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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by Varmint

  1. Varmint

    Burger Club

    Varmint, I practically fall off my chair everytime I see your little BBQ picture. Cracks me up. It's just l'il ol' me -- about 39 years ago!
  2. Varmint

    Burger Club

    There are, of course, the "Official" Burger Club meetings, where there is a critical and systematic evaluation of the burger at hand. Any other meal in which burgers are involved is just lunch or dinner, not a "side meeting". Sounds simple to me. Carry on.
  3. OK, Al_Dente isn't as cool as we thought. Non-music themes, then.
  4. Our theme will be the New Pornographers, Hot Hot Heat, and the Buzzcocks. Enjoy. I'll need to research this. I'm gettin on in age, don't know what these kids are listening to these days. OK, then Fishbone, the Jam, and Agent Orange.
  5. Our theme will be the New Pornographers, Hot Hot Heat, and the Buzzcocks. Enjoy.
  6. These guys are anything but slimy. They really work hard to sell very, very good product at a top price. Subscribe to their emails, any you'll see. Sorry, I just have to be a shill for the local vendors.
  7. I've got $72, how about you, Zebster?
  8. I know! How bout a Pig Pickin? Fuck off.
  9. Niki Taylor’s Shopping List 1 box Devil Dogs 1 dozen eggs 1 package Double Stuff Oreos 1 case Diet Coke 3 frozen burritos, bean 2 boxes Dove Bars 1 bag Hershey’s Kisses 1 loaf whole wheat bread, organic 1 lb. Baby carrots 4 pints Ben & Jerry’s ice cream 1 small jar Jif peanut butter 1 carton Marlboro Lights 1 bottle syrup of ipecac
  10. OK, let's leave it open for a few more days, but I'd be very, very happy to host a dinner party. My kitchen sucks, but it can put out some good food. If I were to do this, shall we have a theme? If everyone wants to chip in, we can get some killer wines, too. It may not have the complexity of restaurant food, but I'll assure you that I'll search high and low for the bestest of the best ingredients. But again, let's thoroughly consider all the options before committing.
  11. My point exactly, Zeb. Raleigh may be lacking that certain "vibe" that chefs desire, but that's a chicken or egg proposition. Bring it on, chefs, and we'll support you.
  12. There is no bathroom attendant there-- I took a star off for that. Also, the valet parker dinged up my car pretty good. You wanted "valet" parking???? Man, I thought you wanted "ballet" parking -- that's why I let my 8 year old ballerina daughter park your Prism.
  13. Soup- Forget about the town. What about your restaurant? There's no way in hell 90% of your tickets work that way, simply because William doesn't set up his menu to accomodate them. Again, it's easy to identify problems. The challenge is solving them.
  14. I did the same thing for $11.48, but it's coming from Durham (only 20 miles from here). I'll have it this week!!!!
  15. C'mon, Mark, go back and quote that part properly. He said, "The most popular (and actually good) Champagnes, like Veuve Clicquot 'Yellow Label'". This is CWC's way of saying that this champagne is passable. This place, despite its email hypberbole, knows its wines.
  16. Perhaps you should make that your new signature. Funniest line in this thread by far!!
  17. You're nuts, Heather. Nuff said.
  18. Mrs. Varmint will be off to Georgia with the L'il-est L'il Varmint (Savannah) this weekend, so I'll be cooking only for the children. Not sure they'll be into duck (nor do I want to waste it on them), so I'll likely take a pass this week.
  19. Here's the "champagne" email they mentioned:
  20. Soupkitchen is a fellow member of this site and a chef at a top notch area restaurant. I'll let him disclose the establishment where he works. The commitments are hardly fast and furious. But let's take a vote: we could hit a local establishment, or we could plow the money into the highest quality ingredients and wine and have a feast at Chez Varmint. Y'all can decide.
  21. I've been known to use a bit of hyperbole from time to time.
  22. I subscribe to an email notice from Carolina Wine Company, our top-notch local wine store, and noticed this hilarious tirade at the bottom: Now, the owner of this place is a Stanford law grad, so he's well versed in antitrust and defamation law, and he doesn't have anything to worry about. But I thought this was so funny that I had to share it.
  23. I don't think the bag would enjoy it as much as I would. To date, Jason has refused to put a piece of meat in this. I still think this would be a clever hamburger maker, but unless someone else tries it, I'll be left hanging.
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