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little ms foodie

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Everything posted by little ms foodie

  1. How long can you keep chantrelles after buying them?
  2. The dogs are the chicago style that "snap" when you bite them. The chili is very loose, I personally like mine thicker but I thought the dogs were good. It's been about 3 years since I worked in Bellevue by the Matt's there though.
  3. thanks guys, I was doing a few web searches for late night dining in SF, very surprised at the lack of choices in such a huge food town. Will hope to get in earlier and maybe do Plouf or Jeanty at Jacks, if not then it looks like we'll be at the Globe. Thanks again, will report when I return!
  4. I just started trying Indian food and have been happy with my dinners at Cedars on Brooklyn. How does this place compare to some of your favorites? Is this considered traditional or more "dumbed down?"
  5. Tom Douglas' Ettas would be good I think, they have a cheesy noodle dish on the menu for young kids- call to check?? Also what about Icon Grill? A bit nicer atmosphere but still homey favorites like meatloaf? Assiago would be a good pasta joint IMO, nothing too fancy there.
  6. Took friends to Barbacoa on Sunday for maybe a last night of eating outside as fall fast approaches. Everything was great again! I tried the sage drop this time which I thought was good, but a little too sweet for me. Went for the kick ass mojito for round 2! We all shared the pinto bean ranchero tostadas and the queso fundido for apps. The tostadas had a really spicy coleslaw on them, very good. The queso is always good. 2 had the brisket for dinner, both thought it was ok, not the best they'd had but certainly good. They both loved the beans and the grilled corn on the cob that it came with. 1 had the special which was andouille and crawfish enchilladas with really good guac. Yum, that was fantastic. I had the chicken fried flat iron steak with chorizo gravy. what can I say?? I love this!! And we all shared an order of onion rings with habernero ketchup. The rings rock! For dessert we shared an ice cream cookie. Huge cinnamon cookie filled with banana ice cream on a dish of chocolate sauce and carmel sauce. My husband almost licked the bowl, ok...he might have!! Really good!!
  7. hmmm, well I'm thinking maybe a small plate type of restaurant or a mussels and frites place/french casual bistrot. or make a meal of some apps. Maybe $50-60 without wine/drinks???? Am I crazy??
  8. Hi Tana, we will be getting in on a Thurs night.
  9. Well our anniversary was Tues and my husband is very excited about our upcoming trip (in less than 2 weeks!) and the restaurants! Quick question, when we arrive it will be about 10pm, we are staying at the Omni. Is there any place within walking distance with a reasonably priced late night menu?
  10. I'm quoting myself for the classics. Have had the beef bourgignon and the coq au vin here and thought both were wonderful
  11. Excellent first post, and welcome! Jamie I agree, thank you!!
  12. did you really mean poser? or poster? haha!! Not sure where to get it but Palace Kitchen has it on their menu frequently, maybe call and ask them who their supplier is?
  13. Oh man, I like the Traditional and now I'm having a craving for one......got go get some toasted goodness. BTW, I tried that guac thing once.......EEKKKKK! That is nasty!
