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Everything posted by Basildog

  1. Just noticed someone has changed the title of this thread, shame really, it was nice being under the radar.
  2. Tony, maybe it's just a note to say that he's aware of your experience,and will take on board your comments?
  3. Thank you Tony, nice to put a face to a name after so long. This thread is older than my daughter! Bloody Hell
  4. pretty poor show really, no masterclasses with the Great White.And Ade was robbed in the end. "and like a tree without roots, Hells Kitchen without MPW really cooking is, well, a bit rubbish"
  5. Thanks Tom, i kind of understood some of the reasons, but just wondered if there was something particular to Gordon and the press.
  6. Nathan is taking over the food at St Enodoc Hotel at Rock Caterer
  7. The crux of this issue is public perception.Ramsay has made a an impression on the pubic as the guy who swears, is a 3 star chef, and can rescue failing restaurants.The public want to believe,however far fetched, that his prinicples will be the same across the board.It makes perfect sense to centrally produce part of the menu for multi sites, but because it's Gordon, it jars with people.In my nieave way, i believe that restaurants should be proud of all the do, so if your centrally producing some of your menu, then the public should know.But i guess ramsay plc isn't that mad keen on the idea, not beacuse it's wrong, just that it doesn't sit well with the public.If they had/have a central bakery producing bread for all the sites, people wouldn't bat an eye lid.
  8. There seems to be a drip drip drip of people saying that Ramsay is facing a major "story" soon for ages now, but it fails to appear in print.Explain to a simple chef why, if they have the story, they sit on it?
  9. Gawd bless ya Sir!
  10. As with the last series, looking forward to MPW masterclasses a lot.The celebs don't interest me apart from Ade Edmundson, who , for no reason whatsoever, will shine as a chef.
  11. Time Lord?
  12. What about it? Novelli opening on Bridge St...woo hooooo! Nothing short of a gun to my head would make me live there again.
  13. Jamie's "15" isn't really "his" place, the are training restaurants.His of italian eateries is another matter.
  14. Do i have to ask your Mum?
  15. "Perhaps I am mistaken - but isn't March too early for any produce to be obtained locally in the UK? What country does it comes from?" Dude, you are mistaken.
  16. Thanks Jon! numbers not my strong point
  17. Does that work out to be about a 26% wage cost ?
  18. We probably have the longest season in Cornwall.When i came down here 13 years ago, the job didn't start till mid march, and then that was like January is now( good at weekends, poor mid week).We have more good places now, so when we get a downturn, its felt more keenly i guess.Mr Stein has a huge positive effect on the town,so please don't think i moaning, i know i would rather be here than anywhere else in good times or bad.
  19. Thanks for that Gary, really cheered me up that did! For us down here in sunny Cornwall, i believe it's all about survival until the season starts in earnest with 1/2 term and then Easter. Other locations don't have that to look forward to.
  20. It's not just the "celebs" that suffer, they all employ "non celebs" who suffer when it goes tits up, suppliers aswell.
  21. Jesus H Christ on a Bike, some people here will analyse anything! Chef makes a mistake and refers to a punter as a twat.Does it matter if it was email, phone , or overheard from the kitchen? Will Claude be a tad more carefull with his blackberry?, of course Lets just move on with our lives.
  22. Yes, sorry, not easy.Easier to walk away. just as an aside, anyone else find the line in the article " he turned away gingerly" funny as hell?
  23. Reading the article, it says that he needed £600,000 injection of cash.He has a flat worth £600,000 with a £300,000 mortgage.There's 1/2 of it right there! Why do i feel so angry at this? I have been there, nearly went broke, but i didn't bail out, i remortgaged my house and started again.I would have sold the house if i have to, live in a caravan (again).And if it all goes wrong again, all the people will be paid, by selling my assets. Fucking disgrace!
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