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little ms foodie

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Everything posted by little ms foodie

  1. I agree about Anthony's. I just feel that the menu is a safe 1980's type of selection (don't they still do coconut prawns? ) Mama's kitchen is fun and funky! the food is good, the margaritas are better and it's a place we always take friends and have group gatherings! Across the street is the Wasabi Bistro, worth checking out for their happy hour too. Glad you had a good time in Seattle!
  2. Here's what we saw (didn't get to stay the whole time either). Chef Jimenez made a broth of red peppers. Also he braised some beef bones for a bit. He shucked some fresh oysters and sat one each on a bed of fresh zuccini ribbons. Then in small cups he placed a few fresh herbs (didn't catch which ones) and a pinch of salt in the bottom. He ladled in some of the pepper broth (I'm assuming it was a full vegtable broth but could only see the peppers in the pot). Then he dug the marrow out of the braised bones and dolloped it into the broth. The cups were served on a plate with the oyster. Gorgeous. Chef Sundstrom was on a no cook kick. He made a gorgeous salad- his take on a nicoise, a fruit salad and a carpaccio of something but again I missed the main ingrediant. He talked a lot about presentation. It was funny as we didn't know this was going on. I was buying my favorite tuna and all of a sudden there are these chefs at the booth. I said to my husband "he looks familiar" and he says "LARK!" we got very excited and followed them to the stage. Very cool but we couldn't stay long Sorry I can't tell you more!
  3. I really like Navarre, small plates and desserts by Pix Patisserie.
  4. >>If you can get over there RIGHT NOW (I'm typing at 10:15 am) the U District Farmers Market is hosting their annual cooking competition featuring Joseph Jimenez de Jimenez of HARVEST VINE vs. John Sundstrom of LARK<< We watched the competition as we are HUGE Sundstrom fans. Very fun, have been making Jonathons little fruit salad all week only using creme fraiche instead of yogurt. I was happy to see how much the chefs interacted with the audience, passing out samples, taking questions, etc. Chez Jimenez was making some very gorgeous dishes that reminded us of the food we had in the Basque region just last month. We live just down the street so the market is our Sat. morning ritual. My husband can't go a week without that struedel. If you see a very tall 6'6" handsome 30 something year old man with his much shorter blonde wife say hi, it's us!!
  5. Hi Laurel, my husband and I would love to attend at 7:30 if there is room! We'd love to do the 16th too but will be in San Fran dining at Chez Panisse and Aqua! oh I'm very excited!!
  6. Didn't Bandoleone close or move recently? Or am I thinking of someplace else? I use to go to Murray when he was at Il Bistro!! too funny, that man has been mixing for a long time!
  7. Well Gary Danko is booked for that night so we will have to try them on another visit. I've made reservations on Sat. for Aqua so I think we have a nice mix between Chez Panisse and Aqua. Plus it's one of my favorite restaurants in Vegas so I'd like to try the original. And I'm interested in tasting Chef Manrique's versions. You guys really rock on the info if I haven't said so before! And I PROMISE not to go in to Fisherman's Warf! Too funny! It's like when people come to Seattle and they spend good money on bad food at the SpaceNeedle.....please oh please don't do it!!! Will report back! Thanks for helping me make our anniversary a special and tasty one!
  8. I just read the Times food article on Gypsy and another in the Seattle Weekly. How fricken cool is this? Ok, don't tease me....whose been? I'm not asking for specifics as I don't want to put the program in jeopardy, just curious who on the board has found themselves in the inner circle!
  9. I haven't seen them here, I look everytime I come back from Boston where I love to have them for lunch! The rolls used there are really just hot dog buns, maybe have a lobster salad sandwich night at your house?? Let us know what time to be over!
  10. My husband and I just spent a few weeks in the Basque region, you will LOVE San Sebastian. Our favorite pintxos bar was Ormazabel. They had a great assortment, friendly bartenders and a good clientel. We also enjoyed Casa Vergara. That list of specialties would have been good to have! Everything looks good when your in these places. And on a bit different subject we dined at both Kursaal and Arzak. Arzak was our best dining experience of a 3 week trip but Kursaal is a not to be missed also we felt, much lower priced but wonderfully interesting menu. Have fun! and try the txocoli (sp?) wine with your pintxos!
