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Chris Amirault

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by Chris Amirault

  1. I think Karen C. is right: it's mainly about availability, not about any lack of use of thighs in cooking. I've noticed that Thai and Chinese cookbooks originating outside of the US often refer to using thighs in curries, stir fries, etc.
  2. Yeah, and it's important to recognize that thinner knives especially are at risk of falling. Our knife strip is on the door to the pantry, a great idea until I got a boning knife; because the blade is so thin, I have to keep the knife attached at the end of the strip closest to the hinges of the door, or else it falls off when we shut the door.
  3. Curry butter is wonderful. I also make an ancho chipotle butter using this rub; it's great with grilled fish especially. Squirt of lime, toss on some cilantro....
  4. 20 different soups?!? How in the world can you do that? Or were they all variations on chicken noodle?
  5. I'd also be interested to know about anyone's exposure to the foods of the Middle East in more recent times.
  6. I just merged an older thread on the word "appetizer" with the current thread. Check it out above: lots of interesting information!
  7. That's of course their genius: bring the kiddies and turn 'em on to the "quality" food. Mea culpa, too: my 8-year-old would eat McD's three meals a day, 365.
  8. Hey Pein and Daniel! Looking forward to reading your posts. Meanwhile, I'll just avoid making everyone cringe by not making the "shrimp on the barbie" joke that keeps playing, broken-record-like, in my pointed American head!
  9. Good points. Reminds me about a conversation I had with my ex-brother-in-law about 15-18 years ago about his agribusiness consulting. He explained to me, in great and fascinating detail, why I would never, ever eat a tomato that tasted like a tomato if I had purchased it from a supermarket. Oops.
  10. Moved this thread from General to NJ, where I think you'll get more responses!
  11. Not only in my mind is Carrot Top right about knowing the ways of the nugget, but this fine and somewhat sophisticated site has a commitment to being a place where people can debate topics as varied as Alinea's tableware, Fresca, Hong Kong street food, and Michelin stars in NYC -- and, as this thread indicates, can discuss those topics from varied perspectives.
  12. Great topic! I'd urge the owner to have at least one single page with the basic information: hours, contacts, address, directions. Having a few other pages (menus, specials, photos) might be nice, but I google restaurant names all the time, and it's a drag to have to pour through web listings that aren't clear, don't have the information you need, or, worst case, are contradictory.
  13. Dave, define "bit of stock." I always manage to add too little (so it just burns off) or too much (so that the bird steams). 1/4 c every 20 minutes? 1/2 c every 15? 1-2 T every five?!?
  14. I'm at work so I can't get the specific reference, but I believe that the discussion of chili in the Time/Life American Cooking volume also includes a comment about the meat NOT being browned. I'll try to dig it out when I get home tonight!
  15. Not hijacking at all! I believe the answer is yes: click here for a relevant thread.
  16. Chris Amirault

    Duck Tongues

    Great snaps, Daniel. What is the texture like?
  17. That just screams against everything $40 a day stands for! ← Surely you aren't suggesting that RR violates the $40/day principle in her daily life? Who knows: maybe she can live on one-half of a Mississippi Mud Pie each day. You'd still have $14/day for caffeine, cigarettes, and Thunderbird.
  18. That was never my impression, but then I don't recall ever trying to eat the grass raw. Is your statement true even if the grass is freshly-picked or otherwise really fresh? ← Let me restate my sentence: From my experience, lemongrass does not seem to soften at all even after 3 to 4 hours of boiling/simmering. Maybe I didn't do it right. Maybe if it is cooked longer (e.g. 5 to 10 hours?) it will soften? I don't know. ← I think that if you slice it very, very thin right at the base of the plant (not higher where it's more fibrous) then it can soften up enough. Unfortunately, I have no empirical evidence to support this.
  19. Chris Amirault

    Duck Tongues

    Daniel, whatever you do, keep that camera handy, ok?
  20. Is there any support whatsoever in the real world for these astonishingly sweeping claims? jsolomon is onto something. I grab my daughter's McFries because they're tasty. Not because of "subliminal" messages, whatever those are, nor because there's "snob appeal." McD's has a great marketing strategy: their salty, fatty food tastes good.
  21. Vector? Sounds vaguely phalic..... Click for rumination.
  22. Rachel Ray eats $50 pies? WTF?
  23. Andie, I saw those sporkves (?!) in cafeterias for a while -- no switching required!
  24. Ohmigod: Yes, Susan. You do need to do that!
  25. Sharon, that's really helpful. It's also dispiriting to think that Whole Foods is committed to selling lame limes. So, what else to people use their limes for? As you can tell, there are plenty of cocktail drinkers around eG, but surely there are other uses!
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