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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by Varmint

  1. In another thread, someone suggested that I could use my newly purchased tamarind paste to make Aqua Fresca de Tamarindo. OK, is this a Mexican drink????
  2. I think we're getting some fresh, homemade corn tortillas that someone sells out of their home. I love gray market goods!!!! We don't need no stinkin' business permit!! Thus, I doubt we'll be doing flour tortillas.
  3. Please consider our NC get-together on the 22nd (go to page 3 for a tentative menu) as merely an offshoot of the Heartland's trip. We will be sure to toast y'all at least 3 or 4 times!!!!
  4. I may have misunderstood something from Bayless, where he stated that ceviche didn't become a Mexican dish untile "the Spaniards or Portuguese brought limes to this land back in the mid-sixteenth century." My bad.
  5. Tacos -- in (pork, chicken, fish?) Ceviche -- in Tamal -- in (let's do a mushroom filling, too) Mole -- in (I'm thinking this is used as a sauce as much as a featured dish -- goes well with the tamal, too) Charro beans -- in Mojo de ajo -- in (perhaps for the tacos, etc. -- can do on request -- I'll make the mojo in advance) Salad -- in (let's do jicama and cucumber -- there's a recipe in Bayless 2) Cajeta-based dessert -- in Guacomole -- in Rice -- is it needed??? Salsas -- in Libations -- in We can cut this back even more, but the purpose is to eat over the course of several hours. It'll be one long grazing session. phlawless, do you have a source for fresh masa as well as the tortillas? Finally, I have this block of tamarind. On another thread, blondie suggested I use it to make Aqua fresce de Tamarindo. Is this considered a Mexican drink, or more Central American? It might be a good non-alcoholic option.
  6. Varmint

    Fancy jello dessert

    That may be the single most disturbing thing I've ever seen on eGullet. I love it.
  7. OK, Phlawless wins the prize for having the most "authentic" (i.e., disgusting") authentic Southern breakfast.
  8. Al Dente informed me that his pork smoking was successful -- too successful, as there was nothing left! Thus, it looks as if we won't be doing any smoked pork dishes. I've been combing through Rick Bayless books, conversing with others, and searching the internet. Ultimately, I think that for this first venture into Mexican cuisine, we shouldn't limit ourselves to just northern Mexico. I mean, I really want to do a ceviche, so why should the fact that it's actually Spanish (and then adopted by coastal Mexican regions) stop me from making it? Similarly, a mojo de ajo would be outstanding, and simple. Does it work well on non-seafoods??? I think it's a fairly ubiquitous style. A mole would be great. Jaymes' top secret charro beans are authentic northern Mexican. We'd love to do cabrito, but I don't have a readily available source for kid. Pozole is something we should certainly do. I can slow roast (perhaps with a bit of smoke) a chile rubbed pork shoulder. Guacamole is essential. At least 3 salsas are essential. Cajeta will be featured for the dessert. We need more people to eat with us!!! Phlawless, help me narrow this down. I think we're being a bit overly ambitious when perhaps only 12 people will be eating, but all of this makes great leftovers, I'd guess!!
  9. Phlawless, have a good source for cabrito? I don't know if we can roast it over an open fire, but we could certainly braise it. I can get a whole cabrito from Wade Cole (the guy who raised my pig for the pig pickin'), but I'm not going to do that. No whole carcasses for this feast, thank you very much. I'd really like to hear more about the beans, however. That's something that we'll want to start well in advance, I assume.
  10. I went to the new huge Asian market yesterday and found myself buying things that I have no idea what to do with them. I mean, a block of tamarind? I just knew I had to have it, so help me out here. I also bought some dried golden mushrooms and some powdered tapioca. I don't know what I'm going to do with those, either, but any guidance would be appreciated.
  11. Although we'll be happy with porked smoked with smoldering toothpicks, if that's what you got! Phlawless and I are starting to conspire on the menu. I'll post something later today regarding the menu's direction. Let us know who will be here to help with the preparations. Phlawless is becoming one of my idols, because not only has she found a source for fresh, homemade corn tortillas, but also a source for fresh, unpasteurized goat's milk (cajeta, anyone????). Again, if you're within a 4-5 hour drive of Raleigh, NC, you need to join in this event!
  12. Dave, did you ever make the fried pies???
  13. As does a dutch restaurant with lots of dutch patrons.
  14. Can a bistro be daring? Does it have to be formulaic, relying on the old standbys, or can it take chances with innovative, yet relatively simple, cuisine?
  15. Few people have ever cooked in my chicken. I keep people away from my chicken. Only I will be messin' with my chicken.
  16. I don't know how big the grill is I'll have to work with tomorrow, butt I'll try and get as much butt on there as possible. I was going to let them sit in saran wrap with a spice rub on them overnight tonight before putting them on the grill. It'll be pretty much the standard salt, pepper, cayenne, chili powder, paprika, cumin, oregano, sugar type thing. Is that okay? See if you can't get some chipotle and rub it on, too.
  17. I think that's a plan. I know it's not northern Mexican, but is there any way to incorporate mole into this meal? Al indicated that he's smoking some pork butts this weekend. I told him to freeze the leftovers, as smoked pork freezes very, very well.
  18. Varmint


    I always thought chitterlings (we're so formal here in the South) were from the small intestine, not the large. Anyhow, the key thing is that the intestines are from a freshly killed pig. Damn, I could have provided that to you when you were here, G-man, but I let the slaughter-dude keep 'em. Find a good soul food restaurant that makes them a couple different ways before you start at home. They can get pretty stanky.
  19. Yeah, I got my copy of J&J!!!! Of course, y'all will probably start using another cookbook that I don't have . . . .
  20. Aha!!! I even said it aloud a couple of times, but it just didn't leap out at me. Thanks.
  21. Took me a while, but I got it. Freakin funny! Me slow today. Me no get it.
  22. Welcome to eGullet, Bozic. Yes, we'd love photos and recipes!!!
  23. Folks, we can talk about spelling, capitalization, usage, dialect, and other aspects of the English language all day long, but in the end, we all have to get over every individual's use (or abuse) of the written word. We're not here as grammar teachers. If I say "ain't" and "y'all" and "sammich", it's because we say things like that down here. When we start judging each other on how well we write and follow grammatical dogma, this site will be a hell of a lot less fun. Thanks. I need to go get an expresso now.
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