  11. So I love going out for cocktails! I'm not talking about Happy Hour, a whole other topic. But after dinner drinks or liquid dinner I love to go to Sambar for the inventive refreshments like the moshito and the melon drink I had last week. Justin is a great bartender! Aaron at 10 Mercer makes the best Sidecars in town IMHO, the biggest too! Casual night out I like the Virgina Inn. Sheas Lounge, Palace Kitchen bar... Where are your favorite bartenders? Where do you go for a nice cocktail?
  12. I think Justin is one of the best bartenders in the city. We love going for a cocktail or two. There are always very unusual and interesting drinks - ask about the specials, they aren't printed on the menu! But don't tell too many people about this cute little gem, there aren't seats for everyone! haha!
  13. In Portland I like Higgins for a nice meal with fresh local ingrediants. It's been about 2 years since I was there but I think this is known for good food consistantly. For seafood Jake's (owned by McCormick and Schmidts) is always good. It is a loud bustling place. Love Navarre, they serve desserts from Pix Patisserie. Brassiere Montemarte is great for French bistrot food, especially the late night menu. Also tried Fratelli's in the Pearl last time I was there. The food was great but the service was a bit off, I think it was just an off night. Would definately try it again. For lunch I really like Paragon in the Pearl Dist. Great sandwiches and a nice cafe atmosphere.
  14. Yeahhh! 1st reservation made for Fri 17th, dinner in the restaurant at Chez Panisse at 9pm. I'm thrilled. We will take the BART and then cab the 9 blocks to the restaurant. This will also allow us to have nice view cocktails at the Top of the Mark before hand! Also I've made hotel reservations at the Omni on California and Montgomery- I know it's not food related but if anyone has any comments on this hotel I'd appreciate it. I stay at a lot of Omni's and they had a good package available.
  15. yes, the head was cut off so we had to go with the smell test. Smelt clean and fresh but I agree that looking at the eyes and the gills is the best way to go.
  16. I don't usually buy seafood at Costco as the salmon is almost always farm raised which I absolutley refuse to eat. but just a heads up, the S. Seattle location has fresh wild whole coho right now for around $3.40/lb. We bought one on Sat for $12!!! Besides that I stick to the chicken and meat.......
  17. You guys are making this really easy! Thank you!!!!
  18. Man! You guys are good! thank you! So on Chez Panisse what is the difference between upstairs and downstairs? Is one better for a weekend dinner? Also what would you think cab fare might be? We aren't renting a car so I will have to take that into consideration. Thanks for the cocktail recommendation! I will check the map and see where Top of the Mark is in relation to where we will be, sounds great!!
  19. I'm surprising my husband with a weekend in SF for our 1 year wedding anniversary in Sept. We really enjoy eating and drinking out and would love some insider recommendations for our weekend. Of course I tried for reservations at the French Laundry but I'm on a waiting list. I doubt anyone ever cancels! We love all types of food but really love Seafood, Italian and French. We haven't been to any of the tried and true SF restaurants so I'm thinking maybe Aqua? Chez Panisse, Boulevard? Since we haven't started experiencing the famed chefs of SF where would you suggest we start? Will be staying at either the Omni or the W downtown if that matters...... Thank you!!
  20. We made reservations for the Andrea Immer event at Serafina also. They don't have the price yet but if you make your reservation Megan said they would be calling folks back with the actualls. You can then confirm or cancell.
  21. Had breakfast at the Blue Onion on Sunday. There were just 3 other tables eating when we came in at 10am. The menu reads pretty much like the Queen Anne Cafe, good standard breakfast diner food....but it's spendy we thought. My husband had the french toast platter which came with eggs and bacon- $10 I was going to have the bacon waffle but she said their waffle iron had been sent out for repairs. I then asked how the corn beef hash was, she said "it's the only thing not made in house"...next! So I went with the hobo omelet- bacon, potatoes, onions and cheese. Very good but at $9 not that great. 2 cups of coffee at $2 ea- they use Cafe Vita. We looked at the dinner menu too, only 2 entrees under $15 I think. All in all, very friendly service, good food but prices a little too high in our opinion.
  22. Nancy Leson's June 2 column scroll down to: Sold — Blue Onion Bistro Blue Onion is right down the street from us, we plan to check it out on Sunday for breakfast....
  23. yeah!!! Just got 2 seats to the Bourdain event at Brasa at the eG table. Finally will get a chance to meet you all!!! Very excited....must go budget so i can decide who else to attend!
  24. I like 10 Mercer. Good food, good service, nice wine selection. The address is also 10 Mercer, across from TS McHughs.
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