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    Toledo, Ohio
  1. M3brewboy

    Hanger Steak

    Toledo, Ohio must be the most backwoods city in the midwest. I have been trying to get this here for almost 3 years. I have called and/or stopped in to every beef retailer in the area. 90% of the "butchers", (and I use that word loosely), have never even heard of it. The other 10% tell me that they can't get it. In all cases I ask where I can get it and they say they don't know. I have literally called and stopped in at over 16 retailers. According to our phone book there are no butchers in the area. I have had onglet/hanger steaks at many restaurants throughout the U.S. including Les Halles. I love the texture and flavor and want to make it at home. What do I have to do, mail order for a piece economical cheap meat, or move out of Toledo, Ohio. Logic is telling me to move out of Toledo. Yes, this is the city where our Mayor proposed to move all of the Deaf people out by the airport. Gary
  2. What about Sauces by James Peterson?
  3. By the way, Thanks Grub for starting this thread. I've been looking for days and couldn't find one. I was under the assumption that the Food Network was so hated that we were boycotting a thread on this show and that we were only allowed to discuss the others, being Hell's Kitchen and Cooking Under Fire.
  4. And what is up with the blonde chicks hair? Harmony I think her name is. She looks more like Heidi with those pig tails. Are we supposed to take her seriously? She is older than 14, right?
  5. I can't tolerate pernod, anise, or Chinese 5 spice because of the black licorice taste. There are many good sounding recipes that I would like to try but they have these ingredients listed. What can I substitute for these ingredients? Or do I just eliminate them altogether? Thanks in advance! Gary
  6. I would highly recommend "The Common Grill Cookbook" by Craig Common. It is a striking beautiful book with gorgeous pictures accompanying wonderful recipes. I have eaten at the Common Grill in Chelsea Michigan and it is truly a destination. My coffee table adorns this book. A great converstation starter as well.
  7. Kitchen Confidential! It's awesome. After hanging around EG for a while, I became fascinated about all the talk of A.B. Now I know what everyone was talking about. I actually do a lot of reading. Kitchen Confidential I must say, is one of the best reads I have picked up in years. I am absolutely mesmerized. This guy can write! I have to tear myself away just to get back to my daily business. Also, I picked up A Cooks Tour for $2.49 at a Borders Outlet store. I expect to get started on this within a day or two because I know I'll be done with KC in no time. Gotta get back to KC. Man this book is amazing!
  8. M3brewboy

    A Chef's Beer

    Count me in! I'm an all-grain brewer but can easily adjust a kit, malt extract, or partial grain recipe intoa an all-grain. I usually hang out at the Homebrewers digest. It is a very large daily e-mail of dozens of long posts that take place during the day. These guys are way serious. Extremely technical. These are just Homebrewers, but they have taken it a few levels up and "kicked it up a notch". I only go there just to learn. Most of time it is too technical and I learn nothing, but it can be very educational. My wife participates in the hobby of brewing also. She loves it. She may even be more into it than I am. How lucky am I? Gary
  9. Thanks for the reply Alex. I did wrap foil around the pan (a double layer of foil just like the recipe called for), and I was extremely careful. My best guess is that somehow the water leaked in through the foil somewhere. I'm not so discouraged that I won't try it again. More than anything, I was just curious about the conflicting information from Cook's Illustrated. Thanks, Gary
  10. In the December 2003 issue of Cook's Illustrated magazine there is a recipe for the perfect Cheesecake. There is an entire page on doing a water bath and the benefits. However, just last Saturday on PBS I watched the 30 minute program from Cook's Illustrated and Cris Kimball and another woman specifically said not to do a water bath for your cheesecake. How can the same organization speak of Cheescakes in the same month and provide conflicting information? Anyhow, I tried the water bath just like the magazine recipe called for and my crust got soaking wet somehow. Any one else notice the conflicting information? Any advice? Thanks in advance!
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