this book a hundred times and I've seen the inconsistencies you mention, but I still consider it a valuable reference...mostly for inspiration when I find myself with something unfamiliar. You are totally correct with the editing- it would be a nightmare, still I think they should use this as the core for something with an easier cross index (or just better cross checked) and split the food from the cuisines and the seasons.."Spring" is listed. Why? Seasons are listed under the individual flavors. If spring has a particular flavor, I'd say it was grass. I think I'll pick more strawberries tomorrow and throw some salt on them for the hell of it and see if I get a coffee reaction.
  14. Ha! pistachio's are listed compatible under strawberries..this book tends to lean to particular likes of the chefs that they are quoting per subject. I am not dissing this book, I use it all the time for ideas, but I think I should have been a cookbook editor.
  15. I missed that.
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