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Everything posted by Fernwood

  1. Wow! Thanks for all the great feedback. It's been a busy couple of days, so I'm just catching up on most of the replies. Unfortunately, no Central Market in Connecticut, though maybe, like Jenifresh, I could find a local source. Otherwise, I will contemplate the various gadgets and machines suggested above. It certainly seems like most of them would be better than what I have. I've been using a good bit of lime juice (but not quarts) for various summer recipes and beverages and sometimes the limes are so dense that they are very difficult to juice on my blunt, slippery reamer causing frustration, profanity and sticky, acidic splashes everywhere. I really need something more effective in general, and especially for the upcoming lemonade project. Does anyone else fantasize about being paid to compare juicers, graters, can openers, etc., for the food section of the newspaper, or Cooks Illustrated, or whatever? Fern
  2. I need large quantities of lemon juice, probably several quarts, and quail at the thought of juicing scores of lemons by hand. [The juice is for lemonade--I know, that's a beverage, but since this is an ingredient question, I thought it appropriate for the general cooking forum; someone with better judgment can move the post, if necessary.] Is there decent frozen juice available to a home cook in such quantities? Or...? I have only a basic glass citrus reamer. (Is that even the right term? It sits on the counter and has no moving parts.) I will not buy a power machine for this task, but would consider another utensil if it was easy to store. I'd be most grateful for any suggestions. Fern
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