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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Just wait. The US airlines are not going to do this right now for fear of looking to greedy in the face of new regulations, but I bet anything in the near future they will charge for sodas. Since you can't bring any liquid on the plane they have a new source of revenue. ← I doubt this will happen, particularly on long haul flights. U.S. airlines are interested in staying in business, and there is a limit as to how uncomfortable you can make people before they revolt. Our flight was delayed on the ground in Atlanta about 30 minutes after anticipated take off as there was a mechanical issue with the air-conditioning that might have meant our having to change to new equipment had it not been resolved. Delta flight attendants brought around glasses of water within 10 minutes of the delay being announced, and it wasn't even all that stuffy on the plane. Everybody played nice and we all got to Italy. On the other, I wouldn't mind paying a dollar for a soft drink or juice so long as I could get water for free. And I wouldn't mind paying $8 or $10 dollars for a nice glass of wine. ← I was just on a flight to vegas a few weeks ago and we were delayed on the ground for 5 and a half hours.. They brought around water twice and would not serve other drinks or food or water a third time.. It was horrible.. First bad experience with jet blue..
  2. TarteTatin,. They have to be upset because they were contacted and didnt necessarily agree with your post.. So, they should refuse the free meal if they dont think anything was wrong and give the owner back his money.. In fact, whats there phone number, I will call them and try to iron out the situation..
  3. I have been doing a lot of sliders recently.. I love the little Martin Dinner Rolls.. I throw down a whole bunch of onions on the cast iron in bacon grease.. I take a mixture similiar to Holly's of ground sirloin with a decent fat content and a ton of black pepper.. After having shaped the mini patties into little squares, I toss them on the hot oniony cast iron. Cheese is a must, whatever is in the fridge.. From Blue, Goat, to Chedder, I am a happy man.. Ketchup and mustard..
  4. Ok.. So, I have already started my Christmas Eve Dinner plans.. I want to do a big seafood spread.. There are at this point 40 something people coming and more keep getting added.. I have been told that the best Seafood prices and ingredients are in Chinatown.. Anyone know any exceptional places?
  5. Better yet, if money is no problem, have a car for the night to take him to each new place..
  6. Steve Cuozzo ripped this place a new one.. In fact, never before have I seen a reviewer shred a place like this.. Its in the pulse section of the NY Post on page 65.. Titled Crap-o-matic, it only gets worse.. "They are possibly the worste foodstuffs ever offered for human consumption outside a famine zone" "If its mostly vile delicacies...were sold in a deli, they wouldnt draw a fruit fly" "Roast pork buns conceal ghastly pools of pig matter" He tried a lot more items then I had and actually liked the Mac and Cheese Kroket the best.. If thats the best thing on the menu, this place might be as bad as he says.. I however liked the burger much better then the mac..
  7. Daniel

    The Terrine Topic

    Abra, That looks so amazing!
  8. There once was a man from Peru He loved to Barbecue He'd eat fist fulls of pork Not stopping to fork His heart quickly turned into goo
  9. Daniel

