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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by Varmint

  1. Don't be afraid, elyse. Dumpling recognizes that we southern rednecks aren't the most adventurous folks in the world. Heck, Marcella doesn't even eat red meat! Thus, offal should be reduced to a minimum. Plus, if Eddie is involved, everything is likely to be fantastic!!!
  2. Dumpling, there's a chance we may bring another person with us -- one of Marcella's high school friends who has lived in NY for ages. We probably won't know until that morning, but we promise he won't eat much, and we won't let him get near Elyse's pie!!
  3. Bummer. Bring the grandparents, too! How many pig pickins have they attended????
  4. I totally agree with Sam. I always prefer establishing a home "base" where I can totally unpack and relax. Take a few day trips, learn what Tuscany is all about. If you need to, visit one other city before you head back home. The only thing is that you may want to stay in the city rather than the countryside, only so you aren't forced to drive for dinner. You do plan on drinking a little wine over there, don't you????
  5. Good god, this is a feast! I won't eat breakfast, that's for sure! OK, maybe just a bagel. With lox. And maybe some corned beef hash. And coffee, of course. But that's all! We will definitely walk back to the hotel after lunch. And then go for a jog in Central Park. And then nap. Ahhh, vacation! No children to keep you up. No worries. It doesn't happen often, and I sure as hell am going to make the most of this! Sounds great, dumpling. Will you be posting a generalized version of the menu in advance? I'll be without any internet connection after 9 AM Thursday. No computers for this boy on vacation. Please PM me your cell phone number, just in case I need to get in touch with you. Looking forward to meeting all of you. Mrs. Varmint has no clue what's in store for her. I just told her that we're eating lunch in Chinatown on Saturday!! Thanks for all the hard work on this, Ms. Dumpling!
  6. Tommy is about to go to Italy, representing our country. And I thought our international relations were already problematic. Just scour through the previous threads and don't be so darned lazy. Regardless, I'm envious. Make sure you come through NC on your way to Italy. It's on the way, isn't it?
  7. Oh, there will be pictures. I'm more concerned about what the L'il Varmints will think.
  8. By all means, join us, unless we've exceeded our capacity. Once again, I hand the gavel over to the Most Honorable Dumpling, ruler of all that is Varmint and Chinatown.
  9. We can start them in bed at our house and schlep them to the hotel later on. Slumber party!!!!
  10. Now, now, Dave. It's gonna be all right. Varmint's here to take care of you in a couple of weeks with some Niman Ranch pig. There, isn't that better now?
  11. Brining works with dry-heat cooking, regardless of duration. In fact, it gives you a weapon to counteract the drying effects of long, low cooking -- it will be sort of an internal mop -- and will give you a wider window of doneness. For backup, I'll cite the many smokers on eGullet who swear by brining for pork butt (often cooked for close to 18 hours); and the fact that commercial, non-country-style hams are usually brined before being smoked for many hours -- somtimes days. Clean out the bathtub and brine that sucker. I certainly don't want to overdo it, as I want moist barbecue, not moist ham. At what point does the pork to ham transition occur?
  12. Sounds great to me. The more the merrier. Any problems, Jumping Dumpling?
  13. Varmint

    Cooking in cast iron

    Sam likes to hear his steak scream. Heh heh heh.
  14. Professor- I was considering brining a whole hog for my pig pickin. Because we'll be slow cooking this sucker over approximately 18 hours, I was thinking that the brining's effects would be lost. What are your thoughts on this?
  15. Tommy and Bux- To avoid any confusion this week, why don't y'all just put my dinners on your cards. I'll pay you back the following week. K?
  16. Sweet n Tart n Pie. Mmmmmmm. The question is, will I have room for dinner at 8 that night??? It is Blue Hill, you know.
  17. Fantastic!!! Welcome back to the modern world.
  18. I heard her pie is divine, so eating it in a temple may be appropriate.
  19. I wish I was there, Rosie. Plus, I got my Ph.D. and ran straight to law school. It was my objective to retire before I was ever gainfully employed. I failed miserably.
  20. Varmint

    Steak houses

    And they might sing for you, too!
  21. Heretic. Maggie, we should go to Crooks Corner in Chapel Hill and get you some Shrimp and Grits. Mmmmmmmm.
  22. Pickled Okra is coming. It's pink ! ?????
  23. I'll need some volunteers to help make some dishes the day before and the day of the pig pickin'. Here's where I need help: Cole Slaw (I'll have the recipe) Boiled taters Greens I'd love to do fried okra, too, but that may not happen. We're talking mega-quantities of these items, by the way.
  24. Who will be in town Thursday evening? We could try to do something that night (i.e., a trek for barbecue).
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