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    Salt Lake City

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  1. Would love to get these into the hands of one of y'all. I'm not sure why I don't have the final issue, but I didn't start purchasing right away hence the missing first 2. For a FULL set, folks typically get $750, but that first issue alone goes for 150-ish. Mine are not pristine, lightly used and with slight corner wear from storage as you can see in pics. I'll see if I also still have that bonus tiny issue called "Guts" and include that. SHIPPED to you (lower 48, please) for $400. Let me know and happy weekend! 😉 Love and miss you all... Andrea in Salt Lake City (formerly New Mexico back in my eGulleting heyday in 2005-2007ish)
  2. No, no.... the better question is will he become a CUSTARD fan. :-) I think I know the answer but the only team I care about in STL is Ted Drewes.
  3. I love how over time the Campari bottle gets ever closer to empty. :-)
  4. I *just* ate mine, and I thought the ganache had a fruity/ripe aspect to it but it was not at all challenging. Actually the durian chocolate pieces were big (2" x 1" or so) and I stopped halfway because it was quite sweet. And some of you know me to not get over-sugared easily. :-)
  5. There's not a lot of description on the photos, but this is some of my take of the goings-on, including Rob & I's trip up from Silver City. I wasn't in the workshops, but the social stuff and the chocolate gorging was definitely in my agenda. I made this album public so the link should work for anyone.... Enjoy! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152428256146763&type=1&l=4a721cbadf Andrea
  6. I did not have the closer interactions that some of you did with Steven, but I am still grateful for this creation and stew of amazing people here on eGullet. I have many friends that I "met" through this site and my food knowledge grew immensely in the few years I was very active on the boards. For that I owe all of YOU a huge debt, and sincere thanks. I welcome the side effect of this horrible news of seeing many old names pop up again; it seems to show that what Mr. Shaw built was not some whim for many people but a collaborative community of food geeks. My condolences to all of you who knew him personally who are grieving, and to his immediate family. Andrea, in ABQ
  7. I implore any of you who love bran that have not tried Alan's recipe (that I posted on 3/22/05) to give it a shot. They are sooooo delicious and branny. I do not doubt that Patricia's are all they are cracked up to be, but her ratio is 2.5C flour to 1C bran, where Alan's is 1C flour to 2 3/4C bran - very different, dark and high in fiber. Shorter ingredients list, too. If anyone tries it, I'd love to hear how you like them.
  8. I have called it Food Hole for many years and will continue to do so..... I don't think their prices are unfair, and some are bargains - but if price is truly your main concern you have to pay attention to the values on the shelves, rather than look for loss leaders as you would at any other grocery megamart. I like the name Food Hole because I often come out with new things, treats, or just a good bag of grub. It doesn't hurt that I find John Mackey's personality refreshingly blunt for a CEO of *any* company let alone a "crunchy" one.
  9. Not sure what I think of this, but I'm generally a fan of "things Joel Spolsky", so when he started taking the formula that made his programming resource site successful to start new organic wiki-like forums, I took notice. This is only one of at least a half-dozen subjects already, but it interests eGulleters, perhaps. :-) http://cooking.stackexchange.com/ Probably overrun by noobs, but it could be a good resource after some time. You can answer questions, ask questions, check for questions that are not yet answered to jump in with help..... kind of like a competitor to Mahalo? Hmm.
  10. Thanks for the thoughts - looks like *feeling* like a VIP and showing it is the key. Oh, I'll show it, alright! Two days and counting.... tick tick tick. Planning on eating pretty much nothing before lunch, probably coffee. Tomorrow is undecided.... if I eat light tomorrow that might actually suppress my hunger (based on personal experience I find the day after a moderately high eating escapade I am actually hungrier, which is due to some hormones involved in digestion). So.... maybe just eat normally tomorrow. It's "only" lunch, I should be OK.
  11. Trader Joe's boxed soups.
  12. I'd put Alinea at #2. And leave some space for A20, probably. Oh yeah, and Urasawa.
  13. I hope this is not an overly newbie or outright rude question, but how does one get VIP treatment? (Party of two) I'll admit to snatching on a little sentence in the NYTimes (http://newyork.grubstreet.com/2009/07/toughest_reservations.html) about how industry "insiders" have pull, including writers. Does my position as a 5 year 'veteran' restaurant critic for the largest print publication in a metro area of 1 million give me any clout or just some muffled giggles and a few rolled eyes, to boot? Just want to know my realistic chances... thanks! That all being said, I am really, really excited for my meal this Friday!
  14. I've heard it said before that when salt is added at the table as a reaction to underseasoning in the kitchen, the net amount of salt/sodium consumed is likely to be higher. Because I'm in a discussion with someone about this and it could get contentious, does anyone have REAL data on that? I'm hoping there was some study done that actually shows people adding more salt than a cook would.... Thank you so much! :-)
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