    The Terrine Topic

    Thanks Moby.. The book is on its way!!!! Your word is good enough for me.. You always make such beautiful things, thanks for sharing it with all of us..
  10. I dunno, this is sort of feeding into my dissatisfaction with the dinner thread. It used to be just what folks are having for dinner. Now it seems to be a little..."show-offy" with an x-treme closeup picture for everyone's admiration. ← I love the dinner thread.. Not just because its one of the most positive and friendly places on Egullet.. But its also because people are taking pictures of the food they make.. There is nothing more show offy then that.. In fact the whole point is to show off what they make.. Extremely close ups and all.. I have yet to be able to show my dinners properly from great distances..
  11. How is foam and sous vide grouped with smoking? I really dont think there is anything more "American" then smoked food or BBQ.. Perhaps you arent aware of American BBQ.. But Dave its nothing new, cutting edge or fancy.. You are essentially taking the least desirable cuts of meats and through slow cooking changing the texture and flavors.. Have you had Tea Smoked Duck before or Brisket, or Ribs, or pulled pork? Sorry if you dont like it, but dont try to call it fringe.. There is this little bbq sauce called KC Masterpiece that sells millions of bottles a year.. There is a Chain Called Famous Dave BBQ that smokes food and did 102 million last year.. The Native American's have been smoking Salmon before America was a country..
  12. I dont understand.. Smoking food is very American and there is nothing more common then a pork butt.. A lot more common then Toulouse sausage is for anyone outside of Rural France I guess.. Also you referred to Ling and Henry's Blog.. They even showed the market where they bought all the local foods there were making.. I am confused by the examples you are using.. I think you need to look around Egullet more before making generalizations..
  13. A quick search on the web shows several recipes and places that make deep fried mac and cheese.. I agree a few more bite size pieces or a cheaper price.. The mac and cheese was a poor version..
  14. Daniel

    The Terrine Topic

    Moby, Is there are recipe for this anywhere on the web? Looks awesome..
  15. Daniel

    Plum Jelly

    Thanks Abra, I didnt get your post until this morning.. I will do this tonight..
  16. Daniel

    Plum Jelly

    On a side note, I have to show some love for those tomatoes.. My girl made a Caprase Salad with these guys.. A 20 yr Balsamic, a beautiful olive oil, pick your own basil from a roadside stand.. It cant be better.
  17. Daniel

    Plum Jelly

    Thanks Abra for helping me out so quick!!! That certainly is something I would do, I am just looking for a quick something I could put togher with in a few hours. Have ready by tomorrow morning
  18. Daniel

    Plum Jelly

    I brought these plums (Italian Prunes)home tonight.. If I dont do something with them now, they will go to waste.. Anyone have a recipe I can bang out in a few hours this evening.. I want to give half of what I make to the plum provider tomorrow morning.. I am thinking Plum and Port or just a super enriched plum.. I would love suggestions..
  19. 1)The claw!!! Nobody escapes the claw! 2) I must break you.. 3) I think he was the older brother in Back to the Future slowly getting erased.. By the way, whats zed and hed all about.. I played scrabble for the first time tonight completely seperate of your blog...That shite wouldnt fly in the game I played tonight,... You guys are the best, thanks for an awesome blog.
  20. Bruce, Pretty photo.. I had no idea from the looks at it, what it was.. I was wondering if you fried a whole fish for breakfast! Looks and sounds good after reading the description..
  21. Haha.. Then please consider my review hitting the point..
  22. Daniel


    Stopped in Pop Burger tonight.. The place was doing some good business.. In the back they have waiter service and a bar area that was crowded.. We sat up front and ordered from the counter.. For 5 dollars I ordered two mini burgers.. The burger had a lot of black pepper in it. I really enjoyed this.. However, tonight it was over cooked.. Loved the bun, love that I can get a beer, the fries are really good. Dont like the affected guy taking my order.. Burger, fries, a beer and a coke.. 17 bucks.. A little pricey.. But if you order just the burgers they average 2.5 each..
  23. Went there tonight..Me and my girl were driving around the city tonight.. We were in the area and decided to pop in.. There was a bunch of people.. Mostly just looking at the items.. Went to the change machine: The give you dollar coins: Two dollar fried mac and cheese.. It was basic Kraft style.. Two bucks seemed a little much, it was ok.. Two dollar mini burger: Not life changing, but a really quick good burger. Sorry for the blurry photo.. The burger was right off the grill.. I saw the guy on the other end of the vending slots place my burger in.. All the food looked really fresh and hot.. Thats all I tried tonight.. Its a really fun concept and I see it doing very well with the bar going crowds.. With in 5 seconds you can have a freshly made little burger, or bites, or snacks.. I enjoyed the process very much.. The burger was good the mac and cheese was average.. If I am in the area, I will try other things..
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