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Kim WB

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Everything posted by Kim WB

  1. Wrap it around a leg of lamb, "stick" it on with a paste of garlic, anchvovy paste or tapenade, EVOO and salt. Or heat it gently, add a poached egg and some onion confit. It's the food that, if a few leftover slices are in the fridge, I have a hard time thinking about anything else until I just give in and eat it with some gorgonzola.
  2. Sure there are..in the Princeton area there are Saladworks! springing up everywhere..same concept. I just didn't respond because its not the NO Jersey area she was requesting. Theyr are VERY popular..a newer one in East Windsor had a LOOONNNGGGG line on Monday.
  3. I'd also strongly suggest that your reaction was indicitive of an allergeric reaction rather than food poisoning. An allergy literally seems to "appear" overnight..I was on a course of sulfite antibiotics, whcih I had been on previously..but within one hour of ingesting the pill, I was violently throwing up. My sister in law always ate Shrimp, shellfish, etc. One day at a Benihana type business luncheon, she erupted in giant hives and her throat closed up, went to the hospital with a breathing tube down her throat..with no previoushints that she would have this reaction. I'm not sure of any genetic predisposition...if your mom is allergic to shellfish , is there a genetic basis for allergies?
  4. I was teasing my husband about these guys, and he asked me if I was ready to "shuck" it all to be with a clam farmer!
  5. EXACTLY! Like they chiseled each jaw and measured the lateral muscles on a group from central casting! Honestly, I'm the happiest married woman I know..and I looked at their photo more than once today! OK, back to clams , folks!
  6. Ellen, on a serious note, thank you once again for taking the time to create the wonderful photo lesson. On a not so serious note, ..any of you single gals on e-gullet should be hightailing it down to South Carolina, catch you some clam....farmers! Yikes, what a quartet of hunks! And smart, too!
  7. Kim WB

    Dinner! 2004

    Well, the Soprano's was a yawn last night..maybe the test was staying awake through the entire episode.
  8. What you're looking for is Rodizio. The Ironbound section of Newark has a few choices: Iberia, Casa Verde, to name a few. The Perth Amboy one your frined is referring to is most likely Seabra's..here's a link to a discussion when a group of PA board members did a raod trip..its very descriptive of the meal! http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showto...=0entry233901 Enjoy!
  9. there are times in ones life, my dear Katie, that one needs to put their professional selves aside, paychecks be damned, and go for it...this indeed appears to be one of those times.
  10. Daniel, this tells the tale: http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showtopic=38653
  11. The Inn is lovely...I can see how the view hooked you. I'm curious..are you leaving another industry to pursue this, and are you moving far to live here?
  12. Fred, thank you for taking the time to post your notes. It seems you chose a nice balance of restaurants, between newer and trendy, and old NY standbys, as well as food types and style. I recently went to Jewel Bako, after a less tahn stellar experience at Morimoto in Philadelphia, and concur that it is a shining star in the sushi game.
  13. Kim WB

    Roasted Cauliflower

    I've been a Jim Dixon cauliflower convert for a while now..here's the original thread, which if I am not mistaken, was RC's first time on the egullet stage : http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showto...t=0entry16030 I tried it with the Chickpeas for lunch...just my humble opinion, but if you are making this as a side dish, the bean's texture kinda throws the dish off. Granted, the poached egg on top it might have finished it off nicely..but I'm going to keep my future cauliflower roastings PURE.
  14. I've seen some of the outlines and scripted parts..its seems amusing, and appropriately tongue in cheek. Food as art...its not a terribly new or particularly horrible idea, IMHO.
  15. Herre in the NY metro area, we're expecting our (hopefully!) last winter storm of the season..and it will be falling on the first of the crocus buds..soon enough the warmer weather will be here, and we'll be sharing recipes for marinades and lighter fare, Until then, what are your final hearty, winter, snow day recipes that you're going to get one more meal out of? I defrosted a ham hock, and plan to get Split Pea Soup in the Crock Pot soon. I found some short ribs in the freezer as well, so braising them might be tomorrow's snow day project. Over the Weekend, my husband will get one more Prime Rib Roast until next Football Season...these all shout "winter" to me, and will not be be made again until the fall. edit: spelling: whether, wether, weather..never could keep them straight.
  16. WOW...certainly this little gem deserves the accolades and interest it has received. I spokw with the "Laurel" brother, who was shuffling around. He was so warm and friendly, answered my questions, and was welcoming when he heard I was moving to the area. I bought some wonderful fresh chorizo, lean and flavorful. I got a bit of blue cheese, only becasue I was not near Wegman's...and it was well wrapped and fresh. I also got some pancetta, and have my shopping list ready for a return trip this weekend. He only stocks the choice aged steaks Th-Sat. I think what was interesting is that when I came in and told him it was my first visit, he started to explain that the cases are somewhat empty, but they have the inventory in the back and will cut what I need, they don't "chop them all up" until a customer orders..his little speech was, I'm sure, to educate the visitor that is used to expansive cases at Shop Rite. Thank you all who contributed to this thread..these guys deserve a lot of business.
  17. yes, here it is..so as far back at Dec they only had the wraps..I missed the magic bag boat!
  18. I emailed the toast and serve site 3x already, requesting the older bags, and no response. It's been quite a while that they are only offerring the wraps..there is a post in here somewher that I mentioned the site is no longer oferring the bags. . The bags look easier to store, easier all round. edited to add that I found relevant post and its below.
  19. Red meat. I just fed 'em red meat. Lots of it. Rare. And bullshots for breakfast... The steak just primed him, the bullshot hooked him.
  20. I cook because if I didn't, I would be eating too many high calorie meals out or on the run. I cook because I would weigh 200 pounds if I didn't! Also, more and more, it relaxes me and sends me into the "zone" of meditating, reviewing things, listening to good music..also, even when you don't feel like you have accomplished much during your day, a sattisfying dinner that you made yourself puts a feather in your cap.
  21. HOLD ON!!! I can't let this pass unnoticed..Toni Tenille and Daryl Dragon are related to you? Forget being impressed with oyr food contacts and the Iron Chef thing..I am now filled with "muskrat love" for you! PS, I was a member of their fan club. I had a Toni Tenille haircut, too.
  22. Thank you all so much! You guys are the A-team...Suzi, thanks for the offer, but the name and location ( and hours, thanks Suzanne! : ) is enough info. Dbrociner, any specialties, or just all round good butchering to be found? Any interesting cuts or "different" meats?
  23. I read somewhere on egullet about a Saveur article that featured a butcher shop in Stockton NJ, but had no luck searching. Does this ring any bells with anyone..I'd like to check it out.
  24. It's jsut so un-diner-like. Wouldn't you agree that Mastoris is more like a family restaurant than a diner?
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