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Everything posted by robert40

  1. Hi Pat, The first time I was asked for a credit card to hold my reservations at an area restaurant was a few years ago at Makoto. I, too, was surprised by the request, perhaps even a little put off by it at the moment. But I think it's a perfectly reasonable policy for a restaurant to implement, although I agree that the better policy would be to ask for the credit card when the reservation is made. I'd be more surprised to hear of this type of thing happening at a well-oiled corporate machine, since they've got all the details planned for in advance and have the manpower to organize and control important events such as this. Your question is perfectly reasonable, and I agree the timing seems a touch inelegant, but I'm certain that this is all well-intentioned and that you'll have a terrific meal if you go. Cheers, Rocks. ← That's right.... Even Thomas Keller make's mistake's. Well maybe not. Sure there was human error in the planning stage, and if it was my management call I would have likely swallowed the bullet instead of asking for credit card numbers at the time when most conformation calls are made. But I agree with Rocks. Go and have a great time.
  2. I have no problem with restaurants asking for a credit card number but I also may have felt a bit annoyed if they asked two day's before the date.
  3. While driving thru PA. to visit my mother-law for Thanksgiving we stopped at one in Wilkes Barre. I would not go out of my way to return, but for a quick lunch while Holiday shopping it would be a good choice. Keep in mind their theme is burgers and cocktails which is a great concept before visiting the mother-in-law. Which may have had an impact on my opinion.
  4. robert40

    Per Se

    The foie gras course is offered as a second choice on the chefs tasting menu with a $25.00 supplement.
  5. brooklyncook, Welcome ! Love to see people in the business on egullet.
  6. Ramiro Velasquez of Carlos in Chicago. Started as dishwasher and worked his way up to top man. Great story. http://www.carlos-restaurant.com/
  7. John, I am so glad you were able to get a reservation. I'm really looking forward to hear your opinion of El Bulli.
  8. New York Magazine. Link below to review. http://www.newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/food/r...0511/index.html
  9. These are some of the most beautiful food photo's I've ever seen. Ellen, Thank you so much for letting us peek into the world of Ducasse and Delouvrier.
  10. I really am impressed by Babbo's website which has a world of information. I also admire the fact that Mario will give a plug to other businesses in the neighborhood, which is very rare to see. It is easy to navigate, and is updated monthly. Well, other then the menu that is. http://www.babbonyc.com/
  11. steakas, Tell us all about it.
  12. Who's Barazza? ← See Pan ! This is what happen's on the late shift.
  13. I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard someone bring up the topic on how to get a reservation at the French Laundry. There is no magic wand to wave that get's one in the door. Put your phone on redial and call sixty day's before the calendar date and with determination and alittle luck you hopefully will secure a table. Is it all worth it ? I believe so. I wish you luck.
  14. I'm not a fan of Bruni's writing and the star system is another matter. But on a positive note if I admire anything it's that he is giving the little guy's some press.
  15. No... the house in the photo is definitely a wood frame structure with clapboards - no brick (sorry for the poor photo quality but I have seen better photos of it and it was a white wooden structure). It has to be on or adjacent to the "Cherry Valley Turnpike" which today is generally NY State Route 20. My grandfather and great-uncle used to walk out there from Schenectady for their weekend visits and I believe it was about a 12 - 15 mile walk. ← I live about ten miles from Duanesburg and if you give me a few days I would be glad to ride out to that area, and see if there is a house similar to the photo. If so I will snap a few photos and PM you.
  16. I wonder if this restaurant in near by Schoharie is the one in the photo. It's called the George Mann Tory Tavern. http://www.timesunion.com/entertainment/re...estaurantID=614
  17. robert40

    Per Se

    I suspect we know more about food than he does - but heck - we're probably 30 years older than he is and have a few more bucks. And that wasn't a problem with this restaurant. Still - this is not a server who worked his way up from hulling strawberries over the course of 10 years (the French tradition). And - I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable having him select a $300 bottle of wine. On the third (and last) hand - service was perfectly competent - and friendly. Robyn ← There is also a maitre d at Per Se 'Kate' who told us she worked at Balthazar before coming to Per Se. I believe I have a photo of her in my photo gallery in imagegullet.
  18. I believe the link below is the restaurant your referring too. It's alway's been known for not being listed in the phone book. Have heard good things but keep in mind that in that area if it is not half a cow and a baked potato it's not right. http://albany.citysearch.com/profile/11358...__0_profile_2_1
  19. robert40

    Per Se

    Great report Robyn ! So glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. The prawns are getting alot of raves lately, sure hope there on the menu next month.
  20. Washington Times Review. http://washingtontimes.com/weekend/20041020-121526-9681r.htm
  21. robert40

    Per Se

    The two reservations I made took me four hours to get through each time. And I don't mean I called and put the phone down and tried again in five minutes, I hit the redial constantly non stop for four hours each time. Now I realize this is not the norm as other people have gotten through in much shorter time, but as for myself I can't say how long it may have taken if they had more reservationist. Two hours maybe.
  22. robert40

    Per Se

    The Oysters and Pearls are a signature dish you will often see on the menu. robyn, I am so glad you were able to get a reservation. I am sure you and your husband will have a great time.
  23. robert40

    Per Se

    Put more reservationist on the payroll just to tell people there are no tables available.
  24. robert40

    Per Se

    gmi3804, See the link below. Lunch and dinner are very similar. http://www.dininginfrance.com/Per_Se_menu.htm
  25. I truely am envious ! Not only because it sound's like an experience of a life time but your dining companion's had to be iceing on the cake. I'm convinced I could be eating stale donut's on a street corner in Newark N.J. with John and Lizziee and it would be memorable.
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