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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by Varmint

  1. Varmint

    Bum Wine!

    Hell, I'd need a superconducting supermagnet to get any effect on Thunderbird. Of course, it really does need a lot of time to open up, doesn't it?????
  2. Varmint

    Bum Wine!

    I'm on it. Seriously. Dean, you realize that an egullet tasting must be more thorough than this joke of a test. I want every flavor of every brand tested, not just the "house flavor". And of course it must be consumed outside, in an alley, next to a dumpster. I've actually contacted someone who is a better writer and more of a derelict than me to do this. Tommy fit only half that equation. I'm actually thinking that the "good" wine would need to be something German or other wines with fairly high residual sugar levels. Nah, the Thunderbird needs to be served in Riedel to be fully appreciated.
  3. Varmint

    Bum Wine!

    I'm on it. Seriously.
  4. Wow. Thanks again, Ellen, for the great report. Could you please indulge us by describing the food on each of the sticks? I think I recognize most of them, but a couple aren't clear. I also think I can figure out that last one. Ick.
  5. An excellent point, one missed in all the chortling about how hipper-than-thou we are (myself included). I assume that most of us have had some high school/college French or have dined with those more knowledgeable than we are, filing away those pronunciations for later use. I took Latin in high school and college, which is of no help whatsoever in a restaurant setting. If I don't have someone with me who knows a little I usually ask for a pronunciation. i took german. Ausgezeichnet!
  6. Varmint

    Two wines

    Jim, would it be possible if you started to list an estimated retail price for these wines? I understand that some of these were gifts or bought long ago, but I'd like to know what they cost and where you obtained them, if you could. Thanks!
  7. As it's the home of Fort Bragg, most people just refer to it as Fayette-Nam.
  8. Walleye. Tee hee. I can't mention that fish enough on these boards. Matthew, you could use that ubiquitous Great Lakes fish: "whitefish".
  9. When I was at the Chinese lunch in NY several weeks ago and pronounced it HEWS-ton, no fewer than 8 voices responded in complete unison: "HOWS-ton"
  10. Nola- I have pronounced foie gras properly, but I've totally botched most of the other french words. Could someone start listing the correct pronunciation for all the french words listed in this thread. It would be very helpful to us derelicts. Thanks in advance.
  11. We can just assemble where you'll be, Soup, and we'll make a go of it.
  12. Varmint

    El Cheapo Wine Tasting

    What if he's getting a case discount as well? That's the case price. All from Carolina Wine Company here in l'il ol' Raleigh.
  13. Varmint

    El Cheapo Wine Tasting

    Hell, I placed this order the other day: 2 cases 2000 Lamborghini Trescone - $8.99 a bottle 1 case 2000 Chateau Fongrave Blanc $4.17 a bottle 1 case 2000 Guigal Cotes-du-Rhone - $6.99 a bottle You can call me, "Big Bucks Varmint" Meanwhile, one of my partners is talking about the cases of Petrus he has in his cellar.
  14. Shit, if the French can ban English words, why the hell don't we just ban French words???? C'mon, you think my 10th grade French 1 class taught me how to pronounce all these high-falutin' words? Just gimme the liver, on the fixed price menu, with some cold 'tater soup. Oh, a side of toast with the 'maters on it would be good. A glass of white wine would be fine.
  15. Kathi Purvis of the Charlotte Observer has a piece in today's edition about ultra-cheap wines. Click here for the article (free registration may be required).
  16. I'm with you on that one. What's funny is that I can't possibly count the number of times I'm down on my knees under the table, picking up the 137 pieces of food, when the server tells me that I don't have to do that. Even when they're not disingenuous, I respond by telling them that their job is to take care of our food needs, not to pick up our kids' mess. They're always grateful. Even worse is when parents don't clean up the high chairs (because the restaurants sure as hell ain't going to do a good job with it).
  17. DON'T !!!!!!!!!! Remember sticking a fork in a toaster? Well, wouldn't foil conduct, too? Just a bit concerned with electric appliances.
  18. When I was a lowly, jock-strap fetching manager for Michael Jordan and the University of North Carolina basketball team, we ate beef, lots of beef. We'd have beef 5 days a week on our training table -- oftentimes consisting of 24 ounce cuts of prime rib, 2 inch thick t-bones, and all the burgers we'd want. Pre-game meals ALWAYS consisted of steak, a baked potato, and, god forbid, occasionally an overlooked green vegetable. Things are different now. Athletes don't eat beef, they eat chicken. They load up on carbs. Broccoli is served by the head. What are your thoughts on this disturbing trend. Is it one more sign of the "sissification" of our athletic icons? What are we to do, Mr. Cutlet??????
  19. Man meat. Man milk. Tee hee. "Would you like that 'special sauce' with your 'beef' and broccoli, Mr. Perlow???"
  20. Varmint

    Chicken Skin

    You could just pop some of that skin in a Toast-N-Serve Magic Bag.
  21. Hey, if you put a piece of bread in the bag, I bet that you could make toast . . . . er . . . . never mind.
  22. A certain eGulleteer from the DC area sent me a PM asking about November 22, I've since spoken with said DC eGulleteer, and I'm thinking, let's do a fairly late dinner. My choices would be Magnolia Grill in Durham or Enoteca Vin in Raleigh. We're looking at 8:30 to 9:00. So, could we arrange for a Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill get together?????
  23. We certainly don't have a place to get steak frites, that's for darn sure. Soupkitchen, let's get one started!!
  24. Several years ago, the hype was grass-fed Argentian beef restaurants. More recently, churrascaria/rodizio!!!! I'd like to hear your thoughs on both of these types of restaurants, their products, and where the new trends will be. Thanks.
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