  14. My husband and I dined at Lark last night for the second time. This was to celebrate our 1 yr wedding anniversary and it was great! Being there on a weeknight there was no wait to be seated and the noise level was quieter. The restaurant stayed pretty full all evening though. We started with kir royals and a dish of almonds and olives with a square of quince paste. Ordered the bottle of JKCarriere 01 Pinot Noir, excellent but we've had this many times as we go to the winery. One thing that I noticed this time was that we just had regular glass wine glasses. I prefer a nice Riedel. Started with the charcuterie of guanciale with mostarda di uva. Had never had this before and it was good, not great but very good. House made bacon wrapped around wheat breadsticks and toasted served with grape chutney. Interesting smoky taste, crunchy texture and then sweet. $8 Next the Butter lettuce, Maine lobster, avacodo and green goddess dressing. Again very good, I wish the lobster pieces would have been a bit bigger but then again who doesn't always want more lobster?? $16 Since we ate at l'Atelier du Joel Robuchon last month we decided to try the Pommes de terre Robuchon. I love that they use the little Staub cast irons to present this. The potatoes were wonderful and nicely salted. They really don't compare to the originals which I think of as a butter bomb but they were great and we cleaned the Staub pot! $7 Also had the Rotisserie leg of spring lamb with summer chanterelles and lavender salt. The flavor of this was just perfect, the lamb was done rare/med rare. It had a bit more fat on it than it should IMO but the flavor was really superb! $16 Service was great although there was a large span between our salad and the main course. Had a plate of 3 cheeses $11- Tete de Moine which was our favorite. Nutty little Suisse cheese that was shaved into almost flower petal type of shapes. St. Marcellin which has the consistancy of creme fraiche and has a nice subtle pugency and for my DH the Blue d'Auvergne which he really enjoyed. I ended up asking for a few pieces of their normal wheat bread for the cheese as I thought the crackers they served were a bit too strong in flavor for me. We each had a glass of the McCrea Late harvest Viognier $12, I hadn't had this wine before and loved it!! And for dessert my very romantic husband had brought our wedding cake (frozen for a year) to the restaurant earlier and had them serve it to us. It was so sweet!! I really enjoyed Lark again. I have to say that I think the portions are quite enough for 2. We are always full and wanting to come back to try more. Chef Sundstrom was not in the house last night, we missed seeing him out in the front of the house as he is known to do.
  15. Thank you! If anyone objects I totally understand but if not we would love to join! I know we are coming in late so please don't hesitate to say something if the 7:45 time is too late.
  16. I accidently bought cinzano instead of campari once. Now I don't know how to use cinzano. Is this just a normal vermouth? Or are there any cocktails/aperitifs that specifically call fro Cinzano?
  17. Here's a link to all the upcoming Cooks and Books events in Seattle and Portland. There is a current thread going on also.
  18. I am so on the outs here but in the 2 times I've been to EG I've had a bad experience both times. Once our service was so bad that I had to ask if we could order coffee and dessert wine! And both of us girls (party of 2 couples) needed to take half our steaks home as it was too huge. When we asked to have it wrapped up our server looked at us like we were homeless! 2nd time, a friends b-day with 6 of us. Everything seemed to be going well until the next day. We had left the tip in cash- 20%. The next day my friend found they had charged her credit card another 20% for tip!!! We called the waiter to make sure he had recieved his cash and he said yes. Mng. said it was a misunderstanding and removed the charge but GEESH!!! I couldn't believe it!! So I'm not a fan but I know others are. I know I've just had bad luck but at those prices I'm not willing to go it again (unless someone else picks up the tab!)
  19. We are very lucky as we have a Sat farmers market 2 blocks from our house. I love the changing of the market, week to week. This Sat. we bought tins of locally caught albacore tuna packed in a wonderful olive oil. Fresh goat cheese. Organic salad greens. Organic blackberries. Walla Walla sweet onions, heiloom tomatoes and corn on the cob and a bunch of red and yellow Dahlias. And as we do every Sat while the market is going on......struedel from the wonderful woman from Prague who makes very good bakery items!
  20. oh man, how could I forget the Astroid Cafe??? The wine list here is AMAZING!! and he will really take his time with you to decide. The food falls into category 2, I like it...and I like all those restaurants too! 1605 N 45th St, 547-2514 Plus I love that is has only 10 tables and is super small! And of course that astroid on the roof!! haha!
  21. I saw Martha reuse pickling liquid just by cutting up some carrots and putting them in the jar and putting it back in the fridge. Never tried it though.
  22. I think Serafina is sexy! twinkling lights on the patio, jazz band playing and great red wine! I also think Chez Shea is sexy! edited to add that Lark is on my sexy list too!
  23. Although I haven't been yet I hear that Troiani is fantastic. Owned by the same people who run El Gaucho and Waterfront. I like Assiago but then again I am no expert when it comes to Italian. I think they have nice classic dishes. Also I haven't been in a while but Tulio was wonderful when I was there and they have a Sept. special going on (Tulio Ristorante marks its 12th anniversary with a prix fixe four-course menu, $35, throughout September, 1100 Fifth Ave., Seattle. 206-624-5500.) And I have also had very good dinner at Il Bistro in Pike Place Market
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