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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by Varmint

  1. Um, sorry to out-geek you, Jason, but that would be the visual spectrum. Stick to law Dean. The visual spectrum is a part of the electomagnetic spectrum, so Jason was right. more Yes, the visual spectrum is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but what was displayed was only the visual part. Thus, I'd argue that I'm more precise here. And I do have a Ph.D. in Biochemistry!!
  2. Um, sorry to out-geek you, Jason, but that would be the visual spectrum.
  3. You need to do something with flash or java or whatever language you need to make the colors shift. Better than mushrooms or acid!!!
  4. The food quantity concern is one of the reason that with the exception of desserts and pre-pig snacks, I'm trying to place some limits on the number of different dishes being offered at the NC event.
  5. Dumpling, what do you suggest on the pie eating front????
  6. No bread. We may need some rolls if someone wants to make a barbecue sandwich, but Malawry is making fresh hushpuppies that day!
  7. Elyse may be bringing pie. We'll have to buy her lunch as a trade, but I think we'd win on that deal!
  8. i wish i could have made it too. i sent a fat-headed prick in my place, apparently. You'd think Tommy would be a little less self conscious, but gee whiz, I guess not. He needed to drink more, I guess.
  9. I'm glad I stayed up for these photos. Man, I'm envious! I'll be up that way next June, too. Can we go ahead and schedule the next one at that time? And that Technicolor jello mold -- fantastic!!!!
  10. Paul and Maggie- We'd very much like to hear about your style of cooking. Is it vegan? How do you bring out the best flavors? This is probably more appropriate for another thread, but since you're currently tuned into this one . . . . Thanks in advance, and welcome!
  11. A second location of the Q Shack is opening on Hillsborough St. in Raleigh. This is within walking distance to my house, so it's a very dangerous location! I doubt it'll be open by the time of the pig pickin', unfortunately, so those staying in the Brownstone Inn won't be able to partake. The Q Shack Franchise
  12. Varmint

    Steak houses

    You also may want to check out this thread: http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?act=ST...=23872&hl=chris
  13. A truckload of pecan wood is being delivered today. We'll supplement this with some oak or hickory.
  14. Or a tennis court, which we kindly refer to as the "see-ment lawn" (for you Beverly Hillbillies fans out there!).
  15. Gee, you're having this event on a beautiful farm where they make artisinal cheese and bread. All attendees are within driving distance, enabling them to bring freshly prepared dishes. You're having a restaurant cook your pig. But you ain't got no stinkin' t-shirts!!! And you don't have people coming from England, Canada, Maine, Texas, Chicago and several other states!!! I'm just envious, as I'm working today, just so I can go to NY with a clear conscience. I expect a shitload of pictures, people!!!
  16. We just poured a new concrete sidewalk between the house and the tennis court yesterday, so you won't even have to worry about getting your feet dirty. How's that for southern hospitality?!?!
  17. Give me the drum. I've got a touch of rhythm. But just a touch.
  18. We can get that figured out in the final week, but Zeb's quite knowledgable about kegs!
  19. It's really just milk gravy made with sausage drippings, with sausage added back in. A little hot sauce is good, too. If you're on the pig cooking brigade, I can make biscuits with sausage gravy Saturday morning. I mean, you should have some pork for every meal, right?
  20. I ate a Moon Pie after the power came back on. It was dry, as usual, and I didn't have an RC Cola to wash it down. I need to deconstruct a Moon Pie and come up with some kick ass dessert.
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